2024 Consistory Members
Elders: Dave Beckley (Vice President), Robert Pierce (President), Tammy Pierce
Deacons: Sandy Catherman (Secretary), Sue Leitzel, Detra Dodge, Jerry Amabile, Bonnie Dodge
Trustees: Scott Eberhart, Leroy Gabel, Chad Willow
From the Constitution and By-laws as amended March 13, 2016.
1. The Consistory shall be the executive body of this Church. It shall be composed of the Pastor, the Elders, Deacons, the Trustees, and Youth Representative. One-half of its members shall constitute a Quorum.
2. The Consistory shall organize itself each year, electing these officers: a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary and shall form such boards or committees as will serve to further the purpose of the church. The Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Financial Secretary shall be elected from either the Consistory or the congregation.
3. The Consistory shall elect three (3) members to the Cemetery Board. One member shall be elected each year for a period of three (3) years. The member shall abide by the constitution and/or by-laws of the Cemetery Association until such time as the Constitution of Dreisbach United Church of Christ and the Cemetery Association is terminated.
4. Three (3) Elders, six (6) Deacons, and three (3) Trustees shall be elected by a majority vote cast at a congregational meeting. They shall be elected for one term, a period of two (2) years. When a member’s term expires, his/her name may be placed on the ballot and s/he may be re-elected for a second term. After a member has served for two terms, a period of four years, s/he may not serve on the Consistory for a period of one (1) year. The Youth Representative shall be a member of the congregation, and be elected by a majority vote cast at a congregational meeting. S/he shall be elected for a two (2) year term and shall be a voting member of the Consistory.
5. Nominations shall be made for the offices of Elder, Deacons, and Trustees by a committee appointed each year by the Consistory or elected by the congregation at a previous annual meeting. The Youth Representative to the Consistory shall be nominated by the Youth Fellowship with the candidate(s) to be voted on by the congregation. Public notice of such nominations shall be given from the pulpit, bulletin, or monthly newsletter at least two weeks before the election. Other nominations may be made from the floor at the meeting at which the election is held.
6. When elected, the Elders, the Deacons, the Trustees, and Youth Representative shall be publicly installed in their respective offices. When installed, they will constitute the executive body, each having an equal vote.
7. Vacancies on the Consistory shall be filled by the Consistory for the unexpired term.
8. The Consistory shall be the policy making body and shall transact the business of the Church, make provision for the determining and raising of the current expense budget as well as for the reviewing for accuracy financial accounts, and for the adequate support of the staff. It shall keep a complete and accurate record of its proceedings, be the custodian of all Church records, and report to the congregation at its regular and special meetings. All acts and deliberations of the Consistory are subject to the will of and revision by the governing body.
9. The Consistory shall instruct the proper officers on all fiscal matters, including the payment of bills, with monthly review by the Consistory.
10. If any one expenditure exceeds $5,000.00, the Consistory must receive the approval of the congregation. However, in the event of an emergency and repairs are immediately needed to the building, the Consistory is authorized to make these necessary repairs.
11. The Consistory shall appoint committees as it may deem necessary, review committee structures annually, and appoint new committee members as needed.
12. The Consistory shall meet at least once every month for the transaction of such business as may properly come before it. (Meetings normally should include prayer and study and should emphasize policy deliberations.) Special meetings are subject to the President’s call.
13. The Elders are members of the congregation, elected by the congregation and ordained to their office. Elders assist and support the Pastor in the spiritual affairs of the Church. They serve as examples to others and watch over the spiritual interests of the Church, maintain order in the Church, organize the visitation of the sick, and edify and console all members. Elders provide the elements for the Lord’s Supper and, when invited by the Pastor, aid in their distribution.
14. The Deacons are members of the congregation elected by the congregation and installed in their office. Deacons assist and support the Pastor in promoting the general welfare of the Church, ensuring tithes and offerings are appropriately accounted for and distributed, maintaining information about attendance at services, developing the annual budget, leading the congregation as it reaches out to those in need, and, in consultation with the Pastor, overseeing the work of paid staff (not including the Pastor).
15. Trustees are members of the congregation elected by the congregation and installed in their office. They shall have the care and custody of the property of the Church as a sacred trust, whether real or personal, in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and this Constitution and By-Laws and under direction of the Consistory.
16. The Youth Representative shall be a member of the congregation, elected by the congregation and installed in their office. The Youth Representative shall represent the voice of the youth of the Church in the deliberations of the Consistory.