Special Coronavirus Message
Dreisbach UCC
Prayers continue to be lifted up for you and for us all. As we move through this possible pandemic hitting our world and our local area may you do your best to keep calm and be wise with the choices that have to be made personally and collectively. If you are struggling with the stay calm and carry on part I invite you to refer to scripture, there’s just a few of those verses; here are a few examples and suggestions for you: Psalm 23, 27, 46, 121, 130 to name a few.
There are many choices that have to be made, some of those are passed down from gov’t officials on the federal or state levels and some from local leaders, while other decisions need to be made by us. At this time church leaders have made the decision to cancel the Lenten Breakfast for March 15th, there will also be no Sunday School following worship.
As for worship, we are asking that only those who are involved with the worship to physically attend. At this time it is our plan to (1) have the phone connection to worship open. For that you use your phone to call in and listen to the whole service as it is occurring; that number is 570-518-0013. AND (2) a second way of being a part of worship is going to be through our facebook page as we try to use Facebook live for the worship. This will allow you to see and hear the worship experience from your home on your computer or smart phone. It is our hope to then post the service online on facebook and on website for continued usage by anyone interested for later viewing.
Please, stay tuned for future messages about events going forward, at this time we are not sure how long this will last or if our plans will change in anyway as we live through this time. If you have any questions or concerns contact Pastor Nate, Pam, or a consistory leader and we will do our best to direct you; your thoughts are always welcome. All of these plans are out of concern for one another, we would certainly rather be safe than sorry. This is and will be a different Lent journey than any of us have ever been on before. God is faithful and just, and will see us through.