November 2019 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best” (Philippians 1:9-10).
We are in the season of giving thanks as we enter November. At this time of year kids are giving thanks for free candy from trick or treating; while we in the church give thanks for loved ones, friends, and neighbors who have passed away in the last year with our All Saints Celebrations, remembering and honoring those folks. We continue through the month with our Harvest Home and Thanksgiving Sunday; with our continued times of giving thanks for the blessings of our God by sharing generously with our faith community.
As we finish out the year, this has traditionally always been a generous and blessed time for the life of the church in many ways: both in ministry and in the sharing of financial gifts. And we hope you will help to support the ministries of Dreisbach. If you remember this is the first full year with a paid Minister of Music as a line item. So, we have more of a need in our expenditures compared to previous years and are seeking to meet our 2019 needs.
A big thank you to all who filled out the survey for Samaritan Counseling Center’s consulting work that we are working on together. We will hear from David Miron on Nov. 24th, so please put that on your calendar. Thank you to the vision committee who reached out to many folks and encouraged them to help in the survey gathering of data. The work we are doing with the data that is collected is an evidence-based discernment process with the hope of improving our organizational intelligence for the ministry of Dreisbach. So this data will give us a clearer view to the needs, gifts, and trends of our members so we can strengthen the good, improve the weak areas, and move forward in faithful and meaningful ministry opportunities.
The hope is to gain witness data with the responses you have given as J. Russell Crabtree shares in the book called Owl Sight; “witness data focuses upon the PEAs: the perspectives, experiences, and aspirations of members” (23). These 3 areas of data will give us more clarity on the quality of ministries that are occurring in this place and the quality of ministries that people are looking for. Please continue to pray for the leaders, pastor, and faith community that gathers and worships at 875 Dreisbach Church Rd. It is the commitment of your gifts, talents, and energies that will move us into the future.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
November 3rd - (Theme of Worship: Transforming Love) **Daylight Savings Time Ends. All Saints Sunday, we will remember those that have passed on to life eternal in the past 12 months. Habakkuk 1:1-4 -2:1-4; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11, 12; Luke 19:1-10. First Sunday Fellowship following worship.
November 10th - (Theme of Worship: Hold on to Faith) Job 19:23-27a; 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17; Luke 20:27-38. Sunday School following worship.
November 17th - (ToW: Infinite Possibilities) Isaiah 65:17-25; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13; Luke 21:5-19. The Praise Group will join us in worship. Sunday School to follow worship.
November 24th – (ToW: Together in Christ) Jeremiah 23:1-6; Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43. Collecting food items for our neighbors to celebrate Giving Thanks and Harvest Home. We will rededicate the Nursery Space for a new generation. Following worship we gather with Samaritan Counseling Center results of survey.
Look Further Ahead
December 1st - (ToW: The Stars Tell the Story: The Perfect Star) First Sunday of Advent, Genesis 1:14-19; Acts 17:22-31; Matthew 6:25-34. Come decorate the church with us following worship and share in creating items for our shut-ins and Devitt House neighbors. Also, we will be creating shoes out of old shoes for Soles of Hope ministries.
December 8th - Congregational Meeting to elect new consistory members and vote on 2020 Budget/Spending Plan.
December 15th - Children’s Christmas Program in Worship.
Welcome to the new Director of Music Ministries
The Music and Worship Committee is pleased to announce the hiring of Theodore Lentz for Dreisbach’s Director of Music Ministries. Theo is a graduate of Mansfield University with a Bachelor of Music in Education and a Master of Arts in Instrumental Conducting. He worked with churches during his time at Mansfield and after graduation he held the position of Music/Choir Director for four years at Valley United Presbyterian Church in Waverly, NY. He is proficient in piano, organ, and brass instruments and has already begun practicing with the choir and accompanying the worship service. We look forward to having Theo leading our music ministry.
New Consistory Members
December we will be voting in new Consistory members. This is a great opportunity to take part in helping to structure and continue to make Dreisbach a meaningful place of worship. We are looking for 1 Elder, 2 Deacons, 1 Trustee and 1 Jr. Deacon. If you are interested or need additional information, please see any member of Consistory or Pastor Nate.
Vision Committee Surveys
We are beyond grateful for the support and participation in the CAT survey process with Samaritan Counseling Center (SCC). We received 102 completed surveys! SCC is busy working on compiling the answers and their initial report out to our committee on November 12. Consistory has also been invited to attend this initial report out. SCC will then present the official report out to the congregation following the worship service on November 24. There will be a potluck brunch following the SCC report out where we have invited SCC to join us. Please plan to join us on November 24 for worship and the SCC Survey Report Out during this very important time of helping to shape the future at Dreisbach. A potluck sign-up sheet is in the rear of the sanctuary.
Vision Committee (Diane Amabile, Bonnie Dodge, Sue Enders, Chelsea Mensch, Robert Pierce, John Rein, Julie Rockey, Larry Snook, Pastor Nate)
Dreisbach CARE Fund
Compassionate And Responsible Endowment - We are looking for three (3) to five (5) volunteers who wish to sit on the CARE Fund committee. Gifts to the CARE fund are invested and each year ten percent (10%) of the fund will be distributed and used to carry out wider church missions. If you are passionate about helping others less fortunate and church missions, this is a great opportunity to participate in helping to direct those funds. Please see a Consistory member or Pastor Nate if you would like to be on the committee.
What is it? - Have you ever gotten to church and forgot your offering envelope? Been on vacation and wished you could provide an offering for the week you were away? E-Giving would allow you to give your offering electronically online. The funds would go directly to Dreisbach. It's easy, fast and secure. More details to come...
Coat Drive
Mifflinburg Kiwanis will be collecting gently used children's and young adult coats and hooded sweatshirts. These will be made available to those children within the Mifflinburg school district who may need an extra coat or warm clothes for the winter months. There will be a box placed in the back of the Church for donations.
Christmas is Coming!
I’m sure that all the children of Dreisbach are aware that Christmas is coming, and soon! We hope you’ll join with us in kicking off this festive time of the year on Sunday, December 1st following the worship service. We’ll be decorating the church and making some gifts for our shut-ins and friends at Devitt House. We’ll also be helping to create shoes for Soles of Hope (if you have sewing scissors we could use a few pairs for this project). Come enjoy some laughter and good times with your church family as we kindle the Christmas spirit in all of us!
Harvest Home
Our annual Harvest Home collection will take place on Sunday, November 24th. Please bring unexpired canned goods and non-perishable food items to the church to be shared with the hungry in our community.
Live Nativity
We have been asked to again be a part of the Live Nativity in Mifflinburg this year on Thursday, Dec. 12th from 7:00- 9:00 pm. If you are willing to be a part of this we would love your help and your families help. This is a great part of the activities and ministry that goes on during the festival in Mifflinburg.
Bethany Children’s Home Gifts
We will again be supporting the kids and ministry at Bethany by buying gifts for the Christmas holiday. There is a list of suggested gift ideas posted in the back of the sanctuary. We will collect the gifts Sunday, December 8th. Thank you for your support of these young people and the life changing ministry that Bethany provides.
Volunteers Needed
We are in need of a couple of people to help with the activities listed above. We need someone to deliver the collected gifts to Bethany Children’s Home no later than December 15th. We also need someone to organize the volunteers for the Live Nativity. If you can help out with either of these activities please contact Pastor Nate or Pam.
Poinsettia Sale
The holidays are upon us! Please join us in supporting the Youth in their annual “Poinsettia Sale”. This is a gift not only benefitting our youth group and the person receiving the plant but also our congregation by beautifying the sanctuary on Christmas Eve. The cost is $12.00 per plant. Please make checks payable to “Dreisbach UCC Youth Fellowship”.
Orders are due by Sunday, November 24th, 2018!
Church Directory
We will be printing paper copies of the directory in January. Before we do so we would like to make sure our information is correct. If you or a family member have had a change of address or contact information please check with Pam to see that we have the up to date information. If you have children who have finished school and are now living on their own please let us know their contact information so that we may keep in touch with them.
If you would like to receive a paper copy please add your name to the list in the back of the sanctuary. If you would like to have a copy e-mailed to you please indicate that on the list (or e-mail The directory is also available at or download the app of that name. If you have difficulty accessing it please speak to Pam or Pastor Nate.
Rummage Sale Wrap Up
Some call it the RUMMAGE SALE. Some call it A CHANCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Thanks to all who have had a hand in making it a successful week. From Set up Day to Sale Day to Clean-Up or if you donated food for workers or donated rummage we say thank-you.
Once again our doors opened and we practiced our active listening skills. Some arrive as Vintage Collectors, some as Thrifty Shoppers. We saw once again some great need in our surrounding communities. We held babies while mothers shopped, we once tended to an orphaned puppy and that same day found him a new home!
While shoppers are our focus, we get to have a reconnection with each other. As we’re working year after year we’ve enjoyed sharing our joys and concerns with one another. Along with our Dreisbach crew of workers we’ve brought on board 8 to 10 others that have no connection to Dreisbach but always return to be part of our work crew. We’ve had good strong help from age 9 to 90 years old.
A new addition to our set-up on Monday was the help from two clients from SUNCOM. We reached out to two individuals who seek a sense of dignity and acceptance in spite of limited abilities. The young men assisted in carrying donations and unloading boxes; a benefit to lighten the work of our volunteers. One of the supervisors accompanying the clients pitched right in to work alongside us. The SUNCOM clients, accompanied by staff members, serve nonprofits such as churches upon request.
It seems to be a win-win relationship, beneficial to both. Evaluating: we had a positive experience and hope to try it again.
4th Annual Fall Festival
The Fall Festival Committee would like to thank everyone for contributing and volunteering in so many ways. You should all be so proud of this event and its success for our Church and Community.
God blessed us with a fine fall day. Those who attended were laughing , playing, eating, tasting pies, listening to beautiful music as well as talking with one another. What a pleasant day!
Thank You Again!
Pie Contest Winners
Women Men
1st Ella Willow w/Caramel Apple Pecan Pie 1st Nate Druckenmiller w/Wet Bottom
2nd Judy Schenck w/Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie ShoeFly Pie
3rd Bev Pentz-Chamra w/Derby Pie (Choc/Peanut Butter Chips)
1st Louis Druckenmiller w/Spooky Oreo Pie 3rd Nathan Pfirman w/Banana Cream Pie
2nd Landon Druckenmiller w/Blueberry & Cream Pie with Vanilla Wafer Crust
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group will be Monday, November 18. All are welcome. You can be part of this ministry even if you don’t knit or crochet. If you know someone who might appreciate a shawl, please talk to Diane Hackenberg.
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timer’s will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday, November 21st at 12:30 PM. Come an enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. A signup sheet is located on the table in the back of the church.
Congregational Meeting will take place on December 8th following the worship service.
3rd Annual Wreaths Across America Celebration
December 14, 2019, 10:00 AM
Indoor Ceremony, Wreath Laying on 105 Dreisbach Veteran Graves, & Indoor Christmas Cookie Social
Celebration features the PA National Guard – Color Guard, Buglers Across America, Master of Ceremonies LTC (R) Andy Mahoney, Guest Speaker SSG Larry Ford, Jr. – Former Army Ranger & 38 Year Volunteer Firefighter, Missing Man Table Presentation, 8 Military Branch Recognition, & Patriotic Hymn Singing!
Wreath sponsorship available for $20 until 12/1/19. Fresh evergreen wreaths made locally by Alex Haines. Order forms available in the rear of the sanctuary, as seen below, or contact Julie Rockey (717-580-1564) to order a wreath and Judy Willow (570-412-2814) to volunteer laying wreaths.
---------------------------------------Cut Here, Complete, & Include with Payment --------------------------------------
Email Address________________________________________________________________________
Dreisbach Veteran Graves
I’d like to sponsor _______ wreaths @ $20 each for placement here at Dreisbach.
_____I will attend the 12/14 AND are willing and able to place my sponsored wreath on the grave.
I would like to sponsor specific Veteran Graves @ Dreisbach as listed below.
1.______________________________________2. _______________________________________
Non-Dreisbach Veteran Graves
I’d like to sponsor _______ @ $20 each for placement on a Veteran’s grave somewhere other than Dreisbach. The Veteran name and military branch are listed below.
Checks made payable to Dreisbach UCC. Memo should indicate 2019 Veterans Christmas Wreaths. Place your payment in the offering plate or mail to Dreisbach UCC, C/O 2019 Veteran Wreath Project, 875 Dreisbach Church Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837.