November 2020 News

November 2020 Newsletter

Pastor’s Message


" Keep and protect me , O God, for in you I have found refuge, and in You do I put my trust and hide myself." Psalm 16:1

I have a facebook friend that posts an anti-anxiety Bible verse each and everyday since sometime in March, when this difficult time started. Those verses have been extremely helpful during some of the difficult times that have arisen. It says a lot that the Bible has enough material to share a life feeding message for well over 100 days. May this be a reminder of just how important it is to share in the Word and read it deeply and consistently.


It is certainly difficult to continue being church in this time of being separate from so many of you. I am grateful for those that continue to faithfully minister as part of the church family. And, there are so many ways that folks are doing the good work. Whether folks have been in person a lot or folks that have not stepped inside the church for many months, ministry and service is being done to others and for others thanks to you all. Keep it up!  I wanted to update you on how everything is going at the church. We continue to have guidelines for in person worship, with masks and social distancing. We are grateful that those who have been a part of these worship times have followed these in respectful ways. We have averaged about 40-50 in person worshippers over these months. We feel that the church could hold about 80 persons safely with the way that it is set up at this time of social distancing. We also have many folks tuning in virtually in dedicated ways. There have been at least 40 folks who tune in live on computers and phones for the service. Then, there are any where from 100 to 400 hits on our worship service later in the week on facebook and youtube. Thank you folks, and I give thanks for the opportunity to share that is going on through technology.


As for the phone line system for listening in to the worship. We have had difficulty connecting the service to that network over the last 2 weeks. We are very sorry and aware of the problem at this time. We have messages in to the provider of this service and hope that we will be able to fix the problem in a quick manner. Thank you for letting us know about the issues that have arisen.


We also want to update you on the worship planning that is being shaped for the Christmas Eve time. We are looking at having multiple worship service opportunities on that evening. We are going to take reservations in order to attend those services ahead of time. The reason for RSVPs is so that we can create a seating chart that will allow us to utilize the sanctuary space in the best possible way while still following social distance arrangements. So be on the lookout for the way to sign up and RSVP for one of those opportunities. We will be offering those services virtually too, so there will certainly be a way for everyone to participate in a manner that is safe, meaningful, and comfortable. Thank you so much for those that continue to lead and help the church to continue offering what is needed in this time.



Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                                    Pastor Nate



Worship Schedule this month:

November 1st – (Theme of Week: Partners in Service) All Saints Celebration, remembering those who have passed on this year. Joshua 3:7-17; 1st Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12.

November 8th  – (ToW: Tending God’s Light) Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25; 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13.

November 15th –  (ToW: Extravagant Opportunity) Judges 4:1-7; 1st Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30.

November 22nd -  (ToW: Reigning Compassion) Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46.

November 29th -  (ToW: Where Are You, God?) Isaiah 64:1-9; 1st Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37. Start of a New Church Year and the beginning of the Season of Advent.



Look Further Ahead

December 6th – (ToW: Messengers of Hope) Isaiah 40:1-11; 2 Peter 3: 8-15a; M ark 1: 1-8.  2nd Sunday of Advent


Helping Families in this time of Struggle


The consistory continues to seek to meet the needs of those who are struggling with the loss of jobs or income in this time of the virus. As we enter the months of November and December many changes are being made with how non-profits handout and serve those in need we continue to work with groups that are trying to meet those important needs. Much is still unknown about exactly how that is being done by the normal ministries we support. So please be on the lookout for how we will be supporting others in these times. We are hoping to accept food donations for our harvest home celebration in November and also our efforts to support the Kiwanis group in December. But, these efforts may need us to offer gifts in different ways this year. We may look to collect food items, or we may seek out gift cards to be shared with local ministries in order for them to utilize and support their efforts by doing the purchasing. As we enter the cold months we believe that food struggles will be a reality for many. The leadership of the church is looking to provide food and meals for folks by inviting Dreisbach folks to make soup and place it in quarts or other quantities and we will seek to give them out to folks who would like to be provided with that soup free of charge or by a free will donation that would go to the work that is being offered. We would love to hear any creative ideas that anyone has for us to be a part of in service and sharing with our neighbors moving forward. Thank you for your continued generosity in meeting needs of those all around us.   


Harvest Home

Our annual Harvest Home collection will take place on Sunday, November 22nd. Please bring unexpired canned goods and non-perishable food items to the church to be shared with the hungry in our community. We also encourage you to consider a donation of a gift card to one of our local grocery stores.


Dreisbach CARE Fund Distribution

Dreisbach will remember the year 2020 for many reasons. In the plus column of the year’s church history is that 2020 was the first year of Dreisbach CARE Fund distributions. The amount specifically earmarked for the CARE distribution was $1,760 - half to be used locally and the other half to go beyond our local neighborhoods.


We decided to direct $880 for the first part of the year, with $440 going to the Central PA Food Bank and $440 to Doctors Without Borders, an independent, global movement providing medical aid where it is needed. They have medical projects in over 70 countries around the world. This fall, we again are sending $440 to the Central PA Food Bank and we decided to direct $440 to the Smile Train, an international organization that helps children recover from cleft palates. These children are often shunned by their villages and have a rough time. The doctors operate on the mouth and when they are done and the children have healed, the smiles on the faces of the children are wonderful to look at, like a gift from God.


The CARE Fund is one option for long-term giving at Dreisbach. The annual distribution from this fund is one of many ways that the congregation lives and respects Jesus' words about loving others  - by helping to see empty bellies filled, diseases cured, and cleft palates turned into smiles. If you would like to serve on the CARE Fund distribution committee or have ideas for the 2021 distributions, please see any of the committee members – Barbara Buchholtz, Bonita Dodge, Jesse Hackenberg, Tony Noll,  or the Pastor. If you would like more information about long-term giving options at Dreisbach, please see any Consistory member. Thank you for CAREing.

Wreaths Across America

Due to the pandemic the consistory recently voted to cancel the Wreaths Across America event for December 2020. The event has been held each of the last three years with a service in the church parking lot or church sanctuary followed by the laying of the wreaths on the veterans’ graves in the Dreisbach Cemetery.

 If you would still like to lay a wreath on the grave of a veteran you are more than welcome to do so on your own.  Reiff’s Greenhouse and Alex Haines in Vicksburg supplied the wreaths for the last three years services. They can be reached at 570-966-2451


Thank you

Thank you to so many of you who have made my life easier while I’m recovering from knee replacement surgery.  Thanks for all the meals, prayers, cards, phone calls, those who run errands for me (some on a regular schedule), and Pastor Nate for keeping in touch.  Much appreciated, and God Bless You All!                           

             Eleanor Gold


Thank you God for answered prayers! Thanks also to the Dreisbach church family for the get well cards, the encouraging notes, the supportive phone calls, the cozy shawl and the many prayers for surgical recovery and rehab.

            Joyce E Hoffman


Thank you to everyone for the cards, food, phone calls and outpouring of love that we have received after the passing of our loved one.  All were greatly appreciated.

            Jake Leitzel’s Family


Covid-19 Task Force

The Covid 19 Task Force Committee would like to THANK everyone for following the guidelines set forth for in-person church services. Many of us are experiencing Pandemic fatigue, but it is extremely important that we stay vigilant in the coming weeks with the flu season upon us and Holiday get-togethers. We have a few reminders for those attending in-person church:   Masks are required. The fans will be running to circulate air, so please dress appropriately if you get cold.  If you need a drink from the water cooler, please use hand sanitizer prior to using and wipe off the handle after you are done.  When the church service is over someone will dismiss you from the back to front so we don't interfere with the Facebook Live Service, please be patient. Lastly, please do not congregate inside the church when the service is over.  Everyone's health and safety is our top priority as a committee.  


Dreisbach Pillars

An updated list of our Pillar Structure is now available. This list shows a comprehensive view of who is in charge of various tasks, events and other concerns within the church.  A permanent copy is posted on the bulletin board outside the church office.  It will also be found on the church website.  If you like a hard copy printed for you or to have it emailed to you please contact Pam Pfirman or sign the sheet at the back of the sanctuary.

Adopt-a-Highway Wrap-up

On a bright sunny October 18th Sunday post church the fearless crew of Pam and Scott Eberhart, Charlie Mensch, Bill Smith, Tammy and Robert Pierce, Valerie Hulme, Beverly Pentz-Chamra and Nancy and Don Bowman conducted a litter pickup on Dreisbach Church Rd from Rt 45 to Turkey Run Rd.  In all, we collected 15 garbage bags of trash and other assorted items that did not fit in trash bags.


The goal of our task is to de-litter and thusly beautify our environment and for all engaging in the task to finish their portion of the pickup.  This was the first litter pickup on this stretch of road since fall of 2019 since our spring pickup was cancelled due to the pandemic.  


Kudos and thanks to all involved with a special thanks to Bev and Valerie who in their litter pickup encountered debris from a two car accident.  Their cleanup of the residue was time consuming and thorough.  Special appreciation to them.


                                                                                    Don Bowman


Bethany Children’s Home Gifts

We will again be supporting the kids and ministry at Bethany by buying gifts for the Christmas holiday. There is a list of suggested gift ideas posted in the back of the sanctuary and a link to their website on our website. We will collect the gifts Sunday, December 13th. We are also in need of a volunteer the gifts.  Gift drop-off will be by appointment only due to COVID-19.  If you are willing to help or would like more information please contact Pam Pfirman. Thank you for your support of these young people and the life changing ministry that Bethany provides.


New Consistory Members

In December we will be voting in new Consistory members. This is a great opportunity to take part in helping to structure and continue to make Dreisbach a meaningful place of worship. We will have 3 positions to fill.  If you are interested or need additional information, please see any member of Consistory or Pastor Nate.


Devitt House Christmas Gifts

Our annual Christmas gift giving to the residents of Devitt House will be conducted a little differently this year due to the pandemic.  There is a list of residents and their gift ideas accompanying this newsletter for you to make a choice.  After you have selected a resident, give us a call 570-524-2794 with your decision so we can be sure there are no duplicates.  We are trying to make sure each person receives a gift.

You may drop off your gift at the church labeled with the residents name and yours anytime before December 1st.

                                                                                    Thank you for understanding,

                                                                                    Carol & Larry Snook



Pamela Pfirman