June 2019 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers”
(M. Scott Peck, 20th Century).
When we are comfortable in our situations and shielded from concerns and chaos around us we often become complaisant and dispassionate. If we are able to stay away and out of the back and forth arguments, we do, because we fear that we too will be swallowed up next by the consuming barrage that comes for anyone who stands up with different thoughts or perspectives.
I feel there is a great sense of unfulfillment and discomfort in our communities lately, both big and small (I write this on May 21st, election day). That feeling hangs in the air as folks gather for any sense of community in these seemingly very divided times, even at church. Those divides stem from differing opinions on many aspects of our day and in the everyday life in which we live. But, how we deal with them is what separates us being a social club vs the church that Christ has called into existence; in which the Holy Spirit has nurtured and cherished through 2 millennia. So how do we take the steps needed to free ourselves from the ruts we find ourselves in? How do we set out to find the different ways and truer answers that are needed to lead us to places of faithful ministry and discipleship?
We need to be about the improvement and growth that is possible within us and strengthen our personal situation and selves in order to build solutions and bridge the communal struggles. In order for us collectively to improve and be more successful it must include the work of personal understanding and exploration in intentional and meaningful ways. We must have the willingness and commitment to create healthy habits that push us to understand the uniqueness of who we are and what we are as God’s beloved. Allowing ourselves the healing and forgiveness that is needed with God’s help personally. Which will allow us to then offer such things to others when needed. We need to build our own leadership qualities for Christ’s work and our part in service to God.
In order to experience our finer moments and know what that can feel like for us as a church community, we are going to have to do the hard work of discerning what it is that is not working and listening to others that may have a different opinion in order for the opportunity at rising above and beyond those struggles. It’s when we faithfully sit in that in between space, sand it’s there that we are able to hear each other and possibly hear where the Holy Spirit may be at work in us and through us.
Blessings and Prayers for all God’s People,
Pastor Nate
“Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it” (Peck).
Worship Schedule this month:
June 2nd – (Theme of Worship: Breaking Chains) Acts 16:16-34; Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21;
John 17:20-26. Graduation Sunday and First Sunday fellowship following worship with Graduates.
June 9th - (ToW: Gathered and Scattered) Message and Visit from the Amblers, mission workers who we have
supported for many years. Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17; Acts 2:1-21. Please stay after service, during the Sunday School time, to hear more from the Amblers and their mission work.
June 16th - (ToW: Wisdom Calls) VBS closing and Father’s Day. We will celebrate our week of Bible School with
songs, skits, and what has been learned. Please join us after the service for the VBS auction, which financially supports our VBS programs.
June 23rd – (ToW: In God’s Presence) 1st Kings 19:1-15a; Galatians 3:23-29; Luke 8:26-39.
June 30th - (ToW: Pick up the Mantle) 2nd Kings 2:1-2, 6-14; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62.
Look Further Ahead
July 7th – (ToW: Surprising Prophets) 2nd Kings 5:1-14; Galatians 6:1-16; Luke 10:1-11, 16-20. First Sunday
Fellowship following worship.
Strengthen the Church Offering
You will find an envelope in your newsletter this month that is for the Strengthen the Church offering of the United Church of Christ (www.ucc.org/stc). This is one of the special offerings of the UCC and this one is split between the national setting of the denomination and the Conference setting of the denomination. Meaning half of the money goes to the national setting in order for them to give out grants to local churches doing new and creative ministry and also makes possible for leadership training of local pastors and curriculum creations that are for the local churches. The other half of the offering goes to our conference, the Penn Central Conference, which allows for them to support our area local churches with programming and support to us and the churches in our area. This offering is vital to the creation of meaningful and transforming ideas and programs that make a difference in the lives of our neighbors and our local churches. We will be collecting this offering during the month of June, so please fill your envelope and return during one of our weekly worship experiences.
Recognition of Graduates
On Sunday, June 2nd we will recognize those members of our congregation who have or will be graduating in 2019. Our graduates this year are:
Cameron Snyder – Mifflinburg High School/SUN Tech
Jacob Humphrey – Lewisburg High School
Seth Pletcher – Southern Columbia High School
Garrett Enders – Bethel University, BS in Business Management
Megan Baker – Syracuse University, Bachelor of Architecture- magna cum laude
Olivia Finerghty – Elmira College, BS in Nursing
Rachel Metzger – University of Tennessee at Martin, Vet. Tech. (December, 2019)
Bethany Romig Johnson – Middlebury College in Vermont, Masters in French (August 2019)
Kristy Sones – Messiah College, Masters in School Counseling
Congratulations to all of them on these wonderful accomplishments!
“Life is wild, but God is good”
Come on an epic African adventure that engages the whole herd with us. Vacation Bible School is almost here! VBS will take place June 10th – June 14th from 6:30-8:30 with closing being Sunday morning June 16th. If you would like to help out with this fun filled week just talk to Judy Willow or Pam Pfirman.
Let the good times ROAR!
Silent Auction
VBS closing will take place during the morning worship service on June 16th followed by our auctions which make this fun and inspirational week possible for our children. Donations are needed. Your support is necessary to make these auctions a success. Bidding will take place immediately following the worship service. Suggestions for donations include new or hand-crafted items and furniture, baked goods, gift baskets and gift cards. Please have all donations except baked goods to the church by Friday evening. Baked goods may be brought in Sunday morning before the service. Please see Diane Amabile with questions or if you are able to help out. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Favorite Songs & Hymns
The Music and Worship Committee is compiling a list of favorite songs and hymns to use during the summer months of worship. Please contribute your favorite by writing the title on the paper at the back of the church. If you see someone else has already listed your favorite, write it again anyway. That way the song gets more votes! We will be gathering suggestions until June 16th.
“Miracle of Christmas”
How would you like to experience the true “Miracle of Christmas”? Now is your chance. Dreisbach is taking a trip to Sight & Sound to do just that. Pam Spangler has organized a bus trip for Saturday, November 9, 2019 to Sight & Sound to see the holiday show “Miracle of Christmas”. The bus will pick-up at the church at 8:00 AM and return us back at 6:00 PM. Ticket price for a full bus will cost $137.25 per person for adults 13 and up. Your price includes: round trip cost of bus, drivers tip, and family style buffet meal at Hershey Farm Restaurant (tip also included). Children aged 3-12 will receive a $54.00 per person discount off adult price. Children under 3 are not suggested at the theater.
There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the church with a full itinerary of the day. Sign-ups are limited to Dreisbach members only until we know how many people are interested. If you have any questions contact Pam at 570-259-1317.
From June 26th-29th, Buffalo Valley Church of the Brethren's Youth
Pastor, Eric Kauffman, will be leading a group of MACY who are interested in going to Creation Fest in the Huntington area. This is a great opportunity to see and hear some of the top Christian bands in a beautiful setting! Any youth interested in going, see Tim or Kristy.
For July 4th, MACY needs youth volunteers to help with Mifflinburg park festivities including helping with a children's game in the morning and serving lemonade/walking tacos later in the afternoon in to the evening. Please see Tim or Kristy if you're able to help!
Pentecost Sunday
Please join us on June 9th …Pentecost Sunday: John Mark and Sharon Ambler are one of the missionary families that we have been supporting through our Rummage Sale funds. Recently John Mark was in India, Bangladesh, and Thailand where he was privileged to help deliver Bibles to people who have never had the Bible in their native language. John Mark will share during our morning worship service and also during the Sunday School hour. Please plan to be with us for both times. It will be a wonderful opportunity to see and hear where some of our Rummage Sale efforts are going.
Nursery Makeover
The younger adult group has been making progress on our nursery makeover. Fresh paint is on the walls and thanks to the Rockey’s the carpet has been steam cleaned! We encourage you to check out the registries on Target’s website and at the Purple Platypus in Lewisburg. We want to make this space into a welcoming, fun environment for this next generation of Dreisbach! Contact Samantha Kratzer with questions about the project!
Thank You
A special thank you for prayers, visits, cards, phone calls during my recent illness and recuperation. It is greatly appreciated. I miss church and all your friendships.
Ella Willow
Fall Rummage Sale
Summer has quickly come upon us so before you start planning your fall activities we would like to let you know the dates of the Fall Rummage Sale. Set-up will begin Sunday, September 29th and continue throughout the week with the actual sale taking place on Thursday, October 3rd thru Saturday, October 5th.