January 2021
January 2021 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
Hopefully as you read this we are safely in the year 2021. Prayers and blessings to one and all in this time of new year yet time of waiting for a return to physically in person living and sharing of life. This strange and different time and way of living has forced us to be creative and adaptive in our dealing with these times. It has been so difficult in so many ways, but there has also been growth in figuring out how to do ministry and worship in new and meaningful ways. I am so grateful for the willingness of our members to take this journey as a church family. It is important for us to say thank you to our technology leaders, Donna and Alec Chappell, with the support and help of our consistory leaders; because of them we were able to weather this time in ways that have kept us doing as much as possible. If you have not tuned in to the facebook or youtube worship in the last month you have not seen our new camera in action. The feedback that has been shared with us has been very positive and the difference in quality has been very evident and easy to see. Check it out! The combination of new equipment and upgraded internet connection has helped greatly.
In December about 20 of us shared in a time of the first First Sunday Fellowship Zoom Event. We are going to make them a monthly experience. Please lookout for an email or contact the Church Office to receive the codes to join in. You can participate with your computer or your phone. It is possible for a house phone to tune in to the zoom too! In this case you are able to hear the conversation, but not have the visual side, so if anyone is interested in joining us that way there is a toll free number to call in with.
As we worship in this season of Epiphany may we look to and for the light around us. May we help to shine light in tough places and may we be examples of our Savior in the midst of this difficult and unsettling time. This experience will make us stronger and showcase our willingness to trust and walk with God in the ways we need to in this life and this time.
Prayers for those folks dealing with sickness or difficulty in job or financial uncertainty. Please know that we are here and able to support one another in the realities of today. We look forward to returning to in-person events as soon as we can in a safe manner. Please pray for our task force leaders who will guide us and make the thoughtful decisions of when it will be appropriate for that return.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
January 3rd - (Theme of Week: Another Road) Jeremiah 31:7-14; Ephesians 1: 3-14; John 1: 1-18. First Sunday Fellowship Zoom!!!!
January 10th – (ToW: Defining Moments) Genesis 1:1-5; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1: 4-11. Baptism of Christ Sunday.
January 17th – (ToW: Known and Loved) 1 Samuel 3:1-20; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51. Continued Season of Epiphany.
January 24th – (ToW: Follow Me) Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20.
January 31st - (ToW: Power To Do) Deuteronomy 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28.
Look Further Ahead
February 7th – (ToW: Source of Strength) Isaiah 40:21-31; 1 Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39. First Sunday Fellowship.
February 17th – Ash Wednesday Service 7 pm
Helping Families in this time of Struggle
We are accepting food donations for Hope’s Haven at Four Bells Lutheran Church. Thank you so much for the generosity that has been shared in November and December. We will continue to see that items and donations go to this ministry and our neighbors in this time.
In the month of January, the leadership of the church is looking to provide food and meals for folks by inviting Dreisbach folks to make soup and place it in quarts or other quantities and we will seek to give them out to folks who would like to be provided with that soup free of charge or by a free will donation that would go to the work that is being offered. Please be on the lookout for the instructions of how we would like you to deliver the soup (frozen if possible) and how we feel it should be handled and prepared safely. We hope you will join us in this thoughtful and helpful way of sharing and supporting each other.
1st Sunday Fellowship via ZOOM
We will continue to meet via ZOOM on the 1st Sunday of each month following the worship service. Look for the link in your email. If you have not received it contact Pam to resolve this problem. We hope you’ll join us and visit with some friendly faces!
Consistory Members
A special thank you to retiring elder -Sue Leitzel and retiring deacons - Mike Finerghty and Sharon Rein. All three people served on consistory for the past three years.
The following people have agreed to serve on consistory starting in January, Sharon Magyar as an elder and Detra Dodge and Tony Noll as deacons.
Starting this month the monthly consistory meeting will move to the 3rd Thursday of the month.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Due to COVID our annual congregational meeting will not take place in January. This will take place when we are safely able to gather at the church. We will share budget information in the February newsletter and hope to set up a ZOOM presentation for all who are interested.
Reverse Advent Calendars
Thank you Dreisbach for all the wonderful donations for the Reverse Advent Calendar!
We are blessed to be part of such a generous church family.
Kiwanis Food Drive
A HUGE Thank You to all who donated food and gift cards for the food distribution at Hope’s Haven (4Bell Lutheran Church).. All have been delivered to Hope’s Haven and much of it given out to needy families on December 23rd. The remainder will be given out on Wednesday the 30th. I am proud to be a member of such a caring church family.
Don Bowman
Items Available
Sharon Houseknecht Rein has a shower chair and a tray to fasten onto a walker available free to anyone who can make use of them. Please contact Sharon if interested.
Harvey Cedars
Youth grades 8-12 should start saving the date for Harvey Cedars Bible Conference July 12-16, 2021!
New Video Equipment
You may have noted the improvement to our worship service videos on Facebook and Youtube. This is due to our new video equipment. We have been able to cover the entire cost of this equipment thru monetary donations by several members of the congregation. Alec Chappell has been invaluable in getting this system up and running! We hope to have several individuals trained to run this system before Alec goes back to college. A big thank you to all who contributed and especially Alec for his time and efforts!