November 2022 News

November 2022 Newsletter



Worship Schedule this Month


November 6th  – All Saints Sunday with Holy Communion, “Saints in Christ: Signed, Sealed and

            Delivered”, Rev. John Yost – Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18, Ephesians 1:11-24, Luke 6:20-31.

November 13th  –  “How to Read and Understand the Signs”, Rev. John Yost – Isaiah 65:17-25,

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, Luke 21:5-19.  Harvest Home Collection

November 20th  – “Thanksgiving is Multidirectional”, Rev. John Yost – Deuteronomy 26:1-11,

Philippians 4:4-9, John 6:25-35. Silent Auction to benefit VBS

November 27th  – First Sunday of Advent, “Ponder This- God's Unexpected Promise to an

Expectant Mother-to-be”, Rev. John Yost – Isaiah 2:1-6, Romans 13:11-14, Luke 1:26-38.   


Highlights from the October Consistory Meeting

It’s hard to believe, but the Holiday Season is upon us.  The Church Calendar will be very busy again with a lot of opportunities to donate food and other items for many, less fortunate, to have a Joyous Season.  The bulletin will have announcements coming up in November for the following charitable giving opportunities, Harvest Home/Kiwanis Food Boxes, Bethany Children’s Home, Phoebe Devitt House and a Reverse Advent Calendar.

The Safety and Security Policy was reviewed by Consistory.  Chad Willow will meet with the Church’s Insuarnce agent to review and revise as needed before Consistory votes to approve it.

The Youth Account currently has $5,847.83.  Consistory discussed what to do with this account because we currently do not have a Youth Leader or Youth Group.  The Consistory voted to move the Youth Account into the General Fund.  Going forward, $5000 will be budgeted for the youth.  The remaining $847.83 will be used to benefit a local Children’s charity.

Robert M Sides plans to fix the organ at the end of October (this date has been pushed to 11/3 due to illness). The repairs should be covered under the Church’s Service Contract.

Tony Noll will be in charge of the Poinsettia sale this year.  Please watch the bulletin and newsletter for details.

PennDot will be doing a bridge/underground pipe repair in April 2023. Dreisbach Church Road will be detoured during that time.


New Consistory Members

If anyone is interested in serving on consistory please contact any of our current consistory members to let them know of your interest.  We are in need of 1 elder, 2 deacons and a trustee for the next term. Thank You

Pastoral Care

If anyone is in need of Pastoral Care at this time, please reach out to Pastor John at 570-837-9232. He would be happy to assist you.

Vacation Bible School Auction

Sunday, November 20th

The VBS committee is looking for Donations!!! 

Baked goods, Handmade Items, Gift Cards, & Gift Baskets. A sign-up sheet is in the back of the sanctuary. 

Come on out and bid on great items for the holidays and continue your support of VBS and the mission it provides in bringing Children to Christ. Your donations are greatly appreciated and make a difference!

We hope to see you there!

Should you have any questions feel free to contact Diane Amabile .


Veterans Christmas Remembrance

We are pleased to be able to hold our Wreaths  Across America event here at Dreisbach on Saturday, Dec. 17th, 2022 at 10 AM.  Join us as we honor and remember the veterans who served our nation.  If you would like to sponsor a wreath to be placed on a veteran’s grave the cost is $20.  Sponsor sheets are included in with the newsletter and are also available at the back of the church.  If you would like to help- contact Elaine Rockey.

Harvest Home Collection

November 13th will be our annual Harvest Home celebration.  Please bring non-perishable food items to the church for collection. This year’s donations will be given to the Kiwanis club to help with their food drive to benefit local families. 


·       Prime-timers will meet on November 17th at 12:30 at DC Coffee in Mifflinburg.


·       The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group will be Thursday, November 3. at 6:30 p.m. at the church. All are welcome.


·       Consistory will meet on Thursday, November 17th at 7:00 p.m.


Revelations Bible Study

Bible Study on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 with Pastor John will continue with the following topics in November:


·       November 2-  Revelation 12-13

o   Beasts, A Dragon and the Blood of the Lamb


·       November 9-  Revelation 14-15

o   Redemption or Wrath: What's on Your Forehead?


·       November 16-  Revelation 16

o   Distasteful Bowls and the Blessing of Armageddon


·       November 30-  Revelation 17-19

o   A Fallen Kingdom, A Horse of a Different Color and the Great Supper of God


Christmas Brunch

Help us to kick off the Christmas season with a Brunch and Carol Sing following the worship service on December 4th.  Please bring a dish to share and your holiday spirit to get this joyous season started!

Rummage Sale Proceeds Distribution

The rummage sale is sponsored by the Disciples-Wanderers Sunday School class, but we know that it could not happen without the support of the whole church. Thank you for another successful sale. All proceeds from the sale go to support outreach work in the local area and globally.  You helped to raise the money, so we invite you to be part of the joy of giving it away. On Sunday, November 13th during Sunday School, we will meet in the overflow room of the church to make decisions about distribution. Please feel free to join us. If you can’t make the meeting but have a suggestion, pass it on to Diane Hackenberg.

Worship Service Childcare

Volunteers are available to care for your child in the nursery every Sunday after the Children’s Time until the end of the service. Parents and caretakers are welcome to send their children to the nursery during that time. All volunteers have appropriate clearances. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Diane Hackenberg.  November’s volunteers are: November 6 – Diane Amabile; November 13 – Sharon Rein; November 20 – Amber Leitzel; November 27 – Michelle Laudenslager.

Christmas Gifts

Dreisbach members are once again invited to share the blessings of Christmas with the residents of The Phoebe Devitt House and Bethany Children’s Home.  A list of gift idea for Bethany Children’s Home is available in the back of the sanctuary or at The list of residents for Phoebe Devitt House will be available at the back of the sanctuary soon.  If you would like to provide gifts please have Phoebe Devitt gifts to the church by December 4th and Bethany gifts will be collected on December 11th.

Reverse Advent Calendar

A Reverse Advent Calendar encourages us to think of others as we wait to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.  Pick out a sturdy box or basket and simply add one item starting December 1st thru Christmas Day.  Suggestions to contribute would be toiletries, non-perishable food items, feminine products, small toys or puzzles, candy, books…whatever you like. If you would like to create a Reverse Advent Calendar please drop your container by the church to be collected the week following Christmas.



Pamela Pfirman