7:00 PM19:00

BINGO via Zoom

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is open to members of ALL ages and is not just a children’s event! There will be themed baskets as prizes for our Bingo game winners. Pre-registration is required by April 16 to allow plenty of time for event preparations. If you would like to make a contribution toward our themed baskets to help make our Bingo event a success, please contact Chelsea Mensch at 814-335-0291 or clallegr@gmail.com

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All Church Retreat
to Feb 28

All Church Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

Due to the pandemic, the 2021 All Church Retreat is cancelled.

We plan to hold the 2022 Retreat at Crystal Springs Retreat Center on the last weekend in February. Overnight accommodations are available in the two large beautiful cabins or you can commute each day.  Our annual retreat is a fun-filled weekend open to all ages.  The weekend provides great food and wonderful fellowship. Adults can enjoy an uplifting spiritual message provided by a speaker, and children ages 0-10 can attend a children’s program.  The grounds around the retreat center offer basketball, a playground, hiking trails and a creek.  All of this makes for an unforgettable weekend!

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Wreaths Across America Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

Wreaths Across America Celebration

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Unfortunately this event is cancelled for 2020 due to the pandemic. If you would still like to lay a wreath on the grave of a veteran, you are most welcome to do so on your own. Reiff’s Greenhouse and Alex Haines in Vicksburg have supplied the wreaths for our past services. You can contact them at 570-966-2451.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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5th Annual Fall Festival
11:00 AM11:00

5th Annual Fall Festival

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


FREE games for all ages include a pumpkin ring toss, pumpkin golf, candy corn toss, face painting, coin toss with proceeds benefiting a local charity, and MORE! 

FREE hayride for all attendees (subject to signing a liability waiver).

FREE entry into a pie baking contest will be held for all those interested with Taster’s Choice prizes awarded in various categories include under 18 and both female and male over 18. Taster’s tickets for $3 will be available for purchase day of the event.

Food will be available for sale including pulled pork, soups, hot dogs, hand-cut french fries, baked goods, apple sundae bar, hot and cold apple cider, and more.

$5 food vouchers are available from Dreisbach Church members to be given to local residents who are interested in attending the event and may be seeking a church family of their own.


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to Oct 3



The Dreisbach Rummage Sale is a shopping experience like no other! Our Fellowship Hall and connected rooms are filled with treasures just waiting to be discovered by you. As the event has grown over the years, we’ve taken over the front lawn and church entryway to display bigger items. Don’t forget to look for our baked goods and soup sale. You can find more information here.

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Adopt A Highway - Fall Clean-Up
10:30 AM10:30

Adopt A Highway - Fall Clean-Up

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dreisbach's commitment to helping keep the Buffalo Valley beautiful continues with our Fall "Adopt A Highway" day! Volunteers are needed to pick-up roadside garbage on Dreisbach Church Road between Route 45 and Turkey Run Road. Sign-up sheet will be in the rear of the sanctuary in September. Penn DOT will supply all garbage bags, gloves, road signs, etc. All participants must sign a waiver. After assisting with initial Fall rummage sale setup, pizza and drinks will be provided before heading out to pickup garbage. Questions should be directed to Julie Rockey or Don Bowman.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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Vacation Bible School
to Jun 19

Vacation Bible School

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through!

Welcome Aboard! This year’s VBS theme is just the ticket! Our kids will get started on the right track with Rocky Railway! During this fun week, our kids will discover that trusting in Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs.

Many helping hands are needed to make VBS a memorable experience for the kids once again! Volunteers needed to help make and place decorations, teach, assist with crafts, games, and serve as class leaders each evening.

Contact Judy Willow (570-966-0721) or Pam Pfirman (570-898-9774) for more details.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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Adopt A Highway - Spring Clean-Up
10:30 AM10:30

Adopt A Highway - Spring Clean-Up

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dreisbach's commitment to helping keep the Buffalo Valley beautiful continues with our Spring "Adopt A Highway" day! Volunteers are needed to pick-up roadside garbage on Dreisbach Church Road between Route 45 and Turkey Run Road. Sign-up sheet will be in the rear of the sanctuary in April. Penn DOT will supply all garbage bags, gloves, road signs, etc. All participants must sign a waiver. After assisting with initial Spring rummage sale setup, pizza and drinks will be provided before heading out to pickup garbage. Questions should be directed to Julie Rockey or Don Bowman.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email rhoffman@dejazzd.com.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.  The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month.  Contact Bob Hoffman with any questions.

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Timeline Activity w/Samaritan Counseling Center
10:30 AM10:30

Timeline Activity w/Samaritan Counseling Center

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Vision Committee welcomes David Miron and David Lovelace from Samaritan Counseling Center to create a timeline of the history of the congregation with emphasis on the most recent history of the church. The goal of this activity will be to identify congregational patterns, strengths, and aspects of congregational life that may require attention in 2020. Members will be asked to consider major events, major transitions, pastoral transitions, issues/conflicts, patterns of relationships, and power dynamics within our congregation.

Members should plan for this activity to last ~2.5 hours. This activity will begin after the weekly worship service in the downstairs Social Hall.

Members should bring a covered dish to share as part of a Potluck Brunch we can enjoy during this Activity. A sign-up sheet is now in the back of the church .

Please contact any member of the Vision Committee with questions.

Diane Amabile, Bonnie Dodge, Sue Enders, Chelsea Mensch, Robert Pierce, John Rein, Julie Rockey, Larry Snook, Pastor Nate

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Vision Report Out - Deep Dive
10:30 AM10:30

Vision Report Out - Deep Dive

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Vision Committee invites all members who are interested in reviewing the Vision Report Out in further detail to join us for this session. A copy of the report will be provided to all those in attendance and discussion will take place regarding each of the areas detailed in the report.

Members should plan for this activity to last ~2 hours. This activity will begin after the weekly worship service in the downstairs Social Hall.

A sign-up sheet is now in the back of the church so we can ensure enough copies of the report are printed and available to those who attend.

Please contact any member of the Vision Committee with questions.

Diane Amabile, Bonnie Dodge, Sue Enders, Chelsea Mensch, Robert Pierce, John Rein, Julie Rockey, Larry Snook, Pastor Nate

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.  The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month.  Contact Don Girton with any questions.

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Wreaths Across America Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

Wreaths Across America Celebration

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Membership Committee of Dreisbach UCC will hold the 3rd Annual Wreaths Across America Celebration on December 14, 2019 @ 10AM. The goal is to spread patriotism and commemoration, during the Christmas season, for the ultimate sacrifices these veterans made for our country. This event is free and open to the public. More details will be announced about the ceremony in Summer 2019.

Wreath sponsorship will be $20. To sponsor a wreath or for more information, please contact Julie Rockey at 717-580-1564 (call or text) or dreisbachuccmembership@gmail.com. To volunteer placing a wreath(s) on 12/14 following the celebration, contact Judy Willow (570-412-2814).

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.  The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month.  Contact Don Girton with any questions.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.  The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month.  Contact Don Girton with any questions.

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4th Annual Fall Festival
11:00 AM11:00

4th Annual Fall Festival

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


FREE games for all ages include a blow-up obstacle course (weather permitting), poke the pumpkin, pumpkin ring toss, pumpkin golf, candy corn toss, face painting, coin toss with proceeds benefiting a local charity, and MORE! 

FREE hayride for all attendees (subject to signing a liability waiver).

FREE entry into a pie baking contest will be held for all those interested with Taster’s Choice prizes awarded in various categories include under 18 and both female and male over 18. Taster’s tickets for $3 will be available for purchase day of the event.

FREE entry into a scarecrow decorating contest! Bring your best dressed scarecrow to the Fall Festival by 10:30AM the morning of! Scarecrows will be judged and winners announced with the pie baking contest winners at 5PM. Winners will be awarded to the best adult and child decorated scarecrow!

Food will be available for sale including pulled pork, soups, hot dogs, hand-cut french fries, baked goods, apple sundae bar, hot and cold apple cider, and more.

$5 food vouchers are available from Dreisbach Church members to be given to local residents who are interested in attending the event and may be seeking a church family of their own.


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Adopt A Highway - Fall Clean-Up
10:30 AM10:30

Adopt A Highway - Fall Clean-Up

  • Dreisbach United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dreisbach's commitment to helping keep the Buffalo Valley beautiful continues with our Fall "Adopt A Highway" day! Volunteers are needed to pick-up roadside garbage on Dreisbach Church Road between Route 45 and Turkey Run Road. Sign-up sheet will be in the rear of the sanctuary in September. Penn DOT will supply all garbage bags, gloves, road signs, etc. All participants must sign a waiver. After assisting with initial Fall rummage sale setup, pizza and drinks will be provided before heading out to pickup garbage. Questions should be directed to Julie Rockey.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.  The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month.  Contact Don Girton with any questions.

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Prime Timer's Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Prime Timer's Lunch

The Prime Timers are a group of members 50 and older who meet monthly for a time of fellowship and good food. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.  The group meets at the Old Turnpike Restaurant in Mifflinburg, monthly at 12:30 pm, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Lunch is by “Dutch Treat”. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheet at the rear of the sanctuary each month.  Contact Don Girton with any questions.

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