September 2018 Newsletter
Dreisbach Community:
Another school year and church year are beginning, and many are back full-swing into activities and responsibilities that take up time and energy; both inside and outside the church. Many of these activities are essential to our understanding of who we are and what we are about, many of them are fulfilling personally or for ones we love, and some of these activities we’ve done for a longtime (maybe we can’t remember exactly how long). These are ways that you spend what God has given you, your blessings. These activities or groups or possessions you take the time to be involved with are you spending your talents, your treasure, and your time. If you were to evaluate how you’re spending these, what would you find out about yourself. If you looked at what was taking up your time, your money, and how you were using your talents, you would find what is at the heart of you.
I want to encourage you to look honestly at these areas of your life and reflect on where your efforts are leading you. What are you seeking to accomplish?, who are you spending a good deal of time with?, Is the price you are paying worth it? This is something we need to check in about from time to time, again and again. As a follower of Christ and a participant in a faith community I would hope that a good amount of your blessings are being spent on things beyond yourself: giving to others and helping others. As the church continues to serve God by also serving the world, we need your help in doing this. Dreisbach is continues to be about serving others and sharing community and we hope that you will take your blessings and put them to work with the blessings of others and make even more possible. There is much planning and preparing going on at Dreisbach and this is an exciting time to be involved in that process and the rewards and good feelings are worth it all.
As a growing church who is continually figuring out where Christ is leading us, we are in need of all types of people to be a part of this faith community undertaking, so please consider getting involved, (you have what we need). No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you have something to offer and share and give to the Good News and good work that we are about.
We are a growing church because people are investing themselves and their blessings in the work and ministry that is important. This takes good leadership, but most importantly this work takes faithful, committed, and involved people who are willing to share life in its many forms. For the church to continue this work we need you, and we need you to share your story in both word and deed. Share your blessings here and abroad, and I hope to see you.
Blessings and Prayers to You All,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
September 2nd -- (Theme of Worship: Be Love) James 1:17-27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23. Special Music offered by Andrew Druckenmiller. No Fellowship time during Sunday School
September 9th - (ToW: Be Opened) Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23; James 2:1-17; Mark 7:24-37. We welcome the Chancel Choir back. Sunday School for all Starts.
September 16th – (ToW: Who Are You Jesus?) Proverbs 1:20-33; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38. Praise Group in Worship.
September 23rd – (ToW: First in Caring) Proverbs 31:10-31; James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a; Mark 9:30-37.
September 30th – (ToW: Courage for Community) Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50.
Sunday School
Sunday School will be back in full swing on Sept. 9th following worship. We have opportunities for folks of all ages. There are 2 adult classes, there is a class for preschool to 2nd grade, 3rd grade to 6th grade, and a new opportunity for our junior high youth, senior high youth and anyone else who would like to participate. We are trying something a little different this fall and we are having an “active” class. What does that mean? You may be asking, well we are hoping to share in a wide collection of activities and topics that takes the group beyond the walls of Dreisbach sometimes in order to help those in need, visit those who need it, and share practical life at its best with our community and one another. The class will be a good amount of hands on activities and learning and growing on the move. There are a collection of folks helping to lead these endeavors including Jerry Amabile, Tammy Pierce, Kristy and Tim Sones, and Pastor Nate (to name a few of them). But we invite you to join us or any of these opportunities at growing in your faith and sharing community with others.
Consistory Summary - August 21, 2018 meeting
Penn Central Conference of the UCC encourages all congregations to avoid the use of plastic foam (Styrofoam) in food packaging and other activities within their church facilities and encourages them to use alternative such as paper products. Consistory approved adopting this resolution. Going forward, plastic foam will no longer be purchased or accepted for use in church activities.
Investment Committee provided a recommendation on the Dreisbach CARE – Compassionate And Responsible Endowment idea that was shared with the congregation at the annual meeting. More details on this idea will follow.
Kitchen Committee has been working to thoroughly clean and organize the kitchen. They are taking inventory of items needed and remove items that are no longer needed or used.
Decided to take a break from the Shoe Box project for 2018.
Year to date financial update through July 2018: Actual results are a deficit of approximately $2,800 compared to a budgeted deficit of approximately $7,900 for the first seven months.
Intergenerational Choir
We are forming an intergenerational Choir. People of all ages are encouraged to join and support the young members of our congregation as they move to the beat of some fun and meaningful songs. Please see Pastor Nate if you are interested in being a part of this musical group!
Kitchen Cleanup
A lot of hours and effort recently went into the cleaning and organizing of the kitchen. Please be mindful of cleaning up after yourself when making use of the kitchen. When borrowing equipment from the kitchen be aware that all borrowed items must be returned clean. A lot of silverware and other kitchen utensils were discovered that do not belong to the church. Please check the back table to see if any of your missing items were among those discoveries.
Thank You, The Kitchen Committee
Desk Needed
Glen is in need of a desk for use in the choir room downstairs. He would like something that is approximately 28”-32” deep and about 5”-6” long with a long drawer in the center and several down the side. If anyone has one that they would be willing to donate please contact Glen (570-966-1804 or
Volunteers Needed
“Anytime you see a turtle up on a fence post, you know he had some help”
by Alex Haines
On September 8th, we are having a food stand at the Schreck public sale, which is located west of West Milton on Colonel Kelly Road. Bright Schreck was an uncle of Sharon Houseknecht. A sign-up sheet for donations of food items and helpers will be in back of the church. We need workers, someone to take tables and other items back to the sale the night before and to the church after the sale, workers at the sale and people who will be able to help with the clean-up.
On October 6th, we are having a food stand at the Lakatosh public sale located just west of Kuhn’s Brothers. Adele Lakatosh is Deb Baker’s mother. We will be posting a sign-up sheet in September.
On October 13th, we will have our 3rd Fall Festival. Helpers are needed the night before to load up tables and items to be taken out near the gazebo, setting up on Saturday, helping with the food stand, games, pie contest booth, the apple sundae booth and last but not least, cleanup!!!
We are asking for your help so the work load doesn’t fall on a few people.
Please keep in mind that some turtles do not have help to get up on the fence post at all!!
230th Birthday Party Celebration – Saturday, September 22nd
The Membership Committee will be hosting a 230th Birthday Party for Dreisbach! An evening of great fun is planned for kids of all ages so bring your silly, your funny, and your happy to celebrate 230 years of Dreisbach with us! This event is FREE and open to all so please invite your family, friends, neighbors, teachers, mail deliverer, grocery store clerk, hairdresser, etc. etc. etc.! In an effort to improve the planning of this event a signup sheet has been placed in the back of the sanctuary. If you are planning to attend please let us know!
We can't have 230 years of Dreisbach history and not play a little game with all of you! On Sept 1st, the Membership Committee will begin posting a question about our history on Facebook (and the website for our non-Facebook users). THEN, on 9/22 at the actual birthday party, at the top of each hour, we will ask the final 4 questions. So that means a question will be revealed at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, and 7pm. At the conclusion of the Dueling Pianos concert at 8pm, we will review the answers and announce the winner of Dreisbach's 230th Trivia Time! In the event of a tie, our imagination HAS already ran wild and we will break it through a very serious spelling bee based on some pretty serious Christian words. SO....get ready....Dreisbach Trivia is coming at ya!
Thank You
Deb Dressler would like to thank everyone for all the food, cards and prayers.
Fall Rummage Sale
Vacation is gone and school buses roll. With homework, football games, and fall colors comes the annual fall Rummage, Soup and Bake Sale. The sale will be held October 4, 5 and 6 and you are needed!
Help is needed for all phases of the sale: donations; unpacking, sorting and placing items on tables; clerks; baggers; cleanup crew on Saturday; and poster distribution. Your willingness to help adds to the success of the sale. Racks and tables will be set up on Sunday, September 30th after worship. Doors will open at 9:00 AM Monday for workers to begin sorting. Each following day someone will be at the church with doors open so volunteers can come and go at their convenience. Please call Carol Willow, project leader 966-2682, or Connie Bastian 523-9781. Contact Judy Willow 966-0721 to volunteer.
Past experience makes it necessary to make rules for donations. We are no longer able to sell children’s car seats. No worn out furniture or clothing. Please check before dropping off large items of furniture. All donations should be usable. Appliances need to be in working order.
Rummage may be brought to the church following Sunday school on October 1st. Please try to have rummage to the church no later than Tuesday evening. . Sale hours will be Thursday and Friday 9:00 am – 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. Cleanup starts at noon on Saturday.
Remember that rags, broken furniture and appliances, we end up paying for as trash and garbage.
Our “reruns” benefit people in our community, provide money for missions and model good stewardship of resources.
Fall Festival
Our 3rd Annual Fall Festival is quickly approaching. It will take place on Saturday, October 13th from 11-5. The committee will meet one more time to finalize details on Monday, September 24th at 7:00. Posters, food vouchers, and sign-up sheets to volunteer and donate food and decorations will soon be available. Here is a sneak peek at the entertainment planned for the day. Look for more information about the event on facebook and in the upcoming September newsletter. We have some new and exciting groups we hope you will enjoy!
2018 Fall Festival Entertainment Schedule is all set!
11:00AM – 12:30 PM
Heart to Hand Ministries - Woody Wolfe
Performance based on the playlist Woody uses to minister to hospitalized children. Feel good, spiritual, and mainstream music selections for kids of all ages.
12:45PM – 2:45PM
Alex Cooke – Y’All Need Country Music
Originally from North Carolina, Alex brings a little bit of everything to our Fall Festival stage playing Country, Rock, Southern Rock, Contemporary Christian, & Praise Music.
3:00PM – 5:00PM
Men in Harmony
20+ member men’s chorus performing sacred, classical, gospel, hymn tunes, and patriotic songs featuring a combination of piano accompaniment and a cappella in 2 and 4 part harmonies.
Confirmation Class
Our next confirmation class is being formed at this time. If you or someone you know is interested in participating please speak to Pastor Nate.
Upcoming Meetings
The Membership Committee wil meet at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, September 5th.
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday September 20th at 12:30 PM. Come an enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. A signup sheet is located on the table in the back of the church.
The Fall Festival Committee will have one last meeting before the festival on September 24th at 7:00 pm.
The Prayer Shawl group will meet at the church on Tuesday, September 25th at 6:30 p.m.. All are welcome.
“Adopt A Highway”
Dreisbach's commitment to helping keep the Buffalo Valley beautiful continues with our Fall "Adopt A Highway" day! Volunteers are needed to pick-up roadside garbage on Dreisbach Church Road between Route 45 and Turkey Run Road. Sign-up sheet is in the rear of the sanctuary. Penn DOT will supply all garbage bags, gloves, road signs, etc. All participants must sign a waiver. After assisting with initial Fall rummage sale setup, pizza and drinks will be provided before heading out to pickup garbage. Questions should be directed to Julie Rockey.
September Birthdays & Anniversaries
Remember the following people in your prayers as they celebrate special days this month.
1 Leroy & Barb Gabel 16 Ron & Kathleen Swartzlander
5 Bill & Connie Bastian 17 Mike & Richelle Finerghty
Eric Erdman Emily & Scott Markley
6 Richard Herman 18 George Trutt
Marlin & Ann Lepley Barry McGlaughlin
Ron & Jennifer Cochran 19 Kyle & Amber Swartzlander
Clint & Julie Rockey 20 Bev Berger
Kristy & Tim Sones Debbie Sanders
7 Barb Zeller Brad Shively
8 Alec Chappell Fred White
Daren & Chelsea Mensch 24 Kathy McLaughlin
9 Beverly Pentz Chamra Holly Snyder
11 Elaine Rockey 25 Debra Williams
Joshua Ruhl Joanne Lloyd
Brett King 27 Robert & Molly Childs
12 Johnson & Mary Lou Miller 29 Eleanor Gold
13 Ruth Romig 30 Charles Mensch
14 Jesse Hackenberg Tara Humphrey
Allison Pierce Jeff & Seleca Solomon
15 Phil & Kitty Frederick
Mark & Lori Leitzel
If you know of any additions or corrections to the birthday and anniversary list, please give or email them to Pam Pfirman.