January 2018 Newsletter

Church Family,

As we continue in the season of Christmas, yes Christmas is a season. Not just a day. The Christmas season starts Christmas Day and runs for 12 days. Oh, that is probably where the 12 days of Christmas song came from then? Yes. Hopefully you are able to share in the blessings of the season for more than one day and may you also find ways to continue to bless those you meet with the message Christ’s brings us all. 

December has brought many blessings to Dreisbach in the areas of worship, ministry, and fellowship. Thank you to all who made these opportunities possible. Those who helped with the Advent processionals and candle lighting readings, those who joined in using their musical gifts throughout our worship time, to those who were a part of the musical, to all who generously gave to the missions and outreach that the church offered and shared with. Thank you! Thank you for being an important and essential part of Dreisbach. 

As we begin this new year, 2018, we look forward to many opportunities for growth in our lives as individual followers and as the collective body of Christ. We look forward to setting and reaching goals of service and sharing to our community near and far. There is much planned and happening at the church and we hope you will make a habit of joining us in worship and in the other opportunities that will be taking place. It is our hope to offer a church family connection that is meaningful, helpful, and Christ-led.  

Blessings and Prayers for your journey in the New Year,

Pastor Nate

Worship Schedule this month:

January 7th – (Theme of Worship: Three Kings) Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12. Jeff Baker will share a message with us in worship as we celebrate Epiphany. First Sunday Fellowship following worship.

January 14th  – (ToW: Known and Loved) 1st Samuel 3:1-20; 1st Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51. Normal Sunday School to follow worship.

January 21st – (ToW: Follow Me) Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1st Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20. Normal Sunday School to follow worship. 

January 28th  – (ToW: Power To Do) Deuteronomy 18:15-20; 1st Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28. Normal Sunday School to follow Worship. 

Looking Ahead a Little Further:

February 4th  -  (ToW: Source of Strength) Isaiah 40:21-31; 1st Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39. Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday- bring canned goods to offer during worship time. First Sunday Fellowship to follow worship.

February 14th – Ash Wednesday Service @7pm. Come and receive ashes and Communion as we prepare for Lent.  

Consistory Update

Consistory has organized an Emergency Response Committee consisting of Don Girton, Don Bowman, and Bob Hoffman. They are working to review the church's current state of preparedness for all types of emergencies and to prepare plans for managing them.

Elections for 2018 Consistory members were held on December 17th and the full congregation electing the following members to serve for 3 year terms: 

Deacons: Sharon Houseknecht & Mike Finerghty; 

Elder: Sue Leitzel;

Trustee: Don Girton.

Thanks for the service of the following individuals who have completed their terms: Sharon Maygar, Kyle Spangler, Dean Wiand, and Dave Humphrey.

Attention All Dreisbach Members! It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like  ... YOUTH PASTA NIGHT!

Please see one of our Dreisbach Youth to purchase your $10 Italian Pasta Meal Ticket which includes Pasta (Red or Pink Sauce) Salad, Bread & Desert!  You can either Dine in or Take Out.  Your Choice! This year we will be having our dinner on Friday Evening,  February 2nd (Ground Hog Day)!  So ... At the end of your day,  head on over to the Church between 4:30 - 6:30 for pick up or if you'd like to Dine in ...  Dinner will be served from 6:30 - 8:00 along with Dreisbach Dining Entertainment.  Hope to see you then!


Prime Timers

The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday January 18th at 12:30 PM.  Come an enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship.  Lunch will be Dutch treat.  Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.  A signup sheet is located on the table in the back of the church.


Rummage Sale News in December!

Closing the loop in 2017, the profits of good hard work and leftover goods from the 2017 rummage sales has been put to good use. Thank you to all who contributed in one or many ways to Dreisbach's Rummage Sales during the year. As follow-up to the physical hard work, a group met Sunday December 17th during the Sunday School hour to do the hard, contemplative work of choosing which good missions to distribute the proceeds to.

The following list is the outcome of the deliberations. We continue to trust that God is faithful and that He will use our human efforts to His glory. Proceeds from our efforts will go towards:

• New pew bibles for the sanctuary

• Hygiene supplies and weekend meals for students' needs at the Mifflinburg Middle School

• Paige Troxell support (CRU missionary who recently spoke during a Sunday service)

• Seilers support (Christian missionaries in Zimbabwe supported by Dreisbach for 40+ years)

• Amblers – YWAM missionaries supported by Dreisbach for several years

• Hartman Center – to pay for camper fees for Dreisbach youth to attend Hartman Center summer camp. This money will go to camper scholarships for Penn Central Conference youth if unused by Dreisbach youth.

• Central Pa Youth Ministries

• Young Life

• Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

• Expectations

God continues to multiply the gleanings that we dedicate to Him. Thank you for your continued work, support, and prayers for the mission work of Dreisbach.


Thank You

Thank you to all the holiday bakers who so generously donated cookies for the Veterans Christmas Remembrance Celebration.  After the ceremony those gathered returned to the social hall to enjoy a lovely variety of refreshments and time of fellowship.


Mifflinburg Kiwanis

The Mifflinburg Kiwanis Club thanks the members of Dreisbach UCC who donated
to the success of our annual foodbox program.  On Monday evening the 18th,
we provided a happier, more fulfilling holiday serving 75 families, 160
children and almost 300 people in all with LOTS of food and paper goods for
the holiday season!  We are indebted to our congregation for your outreach
and care to the community.


All-Church Retreat

Do you need a Winter Get-A-Way? Mark your calendars for the All-Church Retreat, March 2-4 at the Crystal Springs Retreat Center. More details and registration packets will be available the beginning of January.  If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Pierce.


Special Mission Project

Our sponsored child in Haiti is supported for a year by the congregation’s donation of $396.00 at the beginning of each year.  Beatrice is in the care of New Missions where she receives a Christian education, health care, food, clothing and a safe environment.  She also receives the opportunity to become a self-supporting adult.  Haiti is known as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

Kathryn Herman corresponds with our child on our behalf and sends Beatrice a Christmas in a Shoebox gift.

Please consider using the brown envelopes in the pew racks to contribute to the cost of supporting our child.  Thank you for your compassion.


Season’s Greetings, It’s me, the Church Mouse.

 I just got back in time for Christmas. Wow! The church is beautifully decorated. I’m glad to be here for this time of year and the celebration of Christ’s birth.

Recently I overheard a conversation with Pastor Nate and Elaine, a local woman who stopped by the church after the service one Sunday. She wanted to grant a request for her neighbor who is dealing with a devastating cancer. Her neighbor is very fond of the chicken corn soup that the church sells at the rummage sales, and Elaine wondered if we would be able to have some made at this time of year for her neighbor to enjoy, because she explained he only has a few months left and she wants to give him some of the things he enjoys while he still can enjoy them. Elaine, a good neighbor and acting as a Good Samaritan, came to the church to see if this was possible. 

Pastor Nate got to work seeing if this request could be met. He reached out to the soup makers and one them made it happen. The chicken corn soup was lovingly made and several quarts of the soup where delivered. With many thanks Elaine offered to pay for the soup. She was politely refused, but invited to join us in worship some Sunday. A few Sundays passed and Elaine and her husband stopped by the church again, just as church was letting out and gave a Christmas card to members of the church with a lovely note and gift for the church inside. They were warmly welcomed again and invited to join us in the near future. 

That’s why I Iove living here in this church, so many kind and loving things happen here. So many acts and conversations that show Christ’s light and message to one and all. So many of them go unnoticed by most, but they are all special and meaningful; they all make a difference in the lives of someone. Keep them coming, I’ll do my best to watch out for them and share them with everyone when I can. May you all have the true Spirit of Christmas and may you share Good will towards all people during this time and always. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, The Church Mouse. 


2018 Altar Flowers

The 2018 Flower Chart has been posted on the bulletin board outside the office.  If you would like to sponsor the flowers please sign the chart.  The cost is $40.00 for both or $20.00 if you prefer to just do one of the arrangements.  There are several weeks in January available.


Annual Meeting

The annual meeting will be held on Sunday, January 21st.  A copy of the 2018 narrative budget is included in this newsletter.  A copy of the detailed line item budget is available upon request. 

Can’t Make It To Church?  

There may be weeks when you can’t make it to church.  Thankfully you can still listen to the service by calling 570-518-0013.

January Birthdays & Anniversaries

Remember the following people in your prayers as they celebrate special days this month.

5 Stacy White

7 Sue Enders Sonya Hepner

10 Arla Berger

17 Grace Noll Barry King

Kitty Frederick

Erika Shively

Brandon Lepley Phil Frederick

Megan Baker

Jewels Hepner

Caitlin Dodge

19 Dean Wiand

21 Elizabeth Erdley

22 Larry Pfirman

Jennifer Cochran

25 Joyce Hoffman

Olivia Humphrey

26 Delaney Humphrey

27 Kathy Barber

28 Karl Buchholtz

If you know of any additions or corrections to the birthday and anniversary list, please give or email them to Pam Pfirman. 


Worship is central to our congregational life. Sunday morning and special worship services, sermons, funerals, and weddings all require a significant amount of time from our pastor, staff, and lay people.  Music is selected, purchased, and rehearsed by vocal and bell choirs, organists and other musicians.  Candles are lit, bulletins are printed and distributed, communion is served, voices are raised to heaven, and hearts are lifted above the troubles of this world. 


Church Family

Caring for all members of our church family is a vital part of our ministry.  We especially want to take care of persons who are ill, hospitalized, bereaved, or facing other crisis in their lives.  Our Prayer Shawl group has knitted hundreds of shawls that have been given to members and others over the years. Our worship service is broadcast over the telephone each week for those who cannot be with us in worship.  Our newsletter keeps us in touch with each other.  Fellowship hours, retreats, and receptions are times especially filled with joy.


Christian Education

You don’t graduate from church when you are confirmed.  Rather, growing in our Christian faith is a lifelong activity.  Our pastor and lay leaders develop programs for learners of all ages.  Be it Sunday School, Harvey Cedars Bible Conference (youth)*, Lenten Breakfast or Vacation Bible School*, opportunities abound for members to “be transformed through the renewing of our minds” in Christ Jesus (Romans 12:2).


*Vacation Bible School & Youth have separate accounts and are not included in the figures here.



Dreisbach’s work extends far beyond our doors.  Through our Rummage Sale*, special brown mission offering envelopes, collections of food, school supplies, etc. and donations to Our Church’s Wider Mission (the missional arm of our denomination, the United Church of Christ), we minister to many people in our community, state, nation, and around the world. Other local efforts included the Veterans Wreath Project, Adopt-A-Highway, and our second Fall Festival to reach out more in our local community.


*Rummage Sale profits are not included in the figures here.



Whether in use by our congregation or various community groups (The American Red Cross, 4-H, etc.), our building provides a gathering place for so many.  Many people take great care of our facilities, including preventative maintenance, updates, and repairs.


2018Bryanna Merrill