June 2024 News

June 2024 Newsletter

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


As Christians, we believe that the church throughout the world has been called into existence by God the Father through Christ Jesus our Lord and is empowered and sustained by the work of the Holy Spirit in each and every one of us. For the Sundays of the Pentecost season, we will include the Nicene Creed in our worship experience. This creed marks our shared belief with Christians of every age. 


We profess our shared belief in Christ our Lord. So we might ask: what might Christ expect of us, individually and collectively, as his followers? How actively do we converse with one another how we carry forth our belief in ministry and mission? And how do such conversations bear witness to our roles in the church?


Also, I invite you to a new Wednesday evening bible study beginning June 19. We will be studying Paul's Letter to the Galatians, a letter that addresses faith as both gift and responsibility, a melding together of God's grace received in Christ with our Christian response in love. 


Pastor John


Worship Schedule this Month

June 2nd - 2nd Sunday after Pentecost - “It's Sunday! So Why Are We Here?”, Psalm 81:1-102;

Corinthians 4:5-12; Mark 2:23-3:6. First Sunday Conversation w/refreshments


June 9th - 3rd Sunday after Pentecost - Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:11-30.


June 16th - 4th Sunday after Pentecost - “Planting Seeds for God's Kingdom”, Ezekiel 17:22-24;

2 Corinthians 5:6-17; Mark 4:26-34. VBS Silent Auction


June 23rd - 5th Sunday after Pentecost - “Water Stirring and Sabbath Healing”, Psalm 133; 2

Corinthians 6:1-13; John 5:1-16.


June 30th - 6th Sunday after Pentecost - “The Life-giving Work of the Son”, Psalm 30; 2

Corinthians 8:7-15; John 5:17-23. Graduate Sunday


1st Sunday Conversation

Please join us downstairs after the service on Sunday, June 2nd for a First Sunday Conversation. We welcome you to participate in a discussion of the church’s activities. Come down to the social room for some refreshments and a chat!


Wednesday Evening Bible Study, 6:30 – 8:00 PM


June 5th – Matthew 25

Parable of Sheep and Goats


June 12th -  No Bible Study


June 19th – Galatians 1


June 26th – Galatians 2


Notes from Consistory – May 28th, 2024

-        Vacation Bible School June 10 - 14.  VBS Auction 16th.


-        Windstream - Kinetic is coming to update the signal extender or place a second modem for the basement.


-        The cables on the steeple have been examined.  We are waiting for the report from T. Ross Brothers.


-        Affordable Fuels will be installing updated toilets in the upstairs restrooms and the one in the Men's room downstairs.  We are waiting for the job to be scheduled.


-        The graduates will be honored on 6/30.


-        Please remember to schedule events with Pam so that we can be sure there are no conflicts.


-        A donation will be made to the Mifflinburg Hose Company in the same amount as last year.


-        The HVAC Maintenance is scheduled for 6/11 and 11/4.


Rummage Wrap Up


A huge thank you goes out to all of you for helping to make another successful rummage sale. More than fifty of you helped in some way – working and contributing rummage, baked goods, and soup. We couldn’t do it without that kind of support from the congregation. The final tally for the rummage sale was $6,429.92 which will be distributed in the fall. The bake sale made $631.25 and the soup sale made $375. That money will be used toward filling backpacks next March. The leftover rummage continues to serve the community, going to Community Aid, and the American Rescue Workers, and DIG furniture bank.

Congratulations to Our Graduates

Please join me in offering our congratulations to these Dreisbach young people as they graduate this year!  Our 2024 graduates are:

Cami Finerghty – Lock Haven University

Alyson Houseknecht – Mifflinburg Area High School

Jacob Humphrey – York College of Pennsylvania (December 2023)

Tricia Lloyd – Messiah University, Clinical Mental Health Counseling,MA

Mariah Noll – University of Delaware

Mason Noll – Midd-West High School

Declan White – Mifflinburg Area High School

Please join us on June 30th as we honor them during the worship service. A time of fellowship and refreshments will follow the service.


Vacation Bible School Silent Auction

Sunday, June 16th   - Mark Your Calendar!

 The VBS committee is looking for Donations!!! 

Baked goods, Handmade Items, Gift Cards, & More.  A sign-up sheet is in the back of the sanctuary. 

Donations can be dropped off at the back of the church.  Perishable items to be dropped off early in the morning of the auction on Sunday, June 16th.  

For more information on how you can help, please feel free to reach out to Diane Amabile @ 570-217-4463, Holly Snyder @570-716-4103 or Bev Charma @ 570-217-6426.   

Thanks for your continued support.  Your donations are greatly appreciated and make a difference!


Upcoming Meetings

-        The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group is Monday, June 17, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome. 

-        Prime-timers for June will be on the 27th at 12:30 at DC Coffee & Tea.




Childcare Available

Volunteers are available to care for your child in the nursery every Sunday after the Children’s Time until the end of the service. Parents and caretakers are welcome to send their children to the nursery during that time. All volunteers have appropriate clearances. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Diane Hackenberg. 

The volunteers for June are: June 2 – Bonnie Dodge; June 9 – Mike Finerghty; June 16 - VBS closing – nursery will not be staffed; June 23 – Diane Hackenberg; June 30 – Sharon Rein.


Kitchen Committee

Consistory would like to form a kitchen committee. If you are willing to be a part of the committee please speak to Tammy Pierce or Sue Leitzel.  In addition, if you are available and able to help with funeral luncheons, especially on week days, please sign the sheet in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you

Pamela Pfirman