December 2020 News

December 2020 Newsletter


Pastor’s Message


“When you can’t control what is happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what is happening. That is where your power is.” (Buddhism Daily)


            We are in the midst of a holiday season that is much different from any we have ever experienced before. I can only hope that this experience will remind us and wake us up to the importance and blessing we have when we are able to come together in person for the blessings and gatherings we share. I’m sure you are cleaning up or recovering from your thanksgiving celebration and preparing for a Christmas Holiday of some sort. May we make the best of this time and our situations. Maybe a joke is needed here, hmmm…? Ok: What’s the difference between Santa’s reindeer and a knight????   One slays the dragon, and the other’s draggin’ the sleigh. I know many of you will be watching countless holiday movies, but do you know what a squirrel’s favorite Christmas show is?  --Look at the worship a look further ahead section of the newsletter for the answer. 

            There is great need all around us, whether those needs are physical needs of food and shelter or whether those needs are a little deeper and under the surface, like emotional, mental, or spiritual needs. May we seek to support each other amidst these difficult times. And may we remember that we are loving our neighbor as ourselves by adhering to the calls to wear masks, social distance, and stay home as much as possible. I read a quote this week that really spoke to me about our responsibility in this time: “We the healthcare workers, are not your front liners any longer. We are your LAST LINE OF DEFENSE. YOU, my fellow people, are the front liners now. The war has shifted to the community and it is up to you. This can not be won in the confines of the hospital…” (Dr. B. Calinawagon).

            We will do our best in this time to meet the worship needs of the congregation as best we are able. Please take part in these opportunities and participate in them as best as you are able. If someone doesn’t have access to a computer or technology, maybe a small gathering in someone’s home that does could be set up to accommodate that need. Be creative in solving the problems of this time. Starting in December we are going to have our first Sunday fellowship time again, BUT it will be virtual through zoom. A zoom link will be sent out to folks via email or by contacting Pastor Nate or Pam Pfirman. A person can access a zoom event by computer or by cell phone. If you have questions on how to be a part of this, give us a call. It is not hard to connect to this and this fellowship time has no agenda. This is simply a time to be present with one another in order to greet one another, see and hear one another, and share a check in. The only problem is that I won’t get to have any of your wonderful baked goods that I so often look forward to.

            The leadership of the church is creating ways for church connection and ministry to happen in this time in creative ways. So please be on the look out for those, and join us. I know these will brighten your day and you will brighten the day for someone else by joining us.

            Advent is a season of waiting and anticipation. We are in the advent of this pandemic. As we journey closer to Christmas and as we get closer to the vaccine and the end of this time of separation. May you look within yourself to be aware of the reality of the struggle that we are all going through. May this season of preparing for the coming of Christ be a support and parallel experience to what you are experiencing in the here and now.  

Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                                    Pastor Nate



Worship Schedule this month:

Advent Theme: Do Not Be Afraid,

December 6th - (Theme of Week: Messengers of Hope) Isaiah 40:1-11; 2 Peter 3: 8-15a; Mark 1: 1-8.  2nd Sunday of Advent. First Sunday Fellowship Zoom!!!!

December 13th  – (ToW: Shouts of Joy) Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11; 1st Thessalonians 5: 16-24; John 1: 6-8, 19-28. 3rd Sunday of Advent. 

December 17th – (ToW: Finding the Light) Virtual Blue Christmas Service. A service to reflect and be truly present with the difficult loses and tough times of 2020. This is a service for all.

December 20th –  (ToW: Birthing a Promise) Virtual Christmas Pageant. 2nd Samuel 7: 1-11, 16; Romans 16: 25-27; Luke 1: 26-38. 4th Sunday of Advent.

December 24th – (ToW: Light Has Come) Virtual Christmas Eve Candle Light Service. Isaiah 9: 2-7, Titus 2: 11-14, Luke 2: 1-20.

December 27th -  (ToW: Long-Awaited Gift) 1st Sunday of Christmas. Isaiah 61: 10- 62: 3; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:22-40.


Look Further Ahead

Answer: The Nutcracker

January 3rd – (ToW: Another Road) Jeremiah 31:7-14; Ephesians 1: 3-14; John 1: 1-18. 


Worship Service Update

Effective immediately all in person worship services will be cancelled until at least mid January.  This is due to the widespread rise in COVID-19 cases in our area again and the fact that our hospitals are nearing capacity with COVID patients. The service will continue to be live streamed on Facebook at 9:15 AM Sunday morning and it will be available on You Tube by Sunday afternoon.

This is not the way that we would like to worship during the advent and Christmas season but the goal is to keep everyone safe. Hopefully we can all be together in worship sometime next year.  We will reevaluate the situation in mid January. Thank you for your understanding.


Poinsettia Pick-up

Thank you to everyone who supported our youth with the annual poinsettia sale.  The plants will be available to pick-up at your convenience starting at noon on Christmas Eve. Please check the list to indicate that you have received your poinsettias.  If you are unable to get them right away we will keep them watered or arrange a delivery if possible.

Helping Families in this time of Struggle

We are accepting food donations for Hope’s Haven at Four Bells Lutheran Church. The Kiwanis group of Mifflinburg is partnering with us in December to help meet food needs in this time. As we enter the cold months we believe that food struggles will be a reality for many; including many more who have not traditionally been in need, but find themselves in need this year.

In the month of January, the leadership of the church is looking to provide food and meals for folks by inviting Dreisbach folks to make soup and place it in quarts or other quantities and we will seek to give them out to folks who would like to be provided with that soup free of charge or by a free will donation that would go to the work that is being offered. There will be more info to come on this, please stay tuned.

We would love to hear any creative ideas that anyone has for us to be a part of in service and sharing with our neighbors moving forward. Thank you for your continued generosity in meeting needs of those all around us.   


Annual All Church Retreat – Cancelled for 2021

The retreat committee has decided to cancel the retreat for February 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic. Crystal Springs Retreat Center has been kind enough to not charge the church for 2021 and they will save the last weekend in February 2022 for us.


New Consistory Members

To date we have three nominations to serve on consistory for 2021.  Tony Noll and Detra Dodge have agreed to serve as deacons and Sharon Magyar has agreed to serve as an elder. If you are interested in serving on consistory please contact Scott Sanders, current consistory president, by December 15. We will hold a congregational meeting once it is safe for us to return to in person worship service.


Harvey Cedars

Youth grades 8-12 should start saving the date for Harvey Cedars Bible Conference July 12-16, 2021!


Haiti Child Sponsorship

Just a reminder that the church is still sponsoring a child in Haiti.  Because of the complexities in todays world, we chose to have the New Mission shop for Christmas this year.  We need to continue to pay the yearly support as well.  You can contribute by designating an amount with your regular offering toward this need.  Thank you,

The Mission Committee


Bethany Gifts

We will again be supporting the kids and ministry at Bethany by buying gifts for the Christmas holiday. There is a list of suggested gift ideas posted in the back of the sanctuary and a link to their website on our website. Please drop your gifts at the church by Sunday, December 13th. Thank you for your support of these young people and the life changing ministry that Bethany provides.


Pastoral Relations Committee 

Greetings Dreisbach Church Family - 

We are pleased to announce we have formed a Pastoral Relations Commitee with the purpose of supporting a healthy relationship between Pastor Nate & our congregation to enhance the effectiveness of our church's ministry.  As an advisory group to our Pastor, it is our responsibility to share ideas, expectations, and concerns of the congregation to Pastor Nate.  We will avail ourselves as a support group for his leadership, interpreting roles, functions, boundaries, opportunities and his needs to the congregation.  It is our goal to promote a faithful, shared ministry between the pastor & our congregation.  Should any issues or concerns ever arise that are of concern to you, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Pastoral Relations Committee Members to assure that you are being heard and how we might best serve you and our church family.



Jerry Amabile


Bonnie Dodge


Joy Catherman


“Reverse Advent Calendar”

Please join with our youth this Christmas as we create “Reverse Advent Calendars”! The reverse Advent calendar encourages us to think of others as we wait to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. The idea behind a reverse Advent calendar is simple. Pick out a sturdy basket, bag or box and place an item in the container each day beginning on December 1st thru Christmas Day.  Suggestions include, toilet paper, paper towels, toiletries (no toothbrushes please), non-perishable food items, feminine products …the list is endless.  Bring your container of items to the church by January 3rd.



Devitt House

Thank you to everyone who sponsored a resident from The Devitt House.  This year has been especially difficult for our seniors. Your kindness and generosity have helped to bring a little Christmas joy this season!



2021 Offering Envelopes

2021 Offering Envelopes are available at the church for pick-up.  If you are unable to pick your envelopes up from the church please contact Pam Pfirman or Pastor Nate and we will make an effort to have them delivered to you.  In an effort to cut down on waste we have cut back on the number of individuals receiving envelopes. If you do not typically use an envelope or recently switched to e-giving we did not issue envelopes this year.  If you were missed or would like to switch back to envelopes please contact Pam, we would be happy to provide you with envelopes.



Pamela Pfirman