October 2022 News
Worship Schedule this Month
October 2nd – “The Power of Faith and Rightful Expectations”, Rev. John Yost –Psalms137,
2nd Timothy 1:1-14, Luke 17:5-10. Worldwide Communion Sunday
October 9th – “Faith, Mercy and Thankfulness”, Rev. John Yost – Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7, 2nd
Timothy 2:8-15, Luke 17: 11-19.
October 16th – “Faith Pursuing Justice Persistently”, Rev. John Yost – Jeremiah 31:27-34, 2nd
Timothy 3:14 - 4:5, Luke 18:1-8.
October 23rd – “The Threat of Self-righteousness”, Rev. John Yost – Psalms 65, 2nd Timothy 4:6-
8, 16-18, Luke 18:9-14.
October 30th – “Connecting Your Path to Your Purpose”, Following one’s passion is a route most
can follow. Connecting your path to your purpose leads to so much more.
Jerry Amabile – Isaiah 1:10-18, Psalms 32:1-7, Luke 19:1-10.
Looking Ahead
November 6th – (ToW: Hold on to Faith) Rev. John Yost – Psalms 98, 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-5,
13-17, Luke 20:27-38. All Saints Sunday, Daylight Savings Time Ends
Highlights from September Consistory Meeting
· Once again, our calendar is full of upcoming events for the end of September and beginning of October. Please see the calendar for a list of events that you can participate in. Everyone’s help is needed for a successful Fall Festival, October 8th.
· Charlie Mensch and Chad Willow have updated the New Safety Policy for Dreisbach. Consistory will be reviewing and voting on the new policy next month.
· The new microphones for the sanctuary are STILL on backorder.
· Robert Pierce presented an explanation of the Church’s finances to Consistory. Investments are down due to the current volatile market, tithing is up compared to last year at this time and Pastor Nate’s financial obligations will end the first week in October. Overall the church is in good shape bearing any unforeseen expenses.
· Consistory is searching for a volunteer to be in charge of Wreaths Across America.
· Christmas… Yes it is coming!! Mark your calendar for December 4th for a Potluck Brunch and Christmas Sing-a-long!
All Saints Sunday
All Saints Sunday will be on November 6th. If you have a loved one that has passed during the last year that you would like remembered on that day, please contact Pam Pfirman (pam_adminsec@dreisbachucc.org, 570-898-9774) so that we can include them in this year’s service.
6th Annual Fall Festival
Our 6th Annual Fall Festival will take place Saturday, October 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be a great day of fellowship with our church family and people from our community. Some of Dreisbach's best bakers will be filling the bake stand with their scrumptious pies, whoopie pies, cookies and goodies of all kinds. Why not enter your pies in the pie tasting contest for all ages? We will have Clyde’s Fries, hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, chicken corn, ham & bean, and vegetable soup at the food stand. There will be all kinds of games to entertain the children.
In order to make the festival run smoothly, we need volunteers. Volunteers are needed for the food stand, games, bake sale stand and the pie tasting stand. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the back of the sanctuary listing the donations that are needed and volunteers for the different jobs.
Even if you can’t help in anyway with the day’s events please come, with your lawn chair, to the festival to enjoy the day with your family at Dreisbach and bring along some friends!
Pie Contest
Calling all bakers young, old and in between to bake a pie for the Fall Festival pie baking contest. So, start thinking about which one of your favorite pie recipes you would like to take 1st place! And yes, there is prize money for the top 3 winners in each division (adult female, adult male and youth up to age 18).
Entry forms will be available Friday afternoon, October 7th in the downstairs social hall. All pies should be at the church no later than Saturday morning, October 8th by 10:30 am. Three taster tickets will be available for $3 to cast your vote for your favorite pie. Any questions see, call or text Sharon Rein at 570-713-9503. Good luck to all the contestants!
Rummage Wrap-up
Diane, Holly and Judy would like to thank everyone who helped with the rummage sale. The week went well with the setup crew, workers, kitchen crew and the cleanup crew.
The men upstairs did a great job of selling from the front of the church. They seem to have a great time together and could tell you some interesting stories, especially Scott Sanders.
Thanks to everyone who donated food items for our workers.
If you have never worked at the rummage sale, you are missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime of unloading garbage bag after another and removing rummage from the front of the church on the first day of the sale.
It’s a long week at the rummage sale but it is a great time of fellowship amongst the helpers.
Our total for the week came to $4,485.
Soup & Bake Sale
Thanks to everyone who donated soup and baked goods to be sold during the Rummage Sale. The total for the soup sales was $360.50 and the baked goods brought in $553.00. The money from these sales will be put toward some of the costs of the Backpack Program benefitting our local youth. Dreisbach will again be filling backpacks in March.
Upcoming Meetings
· October Prime-timers will be on October 27th at DC Coffee & Tea.
· The Investment Committee will meet on October 18th at 9:00 a.m.
Nursery Volunteers
Volunteers will be available to care for your child in the nursery every Sunday after the Children’s Time until the end of the service. Parents and caretakers are welcome to send their children to the nursery during that time. All volunteers have appropriate clearances. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Diane Hackenberg.
October’s volunteers are: October 2 – Ryli Amabile; October 9 – Lori Leitzel; October 16 – Diane Hackenberg; October 23 – Bonnie Dodge; October 30 – Jesse Hackenberg.
Bible Studies
We currently have two bible study options taking place on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. A women’s group is meeting downstairs led by Bonnie Dodge and Tammy Pierce. A mixed group is meeting in the back of the sanctuary led by Rev. Yost. The upstairs group is delving into Revelations:
· 9/28 Revelation 1-3. To the Church: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
· 10/5 Revelation 4-5. Vision from Heaven: Symbols of Numbers, Creatures and Worship
· 10/12 Revelation 6-7. Seven Seals, Four Horses and a Lamb
· 10/19. Revelation 8-10. Angels, Trumpets and a Little Scroll
· 10/26. Revelation 11. Forty-two Months, Three and a half Days: A Time of Witness and New Life
Anyone is welcome to join these groups.
Thank You
John and Sharon Rein would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, phone calls, text messages and cards during his recent operation and continuing recovery.
Your thoughtfulness and caring are greatly appreciated!
Thank you again,
John and Sharon
Fall Highway Cleanup
Dreisbach fall highway cleanup will be held on Sunday October 9th very soon after the church service concludes. There is a signup sheet in the back of the church to indicate your willingness to assist. Kindly look at the sections of the road and place your name on the section of the highway you will be de-littering. Wear casual clothing that morning or change after the service. We will meet in the parking lot on the north side of the church to distribute orange vests, gloves and plastic bags. Your efforts to assist in beautifying Dreisbach Church Rd are appreciated.
Trunk or Treat
Dreisbach will again host a fun fall event for our young as well as those who are simply
young at heart on October 23rd.
Spread the word about our “Trunk or Treat” from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at the
Dreisbach UCC parking lot.
Decorate your car and pass out treats to all the kids. Feel free to dress up too!
Sharing the love of Christ! Please let Mallory Leitzel know if you are willing to participate in this event.