July 2019 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
The Knots Prayer
(Taken from Mindful Christianity Today)
Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart and my life.
Remove the have nots, the can nots and the do nots that I have in my mind.
Erase the will nots, may nots, might nots that may find a home in my heart.
Release me from the could nots, would nots, and should nots that obstruct my life.
And most of all, I ask that you remove from my mind, my heart, and my life all of the ‘am nots’
that I have allowed to hold me back, especially the thought that I am not good enough.
Knots are interesting creations. As a scout leader I know the importance of learning and knowing how to create knots for different purposes. There are many different types of knots that serve different purposes that are positive. Some knots are created to slip or loosen, knots that can move and shift, or knots that hold during extreme pressure. Knowing how to make these knots or which one to utilize can be an important skill to have, or at the very least a very cool looking merit badge to earn. But are all knots or nots good?
I found this poem recently and now look at it quite often. Knots or nots can be the types of barriers and struggles in our inter-monologue thoughts each and every day. Self puts downs and internal negative talk can consume our ability to be our best selves and be the active followers that God is encouraging us to be. Allowing the nots to control our movement and decision-making process is to allow the enemy to be in control of our lives. We have been created to be an active and loving creation of our God and that will occur when we allow ourselves to be in touch with our purpose and path. The nots of our heart, mind, or life have the potential to separate us from all that could be if we keep ourselves in a positive frame of mind. Daily times of prayer, reflections on scripture, and relationships with other followers will help us to keep the knots and nots from becoming impassible objects to overcome in the routines of our days. My prayer for you in the coming month is that you are able to discern when nots are helpful vs when they are harmful. May you seek to be your best self in order to serve and live in your best ways.
Blessings and Prayers for all God’s People,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
July 7th – (Theme of Worship: Surprising Prophets) 2nd Kings 5:1-14; Galatians 6:1-16; Luke 10:1-11, 16-20. First Sunday Fellowship following worship.
July 14th – (ToW: Caring Neighbors) Amos 7:7-17; Colossians 1:1-14; Luke 10:25-37.
July 21st - (ToW: Word and Work) Amos 8:1-12; Colossians 1:15-28; Luke 10:38-42.
July 28th - (ToW: Shaped by Prayer) Hosea 1:2-10; Colossians 2:6-19; Luke 11:1-13.
Look Further Ahead
August 4th - (ToW: Soul Investment) Hosea 11:1-11; Colossians 3:1-11; Luke 12:13-21.NO First Sunday Fellowship.
Have you seen or heard about this group? Like any good toy or gizmo, some assembly may be required. The same is true with church if we are looking to be all that we can be for God’s world. There has been a group of members who have voluntarily come together to help us discern a faithful future into an unknown tomorrow. This group will be reaching out to one and all in order to seek your thoughts, ideas, and shoe sizes. Actually probably not your shoe sizes, but this group will be taking the lead on deep questions like:
*Who we are serving through missions as an active church family?
*Who are we attempting to draw in?,
*What are our strengths and passions as a church community?
*What is our why?
These are all important and big questions to answer as we seek to be the body of Christ in this area for God’s work near and far and in a new and different time. I hope you will think about these questions too, as our committee begins to meet and prepare us all to enter into these conversations and opportunities of searching; may we pray for them and may we not run the other way when we encounter them seeking our willing participation. Our group consists of Julie Rockey (chairperson), Diane Amabile, Bonnie Dodge, Sue Enders, Chelsea Mensch, Robert Pierce, Larry Snook, and Pastor Nate. We are grateful for this groups willingness to serve in this way. So be on the lookout for announcements and messages in the coming months.
Upcoming Meetings
The Investment Committee will meet Monday, July 15th at 11:00 am.
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday, July 18th at 12:30pm. Come and enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. A signup sheet will be located in the back of the sanctuary.
Help Support our Nursery Revitalization Project!
Our nursery is receiving a facelift and we need your help to fill it for the current and future children of Dreisbach U.C.C! A local registry has been established at Purple Platypus in Lewisburg as well as an online registry through Target. All items purchased from Purple Platypus will receive 10% off the store price. Feel free to stop in and shop!
We have provided our registries for your review in the back of the church. Envelopes are available if you would like to place your donation with your church offering. If you would like to specify which item you would like your donation to go toward, please make note of that on your envelope.
The owner of Purple Platypus, Tabitha Geise, has very generously donated an activity/play table for use with SmartMax products to our new nursery. Two of the popular sets from the SmartMax line have been added to our wishlist, however there are many sets sold at the store. Let’s help support local with purchasing some of these sets to use with our donated table. The table features a magnetic top for ease of building!
If you have any questions about the registries or making a donation to our project, please contact Chelsea Mensch or Samantha Kratzer.
Thank You
Thank you to Charlie Mensch for again taking the lead on beautifying the landscape of the church property and pulling countless weeds that our abundance of rain has produced. Also, a big thank you to Charlie Mensch, Rob Enders, Gavin Enders, and Pastor Nate for getting the mulch spread on the planted areas.
Friends at Dreisbach UCC,
I apologize for being so late in getting this note out to you. Honestly, I don't know where to begin to thank you for all the support, love and concern expressed for me and the family during my hospitalization and recovery. Your phone calls, cards, gifts, visits at hospital and home, Pastor Nate's visits at hospital and home, the gift basket, and meals (Ron especially appreciated this), and most importantly your prayers for my recovery were greatly appreciated by me and the family!
Love my church family!! God bless each of you!
Kathleen and the family
Dear Dreisbach church family,
Thank you for opening your hearts to us. You have a loving, godly community, which we felt and enjoyed.
We pray all of you will know a measure of the joy you bring to our Father.
Philippians 1:6
Blessings, Love and Prayers
John-Mark and Sharon Ambler
A message from the Music and Worship Committee:
We are hearing many rumors surrounding Glen’s departure. People are saying we will no longer use the organ. We will no longer have a choir. We will only do praise and worship music from now on. There are probably other rumors that we have not heard. These rumors are not true. No long-term decisions have been made. In early July, the committee will meet to begin to write the job description for Glen’s replacement. In the short term, we do have a plan for summer music that we are enthusiastic about. You will hear some organ, some piano, some praise and worship music, some pre-recorded music. We see this time as an opportunity to experiment with different approaches to the music ministry at Dreisbach and we ask you to be open to the variety of music that you will be hearing. One of the unique attributes many value about Dreisbach is that we are a multigenerational church. As we plan for the future, we know that we need a variety of music that uplifts our diverse congregation as we worship God. We ask for your prayers and patience and, perhaps, even excitement as we look to discover what God has in store for us next.
Summer Flowers
Please consider signing up to sponsor the altar flowers. We have numerous openings throughout July and August. The cost is $40 for both bouquets, $20 if you prefer to do just one of the bouquets. Thank You