Veteran's Christmas Wreath Remembrance
On behalf of Dreisbach United Church of Christ (DUCC), we are pleased to support Wreaths Across America and join the national network of volunteers that place wreaths on this special day in over 1,600 locations across our great country. Here at Dreisbach, 108 wreaths were placed on veteran graves in addition to honoring 9 branches of the U.S military in 2021. We hope you will help us reach our goal of coverage on our veteran graves again this year. Each fresh, live green wreath with a red bow is handmade by Alex Haines of Mifflinburg and costs $20. to sponsor. Our service members sacrifice their time and safety every single day of the year to preserve our freedoms, help us honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The 2022 National Wreaths Across America day will be held at 10:00 AM on Saturday, December 17, 2022 in our sanctuary. Wreaths will be placed on veteran graves following the ceremony. Light refreshments will be available to everyone in the back of the sanctuary. The event occurs regardless of weather conditions, except in the event of a state of emergency declared by the government.
On behalf of the volunteers and families honoring all veterans laid to rest at Dreisbach Church, and the Wreaths Across America extended family, we thank you for your consideration of once again supporting this patriotic cause.
Respectfully, Dreisbach Church Veterans Christmas Remembrance Celebration Committee
-----------------------------------------Cut Here, Complete, & Include with Payment ------————————-
Email Address_______________________________________________________________________________
Street Address_______________________________________________________________________________
I’d Like to sponsor _______ Veteran Remembrance Wreaths @ $20 each. My total due is $_________.
____ Check here if you are purchasing wreath(s) for placement other than at DUCC, which we gladly welcome. ____ I can attend the ceremony on December 17th @ 10AM to place the wreath(s) I have sponsored.
If you would like to sponsor a specific veteran grave at DUCC, please list the name(s) below. Use the back for additional names. If no name(s) are provided, we will assign a DUCC veteran grave for you.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
Checks made payable to Dreisbach UCC. Memo should indicate 2022 Veterans Christmas Wreaths. Place your order and payment in the box in the back of the church or mail to Dreisbach UCC, C/O 2022 Veteran Wreath Project, 875 Dreisbach Church Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837.