Our History
Our church was founded in the early 1770's when a group of German Reformed settlers began worshiping together in the Buffalo Valley of central Pennsylvania. In the year 1788 these worshipers joined with their Lutheran neighbors to build a church on land donated by Martin Dreisbach, an elder of the Reformed congregation. Due to Martin Dreisbach's generous contribution, not only the land but also money toward the construction of a log building, the church became know as Dreisbach Church. It functioned as a union church with the Lutheran and Reformed congregations sharing the use of the building.
The log structure was replaced in 1839 with a larger, brick building. However, when extensive structural repairs were later required, a new building was erected in 1860. That building stood until 1963, when the south wall began to collapse during construction of an addition. As a result the structure was replaced with the current building in 1964. Also in 1963, the Lutheran congregation decided to withdraw from the union church to establish their own church, which is now Faith Lutheran Church near Lewisburg. Since that time, Dreisbach has continued to expand its programs, participated in a variety of mission projects, and developed a recreation area with a gazebo.
Today after 230+ years of faithful praising and serving the Lord, Dreisbach United Church of Christ remains an active congregation seeking to be a witness for Christ in the Buffalo Valley. We are a member of the United Church of Christ and our regional body, the Penn Central Conference.