December 2019 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
Christmas is Coming
“Life is about what you give, not what you get” ~Chris Brady
Is “Christmas is Coming!” a statement that fills you with hope: a promise of new life, a glimpse of the incarnate love, a season of joyous preparation that brings peace? Or is this a statement that confronts you with anxiety: so much to be done and so little time to do it, expectations of gifts that stagger the budget , a season of hurried schedules that seem to rule out serenity? Or is this a statement that brings something of both feelings to you and your household? (Advent A to Z: Intro)
In the wisdom of the church year, Christmas does not appear out of nowhere. Advent intercedes, much like Lent does for Easter, to provide opportunity to pause, take a breath, and reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ birth and the promise of God’s coming realm, the two chief components for which Advent bids our preparation (Advent A to Z: Intro)
Our Advent worship will be guided by stars this year. For the Stars Tell the Story of all that occurs with God’s coming to us. The stars guide and light the way for us to arrive and pay homage to the one who comes to us as God’s Son. Each week in worship we will hear messages from a different star that oversees the events that occurred so long ago. Stars have shown the way for generations, they have guided travelers to new and wonderful places. It is my prayer that we can trust in the guidance of their glow once more for our welcoming of the Christ child into our midst and as we journey towards our future life and ministry as Christ’s church in this time and place.
There are many opportunities to serve and worship this month. We invite you to join us for our Sunday morning worship experiences, or join us for the Blue Christmas Service on Thursday night, December 19th at 7pm, or if that day doesn’t work for you St. Paul’s UCC, West Milton will offer theirs on Dec. 22nd in the evening. Come and help us decorate on December 1st or join us for the live nativity on Dec. 12th from 7-9 pm at Christkindl in Mifflinburg. May you take time to look up and see the stars and remember that we welcome and worship the One who placed those glorious lights in the night sky. And it is you and me that the Christ Child comes to save and share this life with. May you be aware of what is of value and what is most important for this holiday season.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
December 1st - (Theme of Worship: The Stars Tell the Story: The Perfect Star) First Sunday of Advent, Genesis 1:14-19; Acts 17:22-31; Matthew 6:25-34. Come decorate the church with us following worship and share in creating items for our shut-ins and Devitt House neighbors. Also, we will be creating shoes out of old shoes for Soles of Hope ministries.
December 8th – (ToW: The Stars Tell the Story: The Promised Star). Isaiah 14: 12-15; Genesis 22:1-18; Galatians 3:26-29; Luke 3:1-9. Congregational Meeting to elect new consistory members and hear financial updates for the year, and presentation of online giving. Sunday School following worship and meeting.
December 15th - (ToW: The Stars Tell the Story: Our Younger Stars) Luke 14:12-15. Children’s Christmas Program in Worship. Coffee Cart Before Worship.
Thursday, December 19th @7pm – (Blue Christmas Service) All are invited, whether you have lost a loved one this year, or in years past, this service helps to bring you a place of inner joy and hope amidst the loss that is real, We are never alone.
December 22th – (ToW: The Stars Tell the Story: Guiding Star) Micah 5:2-5a; Galatians 3:26 – 4:7; Matthew 2:1-12.
Tuesday, December 24th @7pm – (Christmas Eve Service) Carols, Readings, and Candle Light.
December 29th - (ToW: The Stars Tell the Story: The Morning Star) Job 38:1-18; Revelation 22:16-17; Luke 2:1-20.
Look Further Ahead
January 5th - (ToW: Another Road) Jeremiah 31:7-14; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 1:1-18. First Sunday Fellowship and a Happy New Year!
January 12th - (ToW: Possibilities Unfolding) Isaiah 42:1-9; Acts 10:34-43; Matthew 3:13-17. Regular Sunday School following worship.
Thank You
A big thank you for all the generous donations of food items during November. We collected over 300 items that will be shared with our Kiwanis Food Box Project in Mifflinburg and the Haven Ministries program in Sunbury. Thank you so much!!
Christkindl Live Nativity
Have you ever wanted to experience what it would be like on that first holy night, to live back in bible time when Jesus was born and be a part of the true meaning of Christmas? If so now is your chance, come and take part of the live nativity at the Chriskindl Market on Thursday, December 12th. Meet at the First Lutheran Church in Mifflinburg on Fourth Street near the main entrance at 6:45 pm to go on in costume by 7:00 pm. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of the church. If you have any questions contact Sharon Houseknecht. You won’t regret it!!!
Rescheduled to December 10th - Survey Results Report Out
The weather folks were not on our side 11/24 as the white stuff came falling and the “Davids” from Samaritan Counseling Center were not able to make it to Dreisbach for the Survey Results Report Out. We have rescheduled the “Davids” to join us on Tuesday, December 10th. The Report Out will occur in the sanctuary at 3pm and 6pm. The same content will be covered during both sessions so you only need to attend 1 session. The session should last ~1.5 hours, depending on the volume of questions asked during the Report Out. Sign-up sheets are available for either session in the rear of the sanctuary or online at Please sign-up in either place for the session you will attend so we can plan accordingly. We can make child care available during both sessions if there is interest. Plan to stay after the 3pm session or come early to the 6pm to enjoy a light evening meal with your Dreisbach family. Pizza will arrive by 5pm. Covered dishes are welcome to add to spread.
Deep Dive of Survey Results Interest
As we will continue to reflect on the Survey Results after the Dec. 10th presentations, we will be offering a few sessions over the next 6 - 8 weeks for anyone interested in looking at the detailed Survey Results Report. These sessions will be planned for 2.5 hours to allow appropriate time to review the detailed results and gather feedback/answer questions. If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please put your name on the sheet in the rear of the sanctuary no later than December 22. Session times will be scheduled and announced based on the availability of those that express interest in attending such sessions.
Vision Committee (Diane Amabile, Bonnie Dodge, Sue Enders, Chelsea Mensch, Robert Pierce, John Rein, Julie Rockey, Larry Snook, Pastor Nate)
3rd Annual Wreaths Across America Celebration
December 14, 2019, 10:00 AM
Celebration features the PA National Guard – Color Guard, Buglers Across America, Master of Ceremonies LTC (R) Andy Mahoney, Guest Speaker SSG Larry Ford, Jr. – Former Army Ranger & 38 Year Volunteer Firefighter, Missing Man Table Presentation, 8 Military Branch Recognition, Patriotic Hymn Singing, Laying of Wreaths on 106 Dreisbach Veteran Graves, & Indoor Christmas Cookie Social!
Contact Judy Willow to volunteer laying wreaths or Julie Rockey for all other questions about the event.
Cookie Donations
We will once again be providing refreshments following the “Wreaths Across America Celebration”. We are in need of cookie donations. If you could please sign up to bring one or two dozen it would be appreciated. The ceremony is on December 14th. Please have the cookies to the church be Friday, December 13th. Thank you.
Reverse Advent Calendars
Please join with our youth this Christmas as we create “Reverse Advent Calendars”! The reverse Advent calendar encourages us to think of others as we wait to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. The idea behind a reverse Advent calendar is simple. Pick out a sturdy basket, bag or box and place an item in the container each day beginning on December 1st thru Christmas Day. Suggestions include, toiletries, non-perishable food items, socks, gloves, hats, baby care items…the list is endless. Bring your container of items to church on December 29th The youth of MACY will be working with Joanne Troutman at the United Way to share with individuals who truly need these items. (If unable to bring by 12/29 check with our youth leaders, Tim & Kristy Sones.) Whatever you bring will be priceless!
Bethany Children’s Home Gifts
We will again be supporting the kids and ministry at Bethany by buying gifts for the Christmas holiday. There is a list of suggested gift ideas posted in the back of the sanctuary. We will collect the gifts Sunday, December 8th. Thank you for your support of these young people and the life changing ministry that Bethany provides.
Harvey Cedars 2020
Do you love the beach? Do you love Jesus? Are you entering 9th through 12th grade? If so, we hope you can join us for a fun-filled week at Harvey Cedars Youth Week July 13th-18th. More information is to come in the following weeks but we are currently looking to gather names of
those of you who are interested in going. If any youth would like to bring a friend, we encourage you to do so! Please reach out to Kristy or Tim Sones by January 15th to let them know the names of who will be attending and also provide the required $50 deposit for each student. If you are interested in more information about this amazing week or have questions about the total cost, see Kristy or Tim.
Rummage Sale Wrap Up Part II
Just like the loaves and fishes, your small gifts of castoff clothing and knickknacks (and large gifts of time) have multiplied into a bounty to be shared with thousands. The proceeds from the spring and fall rummage sales allowed us to distribute $8,000 to God’s work in the area and the world. Through this year’s rummage sales you:
· Reached out to area youth through Central PA Youth Ministries and Young Life.
· Helped women who need a new start in life through By Grace Transitional Home in Middleburg.
· Assisted local folks with medical bills and living expenses.
· Provided disaster relief for victims of Hurricane Dorian through the UCC Disaster Ministries where 100% of our donation will go to the work of relief and rebuilding.
· Touched the world by supporting John Mark and Sharon Ambler of YWAM Ministries.
· Supported Paige Troxell, a new missionary with a heart to change the world.
· Provided local needy school children with toiletries through the Mifflinburg Middle School Builder’s Club.
· Encouraged young Albanian students during their transition to the United States through Guy Eshelman of Christar.
Thank you for your continued support of this important mission work.
Mifflinburg Kiwanis Club Food Drive
The Mifflinburg Kiwanis Club is asking for your assistance in the collection of canned and boxed food (especially cereal) for needy families in the Mifflinburg Area School District this Christmas season. The Kiwanis Club along with other volunteers will be distributing the food to needy families on the 20th of December. Your food contributions may be placed in identified boxes in the rear of the church on the first three Sundays in December. As in the past, your donations will be greatly appreciated.
Men’s Retreat
A retreat for men is happening January 17th – 19th at Hartman Center, the UCC church camp in Milroy, Pennsylvania. Seasons of a Man’s Life is the theme based around Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. The cost of the weekend is $120 with registration currently open. If you are interested, Jesse Hackenberg, has more information.
Penn Central Conference Newsletter
The Penn Central Conference publishes a weekly newsletter that is distributed via email. The communication includes a message from one of the conference ministers as well as information about events happening around the conference. At the bottom of the following web page,, one can find a link to register for the newsletter. Directly below the newsletter link one can also subscribe to the daily e-devotional, Still Speaking.
Bad Weather Cancellations
In the event of inclement weather and we need to cancel services, please tune to WGRC 91.3. We will also post the cancellation on our Facebook page and website.