October 2018 Newsletter
October 2018 Newsletter
Dreisbach Friends,
As I am part of a number of clergy groups and church leadership groups these days, many of our conversations are on the similar topic of how do we make sure the church survives and is around for a future yet unknown? It can be a scary question to think about and you may feel the weight of such a big task. I wonder how the first disciples felt as they were tasked with the start and original spreading of the church message. Did they feel overwhelmed by the greatness of their task and the feeling of their limited numbers and resources or was the transforming presence of God leading and fueling them? When we look at the history of the church we can take off the weights that it is all on us and we are reminded that there has always been a Divine presence guiding and nudging humanity towards the work of the church and the spreading of the Gospel Good News. The task does not fall on us solely to carry this message forward, but we join and participate in the Spirit’s movement as we choose to be faithful, strengthened, and guided by God’s ways. This has led to growth and transformative work done all across our world, by humanity joining with God in the form of Church and world transformation.
So what does faithful work and ministry look like for our 21st century setting? This is a question we do need to ask ourselves and have a responsibility in discerning. As Dreisbach celebrates 230 years of being church it was great to celebrate and hear stories and share together. And that’s where I feel the church needs to go, where it has always gone when it has been at its best: the church is about relationships. That is what the future church needs to be about. Not all about rules, or a building, or a certain way of doing things. The faithful church has and will always be about relationships. Because this is how Jesus changed lives and healed people and this is what was most important for him; in order to save the world, it was about connecting with people.
Wherever Dreisbach goes from here; our top and most important focus needs to be about our relationships we have with God, and our relationships we have with one another, and the relationships we are called to build with our neighbors around us. That is why the early church was so dedicated to sharing meals together, and so committed to sharing resources with those in need, and that is why regular gatherings in Christ’s name became essential. So here we are in our time and in the heart of the Buffalo Valley, are we willing to strengthen our commitment to the church through our own personal relationships? Are we willing to do the work that is needed on our relationships with our God, with our church connections, and with our outside neighbors and world? It is in these relationships that the Spirit works and encourages us to be the hands and feet of a God who has connected all things through His Son, Jesus. So it is my prayer and hope that we will all focus, affirm, and build relationships of church with all whom we meet in our life. Dreisbach is a place that you can partner with others who are looking to become better in the work of being a follower of Christ. This way of being church never gets old and never goes out of style.
Blessings and Prayers to You All,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
October 7th -- (Theme of Worship: Enfolding Love) Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16. First Sunday Fellowship following worship. We Welcome Rev. Gary Nottis to the pulpit and Celebrate World Wide Communion Sunday.
October 14th - (ToW: What Must I Do?) Job 23: 1-9, 16-17; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10:17-31. Normal Sunday School Schedule.
October 21st – (ToW: Great Service) Job 38:1-7, 34-41; Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45. Praise Group in Worship. Normal Sunday School Schedule.
October 28th – (ToW: Take Heart) Job 42: 1-6, 10-17; Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52. Normal Sunday School Schedule.
Look Further Ahead
November 4th – (ToW: Wherever you go) Turn Clocks Back. Ruth 1:1-8; Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 12:28-34. We welcome Rev. Mike Price to the pulpit and we remember those that have passed on during the last 12 months. First Sunday Fellowship following worship.
Neighbors in Need Offering
Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. Neighbors in Need grants are awarded to UCC churches and organizations doing justice work in their communities. These grants fund projects whose work ranges from direct service to community organizing and advocacy to address systemic injustice. This year, special consideration will be given to projects focusing on serving our immigrant neighbors and communities. You may gain more information through their website: http://www.ucc.org/nin. This offering will be collected throughout October, but a special mission moment will be shared on Oct. 14th.
Ecclesiastical Counsel at Dreisbach
DiAnn Baxley who has recently returned her membership to Dreisbach UCC will be having her Ecc. Council Event at Dreisbach on Sunday Afternoon October 14th @3pm. This is the final examination for her in order to be approved for ordination in the United Church of Christ. DiAnn has been serving as a Lay Pastor for a number of years now and she continues to serve with the people at St. Luke’s in Lock Haven, but upon receiving approval at this council she will then be eligible for ordination in the UCC, taking on the Title of Reverend in her continued ministry. All are invited to attend this process and listen or ask questions of her. The event is normally about 1 hour long, followed by the vote and a time of fellowship and celebration.
Consistory Summary
September 18, 2018 meeting
Discussed needs for 2019 Consistory – needs are one Elder, one Deacon and one Trustee and a youth representative. If interesting in serving on Consistory for a three year term, please see Robert Pierce.
New Music Director, Glen Van Dyke, was asked to attend and share some of his ideas as well as get to know the members on Consistory.
Leadership dinner October 2 at St. John’s UCC in Lewisburg. See Mike Romig if interested in attending.
Sub-committee set up to finalize Pillar Groups for a final document to present to members for a guide.
Additional information to be shared on Dresibash CARE with goal of congregation vote by year end – See separate write up about this.
Dreisbach has been blessed!
Why should Dreisbach CARE?
· Did you know Dreisbach has no debt?
· Did you know that at the end of 2007, the total cash and investments totaled approximately $33,000?
· Over the past 10 years improvements have been made to the property and church building that exceeded $277,000. Most recent items include the video system, the sound system, new air conditioning units in the sanctuary and the chair lift/elevator was replaced. Extensive excavation work was performed after the basement flooded in 2011 as well.
· At the end of August 2018, the cash and investments held total almost $320,000!
How did we get to this financial position? A brief summary follows:
In 2008 the Sexton House was sold for about $89,000. In 2010, Alfred and Dorothy Hause bequest was about $25,000. In 2011, a non-member left Dreisbach close to $186,000 with a bequest and our insurance company covered $39,000 in repair cost for a new roof. In 2015, a stock gift was received that was about $105,000.
God has certainly blessed Dreisbach and the Compassionate And Responsible Endowment “CARE” Fund idea has been discussed by the Investment Committee and presented to Consistory. The idea is to allocate some of the current investment balance (amount to be voted on by congregation) into a separate fund to get the fund established. Annually a set percentage (also to be voted on by the congregation) of the balance in the fund will be “tithed” to needs beyond our doors. One of the goals of this fund is to allow members to have an additional option to leave a legacy or special gift to impact the future.
An annual congregation meeting will be scheduled in November or December to discuss the CARE Fund in more detail and allow the congregation to vote on the initial amount and annual “tithe” percentage.
11:00AM – 12:30 PM -- Heart to Hand Ministries - Woody Wolfe
Performance based on the playlist Woody uses to minister to hospitalized children. Feel good, spiritual, and mainstream music selections for kids of all ages.
12:45PM – 2:45PM -- Alex Cooke – Y’All Need Country Music
Originally from North Carolina, Alex brings a little bit of everything to our Fall Festival stage playing Country, Rock, Southern Rock, Contemporary Christian, & Praise Music.
3:00PM – 5:00PM -- Men in Harmony
20+ member men’s chorus performing sacred, classical, gospel, hymn tunes, and patriotic songs featuring a combination of piano accompaniment and a cappella in 2 and 4 part harmonies.
Membership Committee Corner
Thanks to everyone that came out and celebrated Dreisbach’s 230th Birthday with the Membership Committee on September 22nd. A full recap of the evening along with a link to the pictures and answers to the Dreisbach Trivia can be found at https://www.dreisbachucc.org/230th-birthday/.
The 2nd Annual Veterans Christmas Remembrance Celebration will be held here at Dreisbach on December 15, 2018. Locally made, evergreen wreath sponsorships will be $20 a piece. Order forms will be available at the church by mid-October.
We’ve heard several members express interest in experimenting with another NEW idea we are calling “Dreisbach Diner”! The idea is to foster and build upon the existing ties among our church family by experiencing a dining experience outside of the church social hall. The way we are thinking this shall work is that 6 people or families would volunteer to host a “dining experience” event every other month for the first year. The dining experience can be whatever the host person(s) want it to be. It may mean a potluck dinner at someone’s house, it may mean organizing a day and time everyone meets at a local restaurant (like Prime Timers but open to ages 0 -???). Maybe you have always wanted to have a Christmas Cookie Exchange at your house or go try out that new restaurant that just opened in town but haven’t had a reason to go yet. We are sure there will be questions so please do not hesitate to ask any member of the Membership Committee. We have put a sign-up sheet in the back of the church for those that are interested in being “Dreisbach Diner” hosts. Once we have the hosts determined, we will announce what the first “dining experience” will be together and the invitation will certainly be extended to everyone!
Thank you,
Julie Rockey, Judy Willow, Pam Pfirman, Sharon Houseknect, Debbie Sanders, Barb Manbeck, Larry & Carol Snook, Pastor Nate
Fall Rummage Sale
The sale will take place October 4th, 5th & 6th. You may begin dropping off rummage this afternoon. Sale hours will be Thursday and Friday 9:00 am – 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. Cleanup starts at noon on Saturday. Much help is required to make the sale a success. We welcome new volunteers; they are important as the sale grows in size. Please consider helping.
All Saints Sunday
On November 4th, in worship, we will remember and honor those who have passed away since our last All Saints Celebration. If there is a member of the church, or a family member of yours, or friend of the congregation who you would like to include in our reading of the names portion of the service, please let Pastor Nate or Pam know by October 28th.
Upcoming Meetings
The Prayer Shawl group will meet at the church on Tuesday, October 16th at 6:30 p.m.. All are welcome.
The Membership Committee will meet Wednesday, October 17 at 7:00. Anyone interested in seeing what we do or has some input about our upcoming events is welcome to attend.
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday October 18th at 12:30 PM. Come an enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. A signup sheet is located on the table in the back of the church.
October Birthdays & Anniversaries
Remember the following people in your prayers as they celebrate special days this month.
3 Kayse Moyer Corrieri 14 Detra Dodge
4 Monica Berger 17 Rodney Walter
Travis Shively Kay Reedy
Kyle Spangler Karl & Barbara Buchholtz
5 Gavin Enders 18 Mike Willow
6 Daren Mensch Austin Aunkst
7 Carol Snook 19 Dave & Tara Humphrey
Don & Roxie Girton 21 Ella Willow
8 Jeff Ault Nancy Boyer
9 Cami Finerghty 22 Molly Childs
Kathleen Shemory 24 Connie Bastian
Tricia Lloyd David Beckley
10 Dale Ruhl 25 Wanda Shively
Nathan Pfirman 26 Gary & Deb Hallock
Tim & Detra Dodge Ed & Melissa Miller
11 Jack Troxell 27 Melinda Noll
Rich Stup 28 Gabe Gabel
12 Larry & Deb Pfirman Mark Berger
Barbara Comey Joy Catherman
13 Seleca Solomon Judy Schenck
14 Jeff Solomon
If you know of any additions or corrections to the birthday and anniversary list, please give or email them to Pam Pfirman, pam_adminsec@dreisbach.org.