October 2021 News
October 2021 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
How do you deal with adversity? Recently I have taken a new look at the book of Job again. A book about the struggle and events of a man who lived long long ago and we read about how Job dealt with the adversity of his family, his situation, and his health. We get a glimpse of Job’s thoughts about it and we get a glimpse of what his family and friends think about how he should react and respond to all that is happening around him. This book contains some of the oldest writings found in scripture for the story of Job is an ancient tale that was shared in an oral tradition much before it was written down in the form we have it. SO how are you dealing with adversity, the choices of life, and where is that all leading you?
We are still in the midst of juggling how to do communal worship and ministering together in this time. That means that some things are able to reconvene as normal, while other aspects still need to be adapted or postponed. The rummage sale was truly a success. Thank you so much to one and all who made it possible for it to happen. We will be able to begin supporting some of the ministries that we have had to put on hold supporting in this time. That is truly good news. Next is the fall festival, where we can share a time of fellowship and food with folks inside and outside of our church community. I hope all will be able to support the event in whatever way you feel is appropriate in this time. Prayers for a beautiful fall day on Saturday, Oct. 9th.
On Oct. 17th we will confirm three young people into the church; Mason Noll, Emily Pfirman, and Declan White. This has been a strange and long journey for this confirmation class, it may be the longest lasting confirmation class in our history, as this class began in the fall of 2018 will be confirmed in 2021. Please join us in welcoming this group to the church in the worship service on the 17th. I will be sharing a message of what this process has looked like for them and how I have lead this class, as this has been my first class I have overseen at Dreisbach. This is a process that certainly is adapted to and shaped around the needs and questions of the participants who are seeking to learn more and partner with the church in membership and participation. Thank you to the families and young people of this process and let me be the first to welcome them and celebrate with them on this one point and milestone on their journey of faith.
I continue to lift everyone up in prayer and I encourage you too as well. May we continue to be a supportive presence in this time and through the ups and downs of it all.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Thank YOU and Opportunities to Serve
We are grateful for Diane Hackenberg who took on the leadership of the Music and Worship Committee of the church over 3 years ago. This was a new committee that had to be created, brought together, and shaped in its responsibility and purpose within the life of the church. Diane has stepped down from her leadership role at this time to take on other leadership responsibilities in the church and we need to say thank you as she has overseen the hiring of multiple music leadership personnel, dealt with the diversity of music needs in worship of so many among us, and has shared her calming and purposeful leadership in this area of church life. Diane has helped the committee to lay the groundwork for cooperative work between pastor, staff, and lay folk in the area of worship and we are the better for it. With her departure from this post, we now have an opening that we are looking to fill with a volunteer who is gifted in the area of leading a small group of committee members in the oversight and continuation of this work. Please reach out to the pastor or consistory president if you may be interested in serving in this way.
We want send out a very big thank you to Sarah Hackenberg. Over the last 2+ years Sarah has voluntarily helped to oversee the Dreisbach webpage, keeping it current with information; making easy to maneuver through, and improving the quality of presentation. Sarah was also the person who had the idea of the Music Box and she is the one who made it happen. This has been a much needed source of ministry within the church and beyond, as folks were able to share their gifts and offer the gift of music in times when we were not able to gather. Sarah has recently bought a house and is relocating closer to her job in the Harrisburg area, so she will not be able to continue with the oversight of the webpage and we will need to hand that responsibility off to a new volunteer with the gifts to serve in the world of technology. So if you have those gifts and some time to offer please contact Pam in the office, ask Q’s about what is needed, and we can see if you would be able to keep this important way of communicating and sharing our story as a church and faith community.
Worship Schedule this month:
October 3rd - (Theme of Week: Enfolding Love) World Wide Communion Sunday & Congregational Meeting following worship for an emergency proposal about the roof of church building. Job 1: 1, & 2: 1-10;
Hebrews 1: 1-4, & 2: 5-12; Mark 10: 2-16.
October 10th - (ToW: What Must I Do?) Job 23: 1-9, 16-17; Hebrews 4: 12-16; Mark 10: 17-31.
October 17th – (ToW: Great Service) Celebration of Confirmation. Job 38: 1-7, 34-41; Hebrews 5: 1-10;
Mark 10: 35-45.
October 24th - (ToW: Take Heart) Job 42:1-6, 10-17; Hebrews 7: 23-28; Mark 10: 46-52.
October 31st - (ToW: Wherever You Go) REFORMATION SUNDAY. Ruth 1: 1-18; Hebrews 9: 11-14;
Mark 12: 28-34.
Look Further Ahead
November 7th - (ToW: Risk and Restoration) ALL SAINTS SUNDAY. Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17; Hebrews 9: 24-28; Mark 12: 38-44. First Sunday Fellowship and Praise Group in the sanctuary.
Trunk or Treat
We have 2 fun fall events for our young as well as those who are simply young at heart on October 24th.
The first is our first ever “Trunk or Treat” from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at the Dreisbach UCC parking lot.
Decorate your car and pass out treats to all the kids. Feel free to dress up too!
Sharing the love of Christ! Please let Kara Druckenmiller know if you are willing to participate in this event.
The second is the annual “No Tricks Just Treats” for MACY & Mini MACY (We will have separate groups).
Meet @ First Lutheran Church (Rear Parking Lot) @ 5:45 PM sharp. Dress warm & and be prepared
for a FUN evening!
Yes…. Bring friends!!!
We need fun ADULT drivers!
(Please text Kim @ 713-4577 if you can drive)
Fall Festival
Our 5th Annual Fall Festival will take place Saturday, October 9 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be a great day of fellowship with our church family and people from our community. Some of Dreisbach's best bakers will be filling the bake stand with their scrumptious pies, whoopie pies, cookies and goodies of all kinds. Why not enter your pies in the pie tasting contest for all ages? We will have hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, chicken corn, ham & bean, and vegetable soup at the food stand. There will be all kinds of games to entertain the children. Music entertainment will be provided by Soulmanna from 11:30-2p.m. They are a rock, worship, blues band from Williamsport. We’ve included food vouchers for you to share with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers…
Bring your lawn chair and stay for the afternoon and come to support your Dreisbach family.
Our next scheduled Prime-Timers luncheon will be on October 28th.
Highway Cleanup
We will hold Dreisbach Church Rd Highway Cleanup following the church service on November 7th (weather permitting) with a rain date of November 14th. I appreciate the support that this project has received in the past and look forward to members signing up to help beautify the road for the coming winter. Sign up sheets are on the small table in the back of the church. We will meet in the church parking lot (on the north side/toward Rt 45) following the church service.
I will provide gloves, vests and bags for those who help.
On behalf of Dreisbach United Church of Christ (DUCC), we are once again humbly grateful to all who supported our Wreaths Across America (WAA) day that took place in 2019. We did not have the event last year but are planning on it again this year. As we are reminded on the WAA website, “We understand we have Veterans Day in the fall and Memorial Day in the spring, but our service members sacrifice their time and safety every single day of the year to preserve our freedoms. In many homes, there is an empty seat for one who is serving or one who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. There is no better time to express our appreciation than during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.” We hope you will once again join us as part of the national network of volunteers that place over wreaths on this special day in 1,600+ locations across our great country. Here at DUCC, 106 wreaths were placed on veteran graves in addition to honoring 8 branches of the U.S. military in 2019. We hope you will help us reach that goal of coverage on our veteran graves again. Each fresh, live green wreath with a red bow is handmade by Alex Haines of Mifflinburg and costs $20 to sponsor.
The 2021 National Wreaths Across America day will be held at 10:00AM on Saturday, December 18, 2021 in our sanctuary, with the possibility of outside service. Following the ceremony, placement of wreaths will occur and reception to gather and share stories and fond memories of the veterans we honor on this day. The event occurs regardless of weather conditions, except in the event of a state of emergency declared by the government.
On behalf of the volunteers and families honoring all veterans laid to rest at DUCC, and the Wreaths Across America extended family, we thank you for your consideration of supporting this patriotic cause.
DUCC Veterans Christmas Remembrance Celebration Committee
------------------------------------Cut Here, Complete, & Include with Payment -------------------------------------
Email Address__________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address___________________________________________________________________________________
I’d Like to sponsor _______ Veteran Remembrance Wreaths @ $20 each. My total due is $___________.
_____Check here if you are purchasing wreath(s) for placement other than at DUCC, which we gladly welcome.
_____ I can attend the ceremony on December 14th @ 10AM to place the wreaths I have sponsored.
If you would like to sponsor a specific veteran grave at DUCC, please list the name below. Use the back for additional names. If no name(s) are provided, we will assign a DUCC veteran grave for you.
1. _________________________________________________________________
Checks made payable to Dreisbach UCC. Memo should indicate 2021 Veterans Christmas Wreaths. Place your payment in the offering plate or mail to Dreisbach UCC, C/O 2021 Veteran Wreath Project, 875 Dreisbach Church Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837.