March 2020 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. I certainly believe that March comes in like a lion, but I’m not sure if it will go out like a lamb. Dreisbach continues to be busy, some of that busyness is for events like funerals, which are not what we want to be busy with, but also other points of life are being celebrated, like baptisms and weddings. Ministry work continues to grow and expand as we discern where we are being called to go. One of those ministry points is the Mifflinburg Backpack Program, which we are in charge of for March once more. The totals have ballooned to 175 students being reached through this ministry; please support this work as you are able and pray for all involved with the education of our young people and all who play an essential role in the future that is yet to be written for them. The Vision Committee has been hard at work interacting with members and prayerfully listening for the Spirit’s voice and presence to guide and speak. As this mailing comes out to you, over 50 will gather for the All Church Retreat again. An event that calls us to pause and reacquaint ourselves with all parts of our reality.
In worship during Lent there is a service series leading our time together called “Words that Last Forever”. Christ had no epitaph. Buried in a borrowed tomb, no words were emblazoned across his grave. Instead, during the final hours of his life, Christ mapped out his way of suffering with seven famous last words—seven final phrases, remembered and recited throughout the ages—tiny touchstones along his way of sorrows. We may find that these last words have a lasting impact, even now, for us. This series will culminate on Easter Sunday (April 12th), please join us for meaningful messages in worship.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
March 1st - (Theme of Worship: Abundant Grace) Baptism of Aspen Lloyd and we welcome Pastor Gerald Lloyd to the pulpit, Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11; 1st Corinthians 3:1-9. No Sunday School or First Sunday Fellowship due to All Church Retreat.
March 8th - (ToW: Bold Blessing) “Words That Last Forever”: Paradise. Genesis 2:4-17; 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18; John 14:1-6. Brunch following worship.
March 15th - (ToW: Thirsty Voices) “Words That Last Forever: Forsaken. Isaiah 49:14-16; 2nd Corinthians 5:18-21; John 10:14-29. Regular Sunday School.
March 22nd - (ToW: Restored)”Words That Last Forever”: Thirst. Isaiah 55:1-11; Revelation 21:6 & 22:1-2; John 4:1-14. Brunch following worship.
March 29th - (ToW: Breath of Hope) “Words That Last Forever”: Finished. Philippians 1:2-6; John 17:1-14; Genesis 1:1-2:3. Fifth Sunday Conversation: Topic is the United Church of Christ.
Look Further Ahead
April 5th – (ToW: Behold) Palm Sunday. Proverbs 23:22-25; 1st Timothy 5:1-8; John 16:16-24. Brunch to follow worship.
April 9th – (ToW: For You, Human) Maundy Thursday Service in Fellowship Hall. Exodus 12:1-14; 1st Corinthians 11:23-26; John 3:1-17,34.
April 10th – (ToW: Hands) Good Friday Service. Isiah 53:1-6; Romans 14:7-9; Luke 23:33-49.
April 12th – (ToW: Alleluia!) Early Dawn Service at 7AM. Followed by Breakfast at 8AM. Regular Worship at 9:15AM. Exodus 15:1-11; 1st Corinthians 15:1-11; John 20:1-18. Happy Easter!
5th Sunday Conversation in March
On March 29th during the Sunday School time all are invited to join us for a conversation and presentation about the United Church of Christ. We will look at the history, structure, role in key events of the time it has been in existence, and our connection to it. The UCC is 63 years old this year, but the churches that make up this denomination have much longer histories that have shaped this country and the people who came here. This is an important confirmation topic that we will be covering, but it is also an opportunity for all to learn and understand some of the details about how Christianity has changed, grown, and is moving in our world, especially through the work of the UCC. There will be videos, trivia time, and conversations during this time together. All are welcome and all should try to join this opportunity.
The Spring Rummage Sale is already on the church calendar!
The dates of the sale will be May 7th, 8th and 9th.
As always will be here at the church May 4th, 5th, and 6th setting up….
Hope to see you there!!!!!!
Easter Flowers
The joyous Easter season is quickly approaching. How about a gift to delight all? Please join us in supporting the youth in their annual Easter Flower Sale. This is a small fundraiser for the youth, but also makes a great gift for the person receiving the plant, as well as the congregation, by beautifying our church on Easter morning. Order forms have been included with the newsletter and are also available in the church sanctuary. Order forms are due by March 15th.
2020 Dreisbach UCC Lenten Breakfast/Brunch Schedule
Date/Time Speaker Meal Provider
3/8@10:30 Miss Susan Hoppes Friends & Faith Sunday School Class
- Retired Elementary Teacher, Lewisburg School District
3/15@7:30 Mrs. Bea Heid Disciples Sunday School Class
- Local Bible Scholar, First Presbyterian Church, Lewisburg, PA
3/22@10:30 Rabbi Nina Mandel Dreisbach Youth
- Rabbi Congregation Beth El, Sunbury, PA
3/29@7:30 Ms. Susan Groce Kathy Barber, Corey Flood & Friends - Executive Director – By Grace Transitional Home, Middleburg, PA
4/5@10:30 Mrs. Lisa Streett-Libetrau Dreisbach Young Adults
- Executive Director & Founder of Camp Koala, Mifflinburg, PA
Mifflinburg Backpack Project
We will again be collecting food items for filling backpacks for school children in the Mifflinburg elementary and intermediate schools. We are in charge of the month of March again this year. There will be 4 weeks that we will fill backpacks for the young people. We look forward to your generosity and support for this ministry that helps young people to have some of the healthy food items they need when they are not in school over the weekend. Items can be brought to the church and placed in the big green box in the back of the church at any time starting at the end of January and running through March. The number of backpacks filled has again increased this year to feed more than 170 students. We will need a record number of both financial donations and item donations to meet the needs. Below is a list of items needed for each backpack, each week.
# Mini macaroni & cheese (microwaveable) # Granola bars
# Mini Chef Boyardee or similar microwaveable food products # Fruit Snacks
# Snack-pack puddings # Mini Cereal Boxes
# Drink boxes/pouches # Pop Tarts
# Individual packs of Crackers # Fruit Cups
We will gather Wednesday evenings at 8:00pm through March to fill the backpacks.
Youth News
There will be 2 opportunities for the youth to attend MACY events in March! MACY and Mini MACY will be going to the Milton Rock Gym on Sunday, March 22nd from 4-6 pm. Please see Kristy or Tim to get a parental waiver prior to the event. This is a FREE event! Also, MACY will once again be attending Winter Jam at the Bryce Jordan Center on Saturday, March 28th. Tickets are $15 at the door. Transportation will be provided for both events. Hope you can make it. 😊
On Thursday, March 19th from 5-8 pm, a portion of all proceeds from Larry's Pizza will go towards Dreisbach youth in order to help with costs for Harvey Cedars! Please consider ordering food from Larry's in Mifflinburg on this date. :)
Upcoming Meetings
Next Vision Committee Meeting will be on March 10 @ 6:30pm. Members are always welcome to join our important work in support of the future of Dreisbach!
Vision + Worship & Music Committees - 3/19 @ 7PM
The Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant on Thursday March 19th at 12:30 p.m. Anyone 50 and over is welcome. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the sanctuary. If you don’t get a chance to sign the sheet you may contact Bob Hoffman by phone or text (570-768-2936) or by email
Hippity Hoppity Egg Hunt News!
Please join us on Saturday, April 11 at 10:00 AM for our annual Easter egg hunt. All children ages 10 and under are welcome to hunt for filled eggs. You won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to find our prize eggs!
Pre-registration is required for the event. Please utilize the sign-up sheet in the back of the church or contact Chelsea Mensch to register.
Donations and volunteers will help make our event a success. We are seeking donations of chocolate candy, non-chocolate candy and large plastic Easter eggs. If you would like to make a donation to our event, please utilize the donation sign-up sheet also located in the back of the church.
As always, volunteers are welcome to help us fill eggs closer to the time of the event (date is TBA) as well as on the day of the event to hide eggs and help patrol our age-designated areas. Sign-ups sheets for volunteer opportunities will be available.
Contact Chelsea at (814) 335-0291 with any questions!
Wednesday Evening Meals
How about taking a night off from cooking! The Dreisbach Young Adults are planning to meet for a meal on Wednesday evenings through Lent. We will gather at 5:45 at The Hometown Eatery in Mifflinburg. Come every Wednesday or just on those that fit your busy lives! Anyone who is young at heart is welcome to come!
Save the Date for VBS 2020!
Rocky Railway – Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through
June 15-19 (6:30 – 8:30pm)
June 21 (9:15am) Closing Program
Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway! On this faith-filled adventure, kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs.
Many helping hands are needed to make VBS a memorable experience for the kids once again! Volunteers needed to help make and place decorations, teach, assist with crafts, games, and serve as class leaders each evening.
Contact Judy Willow (570-966-0721) or Pam Pfirman (570-898-9774) for more details. Registration forms will be available starting March 8th in the back of the sanctuary as well as online on our Facebook page.
Planning has begun for this year’s VBS week and we are in need of supplies for crafts. Please save your empty toilet paper rolls, cardboard egg cartons and bottle caps from milk jugs, soda and water bottles. A bin is located under the table at the back of the overflow area for the collection of these items. Thank you
Thank You
Thank you for the cards, calls and prayers during and after the loss of Linda’s parents, Harold & Ann Irwin, as well as with the loss and passing of Dale’s Mom, Aida Ruhl
Dale & Linda Ruhl
The family of Arla Berger would like to thank her Dreisbach family for all the calls, prayers, cards, visits, flowers, food and expressions of sympathy for her passing. Also, during her hospital, and convalescent home visits, cards, flowers and prayers. To hospice, kitchen committee, Ruth and Pastor Nate, thank you.
Update to Instant Church Directory
Instant Church Directory now allows you to make changes, additions or corrections to your profile in the directory on both the app and the website. When you open the app go to Menu at the top left. In the drop down menu click on Edit My Family. On the website simply click on Edit My Family at the top right hand side of the page. Any changes that you submit will go to the administrator (Pam or Pastor Nate) for approval before they appear in the directory.
The CARE Fund
The CARE fund distribution committee met February 21, 2020 for the first time ever! Barbara Buchholtz, Jesse Hackenberg, and Pat Hartzell are the initial volunteers. If the description below interests you to the point of wanting to serve on the committee, please consider volunteering. The committee is tasked with distributing 10% of the previous year’s ending balance of the CARE fund to the needs identified by Jesus as recorded in Mathew 25:35-36: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
In 2020, we are tasked with directing one-half ($880) to local needs and the other half ($880) beyond our local communities. As you become aware of needs in your community or in the broader world, please bring them to the attention of a committee member. We plan to keep a file of unmet needs for subsequent consideration, as well. We will keep the congregation informed about the work that is done with the monies. We anticipate the 2019 distributions will be completed by the fall of 2020.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Due to privacy concerns consistory has decided to no longer include a list of birthdays and anniversaries in the newsletter each month. This information is still available through Instant Church Directory for those that have provided it. A list of birthdays has been posted on the bulletin board outside the church office for anyone who does not have access to the online directory. If you would like a list printed for you simply ask Pam.