January 2020 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
Thank you so much to all who are part of the Dreisbach UCC family. This church continues to serve and share the gospel message with folks near and far; with our treasure, our talents, and our time. As I look back at the events and actions of the church over the past 12 months there is so much to be thankful for and even more to be proud of and I give God the glory for what has occurred. I look forward to what 2020 holds in store for the ministry that we embark upon. I thank you all for the gifts that you have given me and my family over the year, especially at Christmas time.
2020 will be a year that is a turning point for where we are “looking to go” as a community of faith. The year 2020 is an iconic year as 20/20 signifies clear vision when you go to the optometrist, and that will be our goal as we “look forward” to what is ahead. The “vision” committee continues to “look forward” to what is possible and needed for the church to grow deeper in faith and in purpose to our call as the body of Christ. I am so very excited about the energy, ideas, and commitment of this group of leaders. I “look forward” to working with them and the ideas and meaningful process that we continue to embark on. We don’t know exactly where we are heading, but we trust in the Holy Spirit as we journey like the Wisemen did by following the star in the sky. The Wisemen were not sure what they would find by journeying to what was at the destination they were headed to; but they knew that this was a journey that would be worth their effort and their best energies. I hope that we can all “look” at the conversations and activities of Dreisbach in similar ways as the “vision” committee leads us and invites us to travel with them towards God’s leading. Growth is not the easy path, but it is the faithful path that God calls us to set out to follow. What is important is to remember that we don’t go about this on our own, but together and with God by our side too.
We all can have 20/20 vision in our faith, even if you have contacts or glasses, even coke bottle glasses; because 20/20 vision with God takes seeing with our hearts, our minds, and our trust in God’s plan and God’s directing. May we pray for one another and for the work that is being down in, through, and among us in Christ’s name.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
January 5th - (Theme of Worship: Another Road) Epiphany Sunday, Jeremiah 31:7-14; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 1:1-18. First Sunday Fellowship and a Happy New Year!
January 12th - (ToW: Possibilities Unfolding) Baptism of Christ Sunday, Isaiah 42:1-9; Acts 10:34-43; Matthew 3:13-17. Regular Sunday School following worship.
January 19th - (ToW: All That We Are) Isaiah 49:1-7; 1st Corinthians 1:1-9; John 1: 29-42. Praise Group in Worship, Congregational Meeting of 2020 spending plan
January 26th – (ToW: Called Together) Isaiah 9: 1-4; 1st Corinthians 1:10-18; Matthew 4:12-23. Regular Sunday School.
Look Further Ahead
February 2nd - (ToW: The Vision Beautiful) Micah 6:1-8; 1st Corinthians; Matthew 5:1-12. Souper Bowl Sunday & first Sunday fellowship.
Wednesday, February 26th - Ash Wednesday Worship 7pm We will gather to start the season of Lent with the imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion as we embark on the 40 days of Lent. All are welcome to join us.
Prime Timers
The Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant on Thursday January 15th at 12:30 p.m. Anyone 50 and over is welcome. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the sanctuary.
Thank You
Roxie and her family would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, food and phone calls at Don's passing. Special thank you to Pastor Nate for his support during this difficult time.
Thank you for all the cards & prayers during this time of the loss of Linda’s father. It is very much appreciated.
Dale & Linda Ruhl
Bad Weather Cancellations
When church needs to cancelled due to inclement weather, please check the Dreisbach Church website, Facebook or WGRC’s web site.
WGRC no longer announces cancellations. If for some reason you do not have internet access and would like to be called, please sign the sheet in the back of the church with your name and phone number. If in doubt you can always call our church secretary, Pam Pfirman or Pastor Nate.
Nursery & Junior Church Helpers
A sign-up is available at the rear of the sanctuary for anyone willing to help with Junior Church or in the nursery this winter and spring.
Can’t make it to church on Sunday? Forgot your offering envelope again? Now you can electronically send your offering or a gift to Dreisbach. Many people are already paying their bills from their cell phone, so now you can use your cell phone to contribute to the work of Dreisbach.
On your cell phone add the phone number 570-491-1377 to your list of contacts as Dreisbach E Giving. Then text the message GIVE. You will then receive a link to our giving page, open it, (it is a secure link) and proceed to fill in the information requested. You can use a credit or debit card or your checking account, making a onetime gift or set up recurring giving. Your gift will be credited to your offering envelope number. You will receive a thank you receipt via email.
You can also access the Dreisbach giving page on your home computer. Go to our churches’ website dreisbachucc.org. On the home page there is an E-Giving button half way down the right hand side of the page. Click on the button to open the giving page.
Please contact Scott Sanders with any questions.
2020 Flower Chart
Please take time to check out the 2020 flower chart. It has been posted on the bulletin board outside of the office. Now is the time to claim those special anniversary and birthday weeks! The cost is $40 for both bouquets or $20 to sponsor one.
Mission Committee
The Mission Committee would like to thank the congregation for their support of the Mission project. We a sponsor a child named Woodley Boulin through New Missions in Haiti. He is in 9th grade. A shoebox of clothes, hygiene products and school supplies was sent in the name of the church. We thank you for using the brown envelopes in the pew racks to support this project.
All Church Retreat
Registration forms for our 2020 Annual All Church Retreat are available in the back of the sanctuary. It will take place from Friday, February 28th to Sunday, March 1st. Please turn your registration and payment in to Scott Sanders no later than February 16th. We will have a new speaker this year, Rev. Tim Hogan-Palazzo. We hope you’ll join us for this meaningful and fun filled weekend!