March 2022 News
March 2022 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
“They will rebuild ancient ruins
On your account;
The foundations of generations past
You will restore.
You will be called
Mender of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Livable Streets.” (Isaiah 58:12 CEB)
I write to you amidst the PA erratic and irregular weather. Right now it is about 15 ˚F, but when I finish this message up and add it to this newsletter the temperature may be in the 50’s by then. Who knows what it will look like when this mailing reaches your eyes. I always thought March was the unpredictable, up and down weather experience of lion-like to lamb-like feels, but February seems to be sending us something even more volatile. Stay safe and be on your toes, also make sure you have your winter jacket, sandals, sunglasses, and umbrella with you at all times.
As we enter the season of lent this year may the theme of Listen to Him guide your thoughts and reflections in this time. We continue to experience shifts in precautions and safety measures all across community life with pandemic policies. Dreisbach continues to encourage a policy of individual responsibility in respectful and loving ways for the events and worship experiences we offer in this time. Thank you so much for the cooperative behavior and supportive choices by one another that has led everyone in these times.
I want to update the congregation of an upcoming time and schedule for this summer. The leadership of the church has affirmed and agreed to my request of a pastoral sabbatical this coming summer. These past 2+ years of pandemic life have been full of difficult and trying times for us all, but certainly in the ways of leading and seeking alternative plans and procedures for our faith community. It is my hope that this time of rest, rejuvenation, and refocusing on my spiritual, physical, and emotional health will help me and also help the church as a whole in the experience of pause and reflection that this time will offer. Consistory has approved a sabbatical schedule for July, August, and September months. Upon my return from the Mission Trip to TN I will begin this time and I will return for the first Sunday in October in worship for Worldwide Communion Sunday. During this time I will seek to rest and recover from the difficult, ever changing, and unpredictable schedules and responsibilities that this time has required from me. I am scheduling to spend some time at Weston Priory in VT with the monks for some spiritual reflection and renewal in that setting. I am also setting up a goal of hiking all 230 miles of the Appalachian Trail in PA during this time. This goal will be break the trail up into small day trip segments with efforts of covering different sections throughout the weeks that I am off. This will hopefully be spiritually nurturing and physically helpful too. Trying to get myself back on track in all ways.
I am very grateful for the congregations support in this need and for the financial support by the congregation to be able to bring on a pastoral presence to offer continued worship and pastoral care in the time I am away. A schedule of pastoral coverage is being laid out for these months with a goal of having a few clergy folks who take turns supporting the needs of the church in this way. Your prayers are greatly appreciated always, but certainly in this time of reestablishing the healthy of life and routine that is needed.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
Wednesday, March 2nd – Ash Wednesday Service @7pm. Joel 2: 1-2, 12-17; Psalms 51: 1-17; 2nd Corinthians 5:20b- 6:10; Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21. Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes as we begin the season of Lent.
March 6th - (ToW: Wilderness Companions) First Sunday in Lent, Deuteronomy 26: 1-11; Psalms 91: 1-2, 9-16; Romans 10: 8b-13; Luke 4: 1-13. No first Sunday Fellowship due to All Church Retreat Activities.
March 13th - (ToW: Strong and Tender) 2nd Sunday in Lent. Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18; Psalms 27; Philippians 3:17- 4:1; Luke 13: 31-35. Day Light Savings time begins (turn the clocks ahead).
March 20th -(ToW: Open Invitation) Isaiah 55: 1-9; Psalms 63: 1-8; 1st Corinthians 10: 1-13; Luke 13: 1-9.
March 27th – (ToW: Embracing Love) One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Collection Begins. Joshua 5: 9-12; Psalms 63: 1-8; 2nd Corinthians 5: 16-21; Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32.
Look Further Ahead
April 3rd - (Theme of Week: Something New) Isaiah 43: 16-21; Psalms 126; Philippians 3: 4b-14; John 12: 1-8. First Sunday Fellowship.
April 10th - (Tow: Into Jerusalem) Palm Sunday, Psalms 118: 1-2, 19-29; Luke 19: 28-40.
Thursday, April 14th – Maundy Thursday Service, 7pm
Friday, April 15th – Good Friday Service, 7pm
April 17th – (ToW: Resurrection Joy) Easter Sunday
Upcoming Meetings
Our next prime-timers luncheon will be at OIP Mifflinburg on March 24th at 12:30 pm.
The Prayer Shawl group will meet on Thursday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the church. All are welcome.
Easter Flowers
We are currently accepting orders for Easter flowers. Tulips & hyacinths are $9.00 and lilies are $10.00. Please turn your orders into any consistory member or contact Tony Noll to place your order (570-837-3104, Deadline to order is March 11th. Thank you
Mifflinburg Backpack Program
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mifflinburg Backpack program. We will begin filling backpacks on Wednesday following the Ash Wednesday service and will continue to do so each Wednesday at 8:00pm following the bible study. We are off to a good start with donations and currently have enough to fill the bags for the first three weeks of the month. We hope you’ll continue to support the Backpack Program throughout the month so we can finish strong.
Women’s Bible Study
Bonnie Dodge and Tammy Pierce will be leading a Women's Bible Study on Wednesday evenings @ 6:30pm, starting April 20th and continuing for a 6 week period. We will be using material from Beth Moore's Entrusted study. If you are interested in participating, please sign up on the sheet at the back of the church so we can order a book for you. If you have any questions please see Bonnie or Tammy.
Children’s Sunday School
Bonnie Dodge will be teaching Sunday School for the children of the church, March, April and May.
Rummage Sale
Is spring cleaning on your mind? Don’t forget to set aside no longer needed items for the rummage sale! Your donations are the foundation of every sale and we couldn’t have the sale without them. Also, we have a tremendous amount of garbage each year because we must throw out donations that cannot be sold. So please consider: If the item is worn out or beyond repair, please dispose of it in the garbage.
The soup and bake sales will happen along with the rummage sale this year and proceeds from the bake sale will be used to support Dreisbach’s mission trip this summer.
Please mark your calendars for the week of May 1-7. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer talk to Judy Willow, Holly Snyder, or Diane Hackenberg. We hope to see you there!
Easter Egg Hunt
Dreisbach will host an Easter Egg Hunt for children up to age 10 on Saturday, April 9th at 10:00. Look for more details soon!
Flower Bulb Fundraiser
Dreisbach is currently selling Dutch Mill Bulbs to offset the costs of those going on the Mission Trip this summer. An order form is located in the back of the sanctuary or speak to anyone going on the trip. Cost of the bulbs/plants is $13. All orders must be placed by Easter. Thank You
Highlights from the February Consistory meeting were as follows:
· Charlie Mensch attended and was given approval to revise the Safety Protocal for Dreisbach. He will work with Chad Willow and put together a Safety Committee. They will also get a revised quote from A1 Lock & Key for cameras inside and out.
· Scott Eberhart, Consistory member and John Rein, Property Committee Chair will be the point of contact for the Flat Roof Project.
· Our Lenten Breakfasts this year will be Palm Sunday Brunch and Easter Sunday Breakfast.
· The Souper Bowl Sunday proceeds of $142 and 75 items were donated to Mifflinburg Hope’s Haven.
· A fundraiser for Flower Bulbs and proceeds from the Bake Sale have been approved to use toward the Mission Trip.
· The Pastoral Relations Committee is working on a protocol to reach out to members who are no longer attending Dreisbach Church. This information will be helpful to the church and show the people that we care about them.
· Pastor Nate has requested a 3 month sabbatical that is permitted per his contract. Consistory approved this leave of absence for July 2 – September 27. Consistory is working to obtain supply Pastor’s for this leave of absence.
· Tim and Kristy Sones have stepped down as Youth leaders.
· Sandy Catherman and our tech team are desperately seeking help to run the Video Slides, Camera and Sound System.
· In conclusion, this past year the Consistory has put a lot of time and effort into the buildings and grounds and we will continue to address those issues as needed, but we would like to put more emphasis on the Spiritual Aspect of Dreisbach in the coming year.