February 2022 News
Pastor’s Message
For all who are interested there is an opportunity to be a part of a weekly Bible Study at the church. There will be a group gathering on Wednesday evenings from 7 pm to 8 pm. We will be starting by looking at the weekly lectionary passages that are read in worship on the Sunday that is next to follow. We will also utilize a scripture study entitled Making Sense of Scripture by David Lose. We will use this as a supplement to our conversations on the scriptures and our own personal questions we bring. All are welcome to come, you don’t have to be there every week, you can come and go as you are able, and probably as the weather allows us. I am envisioning that we will meet up until Easter and then assess how everything is going and make any needed adjustments and probably begin a new study or topic for our time together. Please seriously think about joining us, it will be a meaningful time for you and for me.
It has been my wish to offer a mission work camp opportunity to a site along the Appalachian region of the country in order to help out our neighbors in need. This gives us a chance to utilize our skills and gifts, as well as, share a portion of our blessings, in order that folks may have what they need to simply live. We are finalizing dates and arrangements with a group called Volunteers in Mission located in Frakes, KY. This is a site along the TN and KY boarder and not very far from recent tornado damaged areas from this past year. We will be matched up with jobs that connect with our skill level and ability level during the week. In past trips I have been a part of much of the work has focused on building ramps for folks who are unable to enter or exit their homes any longer without such help. This is a great need for the aging population that is found in this part of the country, as the younger generation moves away from this area often in order to find work or build a life away from these local areas, leaving behind an aging generation that needs a little help in order to live life as all would like to. Informational gatherings are occurring as we build our group for this trip. Folks over the age of 11 are able to go to this location and be a part of the trip. Both members and nonmembers are welcome to join us too. As we gather our group the financial aspects of the trip will be worked out together and with the leadership of the church. The dates that we are looking at trying to schedule and see about availability are the weeks after father’s day and into early June. We hope to have concrete dates in the coming weeks as we see how big the group will be and as we partner with the Henderson Settlement location. I am excited to offer this opportunity, it will be a meaningful experience, but it will also have a lot to teach you and to experience, and to stretch you in your faith. I hope folks will take a courageous step in being a part of this opportunity.
I hope to see many folks at our Ash Wednesday Service on March 2nd @ 7pm. This is the start of the season of Lent and an opportunity to refocus and renew our connections to God and one another, even in this strange time of winter and pandemic life that we are very tired of experiencing. Let us join together in trusting and hoping that something new and better is coming our way in this time.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
February 6th - (Theme of Week: A Surprising Catch) Isaiah 6: 1-13; 1st Corinthians 15: 1-11; Luke 5: 1-11. First Sunday Fellowship. We welcome Bonni Lucas as Preacher in worship.
February 13th - (Tow: Surprising Teaching) Jeremiah 17: 5-10; 1st Corinthians 15: 12-30; Luke 6: 17-26. Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday (Collecting Canned Good items and donations for local needs)
February 20th -(ToW: Love Your Enemies) Genesis 45: 3-11, 15; 1st Corinthians 15: 35-38, 42-50; Luke 6: 27-38.
February 27th – (ToW: Astounding Glory) Transfiguration Sunday, Exodus 34: 29-35; 2nd Corinthians 3:12 – 4:2; Luke 9: 28-43a. Blessing of Prayer Shawls
Look Further Ahead
Wednesday, March 2nd – Ash Wednesday Service @7pm. Joel 2: 1-2, 12-17; 2nd Corinthians 5:20b- 6:10; Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21. Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes as we begin the season of Lent.
March 6th - (ToW: Wilderness Companions) First Sunday in Lent, Deuteronomy 26: 1-11; Romans 10: 8b-13; Luke 4: 1-13. No first Sunday Fellowship due to All Church Retreat Activities.
March 13th - (ToW: Strong and Tender) 2nd Sunday in Lent. Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18; Philippians 3:17- 4:1; Luke 13: 31-35. Day Light Savings time begins (turn the clocks ahead).
Consistory 2022
Elders Deacons Trustees
Sharon Magyar – Pres. Detra Dodge Leroy Gabel
Dave Beckley - VP Sandy Catherman Scott Eberhart
Tammy Pierce - Sec. Mallory Leitzel Chad Willow
Tony Noll
Jerry Amabile
The 2022 consistory will be taking a team approach to leadership of the consistory. The officers will be working as an Executive Team made up of the President, Vice President and Secretary. Please feel free to reach out to any of the members of the Executive Team with items for the agenda at our monthly meetings or any concerns or questions you may have. Below are the best contact numbers for each of these individuals.
Sharon Magyar 570-412-6310 (call or Text) or e-mail bsmag@windstream.net
Dave Beckley 570-524-0705 (please leave a message)
Tammy Pierce 570-412-7289 (call or text)
We are here to lead your church so please be a part of it. Appreciate any and all feedback.
Upcoming Meetings
Prime timers for February will be at 12:30 pm on the 24th at OIP Mifflinburg.
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group will be Thursday, February 10, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.
Save the Date!
The Spring Rummage Sale is set for May 5, 6, and 7, with set up work beginning Sunday, May 1. Judy Willow, Holly Snyder, and Diane Hackenberg will again be organizing the sale. We hope to see you there!
Souper Bowl of Caring
February 13th is our Souper Bowl of Caring event. Please drop off food items to the church. Monetary/gift cards are also welcome and may be mailed or dropped to the church. All donations will benefit Hope’s Haven as they provide for those in need in our local area. Thank you for your generosity.
Backpack Program
We are accepting food donations for area food pantries and missions to feed children of our communities. We will be filling 116 backpacks with food for kids in the Mifflinburg Area School District throughout the month of March. Bring your items to the church or your donations of money for some of our connected members who are able to get needed items at very discounted prices. This is a wonderful ministry that Dreisbach supports in dedicated ways for the last few years. Thank you for your generosity. Backpacks will consist of 10 items per child per week. We invite you to purchase the individualy wrapped and individually sized items for disbursement. We plan to fill the backpacks on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 before the bible study time.
# Mini macaroni & cheese (microwaveable) # Granola bars
# Mini chef Boyardee or similar microwaveable food products # Fruit Snacks
# Snack-pack puddings # Mini Cereal Boxes
# Pop Tarts # Drink boxes/pouches
# Fruit Cups # Individual packs of Crackers
(An Uplifting & Spiritually Fulfilling Weekend)
Friday March 4, 6:30 PM - Sunday March 6, noon
Crystal Springs Retreat Center
North of Mifflinburg
The weekend includes sessions with our speaker Rev. Tim Hogan-Palazzo, 5 meals, kids’ program, singing, games and lots of fun!
Please fill out the registration form below and return it along with your payment to Scott Sanders 221 Pine St. Mifflinburg, PA 17844 or see him during worship no later than February 16. Checks should be made payable to Dreisbach UCC. In the event that Covid makes you unable or uncomfortable to attend at the time of the retreat we will refund your payment.
Dreisbach’s Annual All Church Retreat
Names of all family members attending:
Please include age and grade level for all children.
Phone #_____________________________________________
Email address________________________________________
Check One: We will be commuting. _____________
We would like to stay overnight. ____________
Cost: $30.00/person or $90.00 for a family of 4 or more
Amount Paid: ___________ Cash or Check #__________