September 2024 News

September 2024 Newsletter


Worship Schedule for September

September 1st - 15th Sunday after Pentecost - “Staying Clean in a Dirty World: Is Cleanliness  

       Really Next to Godliness?”, Deuteronomy 4:1-9; James 7:1-23; Mark 7:1-23. Communion &

       First Sunday Fellowship – Diaper Pantry Discussion


September 8th- 16th Sunday after Pentecost – Rev. Michael Price - Isaiah 36:4-7; James 2:1-17;

       Mark 7:24-37.


September 15th – 17th Sunday after Pentecost - “Cross-bearing Discipleship: What Jesus

       Expects of Us”, Isaiah 50:4-9; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38. Rummage Sale Setup Begins


September 22nd - 18th Sunday after Pentecost - “What Are the Signs of a Welcoming Church?”,

       Jeremiah 11:18-20; James 3:13-18; Mark 9:30-37.  Back to School Blessing – kids bring your



September 29th – 19th Sunday after Pentecost – “Cups of Water or Worms That Never Die: 

       Either for Jesus or for Reserving a Place in Gehenna”, Psalm 124; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-

       50. Sunday School Resumes



Fall Rummage Sale

The rummage sale will be here soon, September 15-21, and it takes all of you to make it happen. There are many ways to help. Donate your still useable clothing and household items. We will begin taking donations on Sunday afternoon, September 15. Contribute food for feeding the workers, the bake sale, or the soup sale. Give of your time! We need helpers to get rummage to the basement and to help set it out starting Sunday afternoon through Wednesday. We need help during the sale on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We appreciate any way that you are able to support the sale. If you have questions talk to Judy Willow, Diane Hackenberg, or Holly Snyder.




Childcare Volunteers

Volunteers are available to care for your child in the nursery every Sunday after the Children’s Time until the end of the service. Parents and caretakers are welcome to send their children to the nursery during that time. All volunteers have appropriate clearances. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Diane Hackenberg. 

The volunteers for September are: September 1 – Tara Young; September 8 – Mallory Leitzel; September 15 – Sharon Rein; September 22 – Mike Finerghty; September 29 – Diane Hackenberg.


Wednesday Evening Bible Study, 6:30-8:00 PM


On Wednesday August 21 we began a new bible study on the Book of Acts. Acts is the companion piece to the Gospel of Luke. Both volumes were addressed to one named Theophilus providing an orderly account of the ministries of Jesus and the early church. Acts depicts a theological perspective of the manner in which God through the Holy Spirit guided the ministries of the early church, primarily using examples from Peter and Paul. As such, Acts is not written as a history of the early church in all its phases and placements. Acts says very little about the ministries of many of the disciples who had followed Jesus 


Acts has been very influential in the life of the church for which we have gained many of our theological principles. It is in Acts that we read about the gift of the Holy Spirit given to the disciples on the day of Pentecost. In Acts we hear from Peter, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." And "There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved."


Please join us as we continue to learn and grow under God's guidance in the study of Holy Scripture. 


September 4- Acts 3:1-4:37

In Ignorance Jesus Was Rejected But God's Gift of the Spirit Continues to Heal and Save in Jesus' Name


September 11- Acts 5:1-42

The Cost of Rejecting the Gospel and Opposition to the Disciples' Proclamation 


September 18- Acts 6:1-7:60

The Appointment of Others to Servant Ministry and Stephen's Speech Reviewing Israel's Relationship to God to the Time of Jesus and the Church 


September 25- no class

Daily Devotional Text

In addition to the Bible Study on Acts, Pastor John will be sending out a daily devotional text beginning in September and continuing through November.  If you would like to be included in the text group please sign up at the back of the sanctuary. The following is a list of corresponding Biblical passages for the month of September.  A list is also available at the back of the sanctuary.

9/1- 1:1-9

9/2- 1:10-14

9/3- 1:15-26

9/4- 2:1-13

9/5- 2:14-21

9/6- 2:22-31

9/7- 2:32-36

9/8- 2:37-41

9/9- 2:42-47

9/10- 3:1-10

9/11- 3:11-16

9/12- 3:17-26

9/13- 4:1-4

9:14- 4:5-12

9/15- 4:13-22

9/16- 4:23-31

9/17- 4:32-37

9/18- 5:1-11

9/19- 5:12-16

9/20- 5:17-28

9/21- 5:29-33

9/22- 5:34-42

9/23- 6:1-7

9/24- 6:8-15

9/25- 7:1-8

9/26- 7:9-19

9/27- 7:20-43

9/28- 7:44-53

9/29- 7:54-8:8

9/30- 8:9-25



Upcoming Dates

·       Rummage Sale & Set-up 9/15-9/21.

·       Prime-timers will meet Thursday, September 26th @ 12;30 at DC Coffee in Mifflinburg.  Please sign-up at the back of the sancturary.

·       Fall Festival will take place on October 12th. More information will be shared as the plans come together.

·       Trunk-or-Treat is planned for October 27th. Start planning a theme for your vehicle. We love seeing the creative ideas you all come up with!


Email Issues Updated

Please discontinue the use of our email addresses.  At this time no messages seem to be successfully getting through to us.  Please use our various gmail accounts; Pam –, Sandy –, Lori –

Thank You




Beginning in September, we will be celebrating Communion on the first Sunday of every month.  In addition, we will be celebrating Communion during any other services that Pastor John feels are appropriate (Easter, Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve, ...).  Pastor John will determine the manner of element distribution. We will be using Gluten-free bread moving forward.  We will have both juice and wine for those who would like that option.


 Care Fund Thank You

The Care Fund Committee wishes to thank Bev Chamra and Judy Willow for coordinating a food stand at the Schweikert public sale on July 17th. Also a big thank you to all of the church members who donated food, supplies, and their time to the stand. They raised $800.00 and donated the money to the Care Fund.  That money will help to build the fund’s balance for many years and allow for distributions to charitable organizations for a long time.

Tony Noll – committee chair, Bonnie Dodge, Jesse Hackenberg and Scott Sanders


Schweikert Food Stand

On Wednesday, July 17th, Dreisbach had a food stand at the Schweikert sale.  Many thanks goes to all the people who made donations and to those people who donated their time in making the sale a success. The amount of $800 will be donated the church Care Fund!




Pamela Pfirman