May 2019 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
"The proof that God raised Jesus from the dead is not the empty tomb, but the full hearts of his transformed disciples. The crowning evidence that he lives is not a vacant grave, but a spirit-filled fellowship. Not a rolled-away stone, but a carried-away church." ~Clarence Jordan, 20th century
“Clarence Jordan, was a farmer and New Testament Greek scholar, was the founder of Koinonia Farm, a small but influential religious community in southwest Georgia and the author of the Cotton Patch paraphrase of the New Testament. He was also instrumental in the founding of Habitat for Humanity”. Clarence lived in the early and mid-part of the 20th century. Clarence lived a life of service, focused on working towards a better world for everyone. His quote reminds us that the Easter joy continues as the disciples put themselves in gear and continue to share the teachings and stories of Jesus with even more commitment and fervor. There were many speaking out against them, but that did not deter them. May our hearts be full and our lives transformed as disciples and followers of the risen Christ. Christ’s new body is the church and it’s our purpose to show our world who and what Jesus is about.
There is much to be thankful about as I reflect back on the season of Lent and our Holy Week worship and church life. There were times of discussion and discernment, there were times of sharing and growing, as well as, times of worshipping and praising throughout our time together. I give thanks for all who played a part in our church life, helping to make it meaningful and successful. I look forward to how we will continue to step out in faith as a serving community that makes a difference near and far.
We are looking forward to a busy summer season with VBS, camps, among many other activities. We hope to have you join us as you can. The leadership of the church is looking into ways that we can discern what we are as a church and what we feel called to be and do moving forward. I hope that all will play a role in doing this important work as individuals and as a community. Through the love and grace of God we will faithfully live into a new tomorrow. Dreisbach has had a blessed and good past, and it is our time to continue that important work into a new day. Your prayers and participation will help us to be Easter people and help the message of the Gospel be carried into our world in real and practical ways that make a difference in the lives of all whom we meet.
Blessings and Prayers for all God’s People,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
May 5th – (Theme of Worship: The Way Forward) 3rd Sunday of Easter. Acts 9:1-6 (7-20); Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19. Congregational Meeting during Worship. First Sunday Fellowship, Intergenerational Choir Practice, and Rummage Setup.
May 12th - (ToW: Life-giving Acts) Mother’s Day & 4th Sunday of Easter. Acts 9:36-43; Revelation 7:9-17; John 10:22-30. Normal Sunday following worship.
May 19th -- (ToW: Imagine) Kids Day Worship. Intergenerational Choir & Praise Group in Worship. John 13:31-35.
May 26th – (ToW: Disciples Together) Memorial Day Weekend. Acts 16:9-15; Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5; John 5:1-9.
Look Further Ahead
June 2nd - (ToW: Breaking Chains) Acts 16:16-34; Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21; John 17:20-26. First Sunday fellowship following worship.
Please join us on June 9th …Pentecost Sunday:
John Mark and Sharon Ambler are one of the missionary families that we have been supporting through our Rummage Sale funds. Recently John Mark was in India, Bangladesh, and Thailand where he was privileged to help deliver Bibles to people who have never had the Bible in their native language. John Mark will share during our morning worship service and also during the Sunday School hour. Please plan to be with us for both times. It will be a wonderful opportunity to see and hear where some of our Rummage Sale efforts are going.
Mother’s Day Banquet
Mark your calendars, the annual Mother’s Day Banquet will take place on May 11th at 6:00pm. Tickets are $12.00 for adults and $6.00 for children. Please see Sue Leitzel or Sharon Magyar to purchase tickets. Deadline to purchase tickets is Sunday, May 5th.
Mother’s Day Offering
Our annual Mother’s Day Offering envelopes are being included with this newsletter. Your offering may be placed in the offering plate any Sunday in May and will benefit the Devitt House.
Vacation Bible School
Warmer temperatures are on the way and so is Vacation Bible School. This year we invite you to “ROAR” with us June 10th thru the 14th. Closing will take place Sunday, June 16th during worship. This epic African adventure engages the whole herd. At “ROAR”, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life. Registration forms are available in the back of the sanctuary. As always lots of help is needed to make the week run smoothly. Please contact Judy Willow or Pam Pfirman to see how you can help.
Spring Rummage Sale
When we think Spring, we think of cleaning out those closets and corners where no longer loved items are gathering dust. In doing that house cleaning keep the annual Spring Rummage Sale in mind. Dates are May 9th, 10th, and 11th. Carol Willow is sale coordinator. Judy Willow may be calling you! She is seeking volunteer workers. Connie Bastian is doing publicity. We need you or your donations to make the sale a success. The sale will enable us to raise several thousand dollars for mission projects.
Help is needed for all phases of the sale: donations, people to unpack items, sort, and place on tables; clerks, baggers, and a cleanup crew. Posters need to be distributed; your help adds to the success of the sale. Racks and tables will be set up on Sunday, May 5th after fellowship time. Doors will be open at 9:00 Monday morning for workers to begin sorting. Each following day someone will be at the church with doors open so volunteers can come and go at their convenience. Please call Carol Willow, 966-2681 or Connie Bastian, 523-9781 for more details. Call Judy Willow, 966-0721 to volunteer.
Some rules for donations: please no worn-out furniture. Check with Carol before dropping off large items of furniture. All donations should be usable items. An appliance needs to be in working order – label as such.
Rummage may be brought to the church Sunday afternoon on May 5th. Please try to have rummage at the church no later than Tuesday evening, May 7th.
Our re-runs will benefit people in our community, provide funding for missions, and model good stewardship of resources.
Thank You
Mary Lou Miller would like to thank everyone at Dreisbach for the prayers, cards, calls and condolences following the passing of Johnson.
To the Congregation,
Thank you all for your prayers, cards, calls and offers of food during my recovery from back surgery. The gift of the beautiful prayer shawl was certainly appreciated.
Dreisbach is a very caring congregation and we are so glad to be a part of it.
Sincerely, Cindy Kaufman
Nursery Makeover
Our younger adult group (20s-40s) is giving the nursery a makeover and we would love to have you participate! Fresh paint, new furniture, a chalkboard wall, and new toys are in store! We have created several registries so members can play a part in this fun project by purchasing new toys for the nursery. We have a link to the Target registry available on the facebook page and an Amazon registry will be available soon. If you prefer to support our local small businesses check out the registry at Purple Platypus in Lewisburg! We are very excited to provide a modern, functional, and educational environment for the children of Dreisbach! Contact Samantha Kratzer with questions about the project!
Barn Owl Art Studio Gathering
The Younger Adult Group (20s - 40s) is having a night out at Barn Owl Art Studio in Lewisburg on May 31 @ 6pm. Pick your favorite wood based project to paint, stain & assemble for yourself or a gift, add the details to the Google doc link, give us a $25 deposit to hold your spot, and get ready for some fun with your Dreisbach Younger Adult Friends! Limit 15 spots available! Project ideas can be found at or on their Facebook page. Full details on the event can be found in the Young Adult Group Facebook page. Contact Julie Rockey (717-580-1564) to get the Google doc link and deliver your $25 deposit.
Acolytes Needed
If any youth is interested in acolyting please contact Kathy King (966-7777) or Pastor Nate. It's an easy way to help out with church services. Basically, lighting candles and passing out the offering plates. No talking involved.
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group will be Thursday, May 30th. All are welcome.
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday, May 16th at 12:30pm. Come and enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. A signup sheet will be located in the back of the sanctuary.
Live Your Best Life with Diabetes:
Begins April 29 at Public Library for Union County, Lewisburg
The Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc. and Geisinger Health Plan will be sponsoring Live Your Best Life with Diabetes at the Public Library for Union County, 255 Reitz Boulevard, Lewisburg, PA 17837. Live Your Best Life with Diabetes is a free program that has been proven to be effective in helping people to manage their diabetes. It is supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging. Educational materials will be provided, and are available in Spanish and audiobook. The program will be held on Mondays, 9:30 am – 12:00 Noon; April 29; May 6, 13, 20; June 3 and 17.
Live Your Best Life with Diabetes is open to adults who want to learn how to improve their quality of life while coping with diabetes. Anyone who cares for someone who has diabetes is also welcome to attend. Topics that will be covered during the program include: managing pain and fatigue; improving psychological well-being; nutrition and exercise; and communicating with family, friends and health professionals.
Registration is required. Register online at the Union County Library System website ( or call the Geisinger health and wellness department at 866-415-7138.
City of Joy, Rwanda is DEVOTED TO saving LIVES Through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’” Matthew 25:40
In 1994, this small African country endured a horrific genocide that almost shattered their nation. To this day, millions of families are still struggling to make sense of the violence and heal from the trauma that so many experienced. The perseverance and hope of the people inspired the founding of City of Joy, in 2011, by Todd and Andria Ellingson.
Through God’s amazing guidance and provision, a rural village, about two hours from the capital city of Kigali has grown into a community that offers an elementary school, a sewing school, and a Christian church. Joy Christian School provides sponsored students with uniforms, supplies, and a professional teacher. The sewing school program has graduated almost 100 women that are now able to support their families through their vocation. In 2015, Bloomsburg Christian Church planted, Joy Christian Church, on the City of Joy Campus.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” Matthew 28:19-20
Faithful to answer the Great Commission, Bloomsburg Christian Church has witnessed God’s unending supply of wisdom and generosity in building Joy Christian Church. His unfailing love and goodness have won the hearts of many, with each Sunday’s service gathering between 250-300 attendees. Through the leadership of Pastor Lambert and Pastor Immanuel, this body of believers seeks to share the gospel so that all may be saved.
Chad Taylor, an elder at Bloomsburg Christian Church, has traveled to the City of Joy, Rwanda, seven times since the church’s construction. On his first visit, he and his cousin, Quincy Amabile, spent two weeks on mission to build the church. After that initial trip, Chad was led to play a more active role in the growth and sustaining of the City of Joy community. He is now a board member and actively promotes the progression of the mission through children sponsorships, mission trips, and other financial contributions. Chad is eager to share with others the joy of participating and supporting God’s children in Africa.
Chad will be joining us on Sunday, May 19th during the worship service for Children's Day and again during VBS week. Chad and Jerry will be giving the kids a taste of Africa and what's to come this year when they "ROAR" with us at Bible School. After the service everyone is invited downstairs for some special treats and crafts for the kids!
We are planning to celebrate our graduates in the near future. If you or a family member has or will graduate this year please contact Pam Pfirman or Pastor Nate no later than May 19th so we may plan accordingly.