August 2021 News
August 2021 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
“Live out your God created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way that God is with you” (Matthew 5:48, The MESSAGE).
As the summer enters its last month, our group has returned from another Harvey Cedars Bible Conference experience. After not having this experience last year, we give thanks for the opportunity to return again, even if this years’ experience was only half a week, instead of the normal full week. This year’s theme was IDENTITY and the youth were presented with some deep and honest discussion about dealing with their internal thoughts and understandings of who they are and who they want to be.
Mental health was a morning topic that hopefully helped our senior high youth work through emotions and thoughts that many struggle with. From school to home life, from friends to family members and everything in between. There is a lot to navigate and work through on a daily basis. Then along came the pandemic and everything shifted and made this even harder to traverse. When I grew up and many of you grew up we had a reprieve of many of the struggles of school and peers when we went home and only had a landline or front door to connect us with friends and classmates. Today, students are constantly bombarded with connection to each other through the social media technology and cell phones. There is no rest or separation from the events and choices that a young person puts out there or what they sometimes have to endure. So, giving our young people the tools to make good choices and helping them seek connections that are healthy and supportive will be essential if they are going to be the best version of themselves and help them to work towards the goals and life they envision for their lives.
I look forward to a time in worship when we will hear a reflection time of how our young people experienced this time at Harvey Cedars. Thank you to all the generous folks who made this possible and to our adult leaders Tim and Kristy Sones. Along with our young adult leaders, Mallory Leitzel and Brett King.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Thank YOU
Thank you to Bonnie and Jerry for sharing their reflections in church on July 4th. It is my hope that others will continue to share their personal thoughts in similar ways, or in other ways over the next few months. I have received a few paragraphs and thoughts, but there are many more that need to be shared. Please step out with some courage and faith of your personal story. You never know when the experience or thoughts you share could be the encouragement or the words someone else needed to hear. The Holy Spirit is active and utilizing us for the good of the gospel within and beyond our faith community.
Worship Schedule this month:
August 1st (Theme of Week: Bread of Life) Summertime First Sunday Fellowship. 2nd Samuel 11:26 – 12:13a; Ephesians 4:1-16; John 6: 24-35.
August 8th - (ToW: Shaping Community) 2nd Samuel 18: 5-9, 15, 31-33; Ephesians 4:25- 5:2; John 6:35, 41-51.
August 15th – (ToW: Wisdom Quest) 1st Kings 2:10-12 and 3:3-14; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58.
August 22nd - (ToW: At Home with God) 1st Kings 8: 1,6,10-11, 22-30, 41-43; Ephesians 6: 10-20; John 6:56-69.
August 29th - (ToW: Be Love) Ice Cream Event after service. James 1:17-27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23.
Look Further Ahead
September 5th – (ToW: Be Opened) Labor Day Weekend. Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23; James 2: 1-7; Mark 7: 24-37.
September 12th (ToW: Who Are You, Jesus?) VBS Auction following worship. Proverbs 1: 20-33; James 3: 1-12; Mark 8: 27-38.
VBS Silent Auction
The Vacation Bible School Silent Auction will take place on Sunday, September 12th immediately following the church service. All proceeds will go towards the 2022 VBS program.
Sunday School
We are happy to share that Sunday School will begin once again on September 26th following the worship service!
Fall Rummage Sale
The Return of the Rummage Sale!
The rummage sale has been a part of Dreisbach’s mission of serving our neighbors with love and support for 40+ years. The sale provides low-cost clothing and household items to people in the local community and the proceeds support missions near and far. The sale also allows time for fellowship and building relationships among the many people who work together. After missing three sales due to the pandemic, we are looking forward to starting again. We need you! Your help. Your treasures. Your food donations. This year’s sale is September 23, 24, and 25.
If you have never been a part of the sale, please consider helping out this year. Here are some of the ways you can help:
Bring your good condition donations to the church starting Sunday, September 19.
Volunteer to help set up, work, or clean up by contacting Judy Willow.
Bake something for the bake sale, which benefits the youth and will be organized by Karen Mensch.
Make some chicken corn soup or beef vegetable soup for the soup sale. Ann Lepley is coordinating that effort.
See Connie Bastian for a poster.
Donate food for the workers. Many people spend the week at the church working hard
and we don’t want anyone to get hangry!
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, contact Judy Willow (570-966- 0721), Holly Snyder (570-966-4408), or Diane Hackenberg (570-966-3722).
It takes many people to make this event happen, so when the phone rings please say yes!
COVID Guidelines
The current Covid Task Force guidelines for church follow the CDC guidelines (we currently remain in a low/moderate transmission area). If you are vaccinated you Do Not need to mask. If you are not vaccinated please honor the guidelines and mask for the safety of our members. You can sit wherever you want and the nursery is open.
As the guidelines are adjusted we will keep you updated. We hope everyone is doing well!
Fall Festival
Save the Date: October 9th 11-4 Church Gazebo
The Festival Team is looking forward to another year of gathering together our Church Family, Friends and Reaching out to the Community for much fun and enjoyment. We are anticipating every ones wonderful support to make this another great event. Sign up sheets for: “Help”, “Needs”, “Food”, will be posted during September in the back of the sanctuary. Also, Judy Willow (570-966-0721) will be doing follow up calls and answering questions. Thank you all in advance for your prayers and support in every way.
The Festival Committee
Pie Contest
Calling all bakers young, old and in between to bake a pie for the fall festival contest. So start thinking about which one of your favorite pie recipes you would like to make to take 1st place! And yes there is prize money again for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners! More details to follow next month.
Upcoming Meetings
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday, August 26th at 12:30pm. Come and enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. A signup sheet will be located in the back of the sanctuary.
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group is Monday, August 9th at 6:30. All are welcome.
Altar Flowers
During the pandemic consistory had decided to go away from the use of fresh flowers for the altar. However, you may still place a live floral arrangement on the altar to commemorate a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary. If you would like to do so it will be your responsibility though to order and pay for the arrangement and bring it to the church for the Sunday service and then take it home. This way you can use the florist of your choice with the design and cost to suit you.
Please call or email Pam Pfirman, a week in advance so that she can include your special occasion in the bulletin.