September 2021 News

September 2021 Newsletter


Pastor’s Message

8” Food won’t bring us close to God. We’re not missing out if we don’t eat, and we don’t have any advantage if we do eat. 9 But watch out or else this freedom of yours might be a problem for those who are weak. 10 Suppose someone sees you (the person who has knowledge) eating in an idol’s temple. Won’t the person with a weak conscience be encouraged to eat the meat sacrificed to false gods? 11 The weak brother or sister for whom Christ died is destroyed by your knowledge. 12 You sin against Christ if you sin against your brothers and sisters and hurt their weak consciences this way. 13 This is why, if food causes the downfall of my brother or sister, I won’t eat meat ever again, or else I may cause my brother or sister to fall” (1st Corinthians 8: 8-13).


            The difference of opinion on the events and decisions made on the diverse topics of our day have been very evident over the past few years. Our faith community and our surrounding communities have diverse opinions on many of those events and decisions, and that is ok, and even a strength if we allow it to be shared in helpful and teachable ways, as many would see it. But, our ability to converse, live, and grow together is the difficult testament that many are struggling to make a reality. The presence of the pandemic has only amplified some of those debates and caused further rifts that we are all continuing to try and navigate through in many of the relationships we have in our lives. The passage from 1st Corinthians chapter 8 talks about our responsibility to each other as examples and knowledgeable presences in the area of faith and our responsibility as followers of Christ in difficult and different situations.

            While we value and celebrate the freedoms we have in this country and in our faith thanks to the victory by Christ for us all, we have a responsibility to one another not to harm one another intentionally or unintentionally. We have a responsibility to set a Christlike example and live out that example by showcasing the loving, compassionate, and forgiving attributes that our Savior showed us while walking this earth. While Christ didn’t always agree with those he met and dined with; He did always respect, share conversation in open and honest ways, and Christ always looked for the best in everyone. It is certainly my prayer that we be able to and set out to do likewise in our circles of relations and in our lives.

            As we have the freedom to choose how to live our lives in this country and we have the freedom to choose our path as followers of Christ, I hope and pray we are willing and able to make choices that take into consideration the spiritual health, the physical health, and the conscience of those around us and those in our care.

            Whether those struggles find themselves in questions of faith, or in political debates, or in health choices; may we set out to treat one another as if Christ was before us in the life of one another. I have continually found that when I allow myself to be present in the

situations I find myself in and when I allow myself to look for the best or the blessedness within each person I encounter I am able to be more Christlike in my choices, my words, and my actions. Finding that mindset and attitude takes a faithful time of prayer, consistent devotional life, and intentionally living as an example for others; I have been able to learn, grow, and see the world through the eyes and lens of others that I may not truly know or understand just yet. May we always be reminded that the person we are encountering has a story and is attempting to live out a fulfilling and faithful life too. 

                                                            Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                                                                        Pastor Nate


Thank You

Thank you to the Vision Committee and all who joined us at Evangelical hospital on Aug. 27th to give out ice cream treats and shared our gratitude with the workers of every area of the healthcare facility. This was an idea that our group had in order to say thank you to these essential workers and as a way of sharing the name and faith community of Dreisbach. With the professional connections that some of committee members have we were able to set up the opportunity to share our act of care as the workers changed shifts at 2 separate points of the day (3 pm and 7 pm). During the 2 sessions of being present outside the employee entrance on a very hot and humid day we gave out just under 400 thank you treats and many more thank you for your hard work sentiments. It was a meaningful experience for everyone present. The extra ice cream supply was given out after church on Sunday Aug, 29th and then some more of the extras were given out to the scouts and potential scouts of pack 3538 as they held a welcome event which also allowed us to distribute some treats to first responders of our locale who were sharing info and tours of equipment at the scout event.


Worship Schedule this month:

September 5th – (Theme of Week: Be Opened) Labor Day Weekend. Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23; James 2: 1-7; Mark 7: 24-37.

September 12th (ToW: Who Are You, Jesus?) Harvey Cedars Presentation in worship. VBS Auction following worship. Proverbs 1: 20-33; James 3: 1-12; Mark 8: 27-38.

September 19th  (ToW: First in Caring) Rummage Sale Set up following Worship. Proverbs 31: 10-31; James 3: 13- 4: 3, 7-8a; Mark 9: 30-37.

September 26th - (ToW: courage for Community) Esther 7: 1-6, 9-10, 9: 20-22; James 5: 13-20; Mark 9: 38-50.

Look Further Ahead

October 3rd - (ToW: Enfolding Love) World Wide Communion Sunday. Celebration of Confirmation.  Job 1: 1, & 2: 1-10; Hebrews 1: 1-4, & 2: 5-12; Mark 10: 2-16.

October 10th - (ToW: What Must I Do?) Job 23: 1-9, 16-17; Hebrews 4: 12-16; Mark 10: 17-31.

Our Thanks


            I would like to thank my church family for the cards and calls when my aunt, Arlene Boyer passed recently and when I had my surgery.  They really meant a lot to me.  

            Thanks again - Sylvester Catherman



            I want to thank my church family for all the cards, calls, texts and Prayers during my        recent surgery and extra recovery.  The support of my church family has meant so much    to me.  Sharon Magyar


            I want to thank my Dreisbach family and community for recognizing my 90th birthday          with cards and kindness.  Thank you for your expressions of love and caring.

            “How fast the years do go!”  Bill Bastian


            Many thanks for the cards, notes and gifts of food that were given to me these past       few weeks after the passing of my husband, Glen.  They have been such a comfort to       my family and myself.  I plan to join you at church whenever it is possible.

            Most sincerely,

            Florence Van Dyke


Photos Wanted

Did you get a great picture in your travels?  Send it to  You may see it in an upcoming service!


VBS Silent Auction

Come One, Come All to this year’s Vacation Bible School Silent Auction on Sunday, September 12th to be held immediately after church service. 


We are in need of donations to make this year’s auction a success. Donations of homemade craft items, baked goods, gift cards, canned goods, kids toys & gift baskets would be greatly appreciated & can be dropped off at the church, Judy Willows home or you may contact Holly Snyder @570- 716-4103 or Diane Amabile @ 570-217-4463 for more information. 


All proceeds will benefit next year’s Vacation Bible School! 


Upcoming Meetings

·       Our next scheduled Prime-Timers luncheon will be on September 16th., the 3rd Thursday. This change is for September only to avoid conflict with the Rummage        Sale. We’ll return to the 4th Thursday in October.

·       Investment Committee will meet on September 8th at 10:00 a.m.

·       A meeting of The Fall Festival Committee is planned for September 13th at 7:00pm.  Anyone who would like to help with the festival is welcome to attend!


·       The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group is this Thursday, September 9th at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.


Rummage Sale News:

This year’s sale is September 23, 24, and 25. It takes many people to make this event happen. Here’s how you can help.

We can’t have a sale without rummage! Bring your in good condition donations to the church starting Sunday afternoon, September 19th. It helps the workers if we have all the donations by Tuesday, the 21st.

Stay after church on Sunday, September 19 to help set up tables.

Come on Saturday, the 25th to help clean up. We need strong backs to help move tables and boxes of goods on that day! Those who can’t carry can pack boxes and vacuum. Many hands make light work.

Donate food for the rummage workers, or soup or baked goods for the sale.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, contact Judy Willow (570-966-0721), Holly Snyder (570-966-4408), or Diane Hackenberg (570-966-3722).

5th Annual Fall Festival

Our 5th Annual Fall Festival will take place Saturday, October 9 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  It will be a great day of fellowship with our church family and people from our community.  Some of Dreisbach's best bakers will be filling the bake stand with their scrumptious pies, whoopie pies, cookies and goodies of all kinds. Why not enter your pies in the pie tasting contest for all ages?  We will have hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, chicken corn, ham & bean, and vegetable soup at the food stand.  There will be all kinds of games to entertain the children.  Music entertainment will be provided by Soulmanna from 11:30-2p.m. They are a rock, worship, blues band from Williamsport.  Bring your lawn chair and stay for the afternoon and come to support your Dreisbach family.  

In order to make the festival run smoothly, we need volunteers to help set up Friday night and clean up after the event.  Volunteers are needed at the food stand, games, bake sale stand and the pie tasting stand.  A sign-up sheet will be posted in the back of the sanctuary on Sept. 5 listing the donations that are needed and volunteers for the different jobs.

If you have any questions, please call the following:

Food Stand, Bev Chamra (570 217-6426) or Judy Willow (570 412-2814), Bake Sale stand (Pam Eberhart (570 428-4757), Games (Sandy Catherman (814 934-2251), Decorations, Tammy Pierce (570 412 7289), Pie Tasting stand (Sharon Rein (570 713-9503).


Special Need:

If anyone knows of a person who has a tractor and hay wagon who would like to make our festival complete with a hayride, please contact Judy Willow. 


Dime Pitch Need


There is a gray tote in the rear of the church for donations of glassware for the Fall Festival's dime pitch.  For larger donations, please contact Sandy Catherman.


Pie Contest

Calling all bakers young, old and in between to bake a pie for the Fall Festival pie baking contest.  So, start thinking about which one of your favorite pie recipes you would like to take 1st place! And yes, there is prize money for the top 3 winners in each division (adult female, adult male and youth up to age 18).
     Entry forms will be available Friday afternoon, October 8th, in the downstairs social hall.  All pies should be at the church no later than Saturday morning, October 9th by 10:30 am.  Three taster tickets will be available for $3 to cast your vote for your favorite pie.  Any questions see, call or text Sharon Rein at 570-713-9503.  Good luck to all the contestants!


Trunk or Treat

Sunday October 24th 2:00 to 4:00 PM

Dreisbach UCC Parking Lot

Decorate Your Car and Pass Out Treats. You Can Dress Up Too. Sharing the Love of Christ.

Please Let Kara Druckenmiller Know If You Are Willing To Participate In This Event.

Pamela Pfirman