February 2018 Newsletter
February is always an interesting month with holidays like Ground Hogs Day where we find out if winter is coming to a quick end or going to stick around awhile. We have Valentine’s Day which has roots both inside and outside the church and Presidents’ Day too. But it is lent that makes February crazy. Sometimes Lent starts in February, sometimes it doesn’t, it all depends on the moon. This year Lent begins on Feb. 14th with Ash Wednesday. What could be more special then remembering that God sent us a valentine by coming to earth and giving us new life through Jesus, God’s Son.
We will have a few extra worship opportunities in Lent as we experiment with a meal together and a relaxed and informal worship experience in the fellowship hall. There are also 2 special offerings that will be taken throughout the month of February. One is for the Central Association Students in Care fund. This is an opportunity for us to give money to support those who are preparing for entering the ministry. These gifts go to meet their needs during the times of schooling. This is a great offering to support because you never know if you are preparing and supporting your next minister. I am sure Dreisbach has given to this fund over the years, which means you have given to support the education I received while I was a student in this Association. Thus, you made it possible for me to be supported in my studies. And now I am your pastor and we are in ministry together. As we support this year’s offering, maybe you are supporting a future minister of Dreisbach? At the very least we are preparing future ministers to lead the church of tomorrow in affective ways.
The Second offering I am inviting you to give to is a love offering for Hartman Center. Through this offering we help to support the program needs of Hartman Center. The camp continues to offer wonderful Outdoor Ministry experiences for people of all ages during every season of the year. The opportunities at Hartman Center cannot be taken for granted and must be supported. Envelopes will be available near the sound board in the back of the Sanctuary. Please give generously.
Hartman Center has also released the 2018 Summer Camp Schedule and I hope you will check it out. My goal is for those who are too young to go to Harvey Cedars would look into to going to Hartman Center. There are camps for all ages. There are camps where families can go together, there are camps for grandparents and grandkids to go together. There are specialty interest camps, there is something for everyone, please check it out. Dreisbach has made it possible for some support to be given to those that attend camp. Please talk to Pastor Nate for more info. Also take a look at the website: www.hartmancenter.com. There are early bird special prices, so look now to save.
Blessings and Prayers,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
February 4th – (Theme of Worship: Source of Strength) Isaiah 40:21-31; 1st Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39. Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday- bring canned goods or donation to offer during worship time. First Sunday Fellowship to follow worship.
February 11th – (ToW: Compassionate Community) 2nd Kings 2:1-12; 2nd Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9. Normal Sunday School following worship.
February 14th – Ash Wednesday Service @7pm. Come and receive ashes and Communion as we prepare for Lent. This will begin our series of Worship Entitled: By My Hand, For My Sake. Topic of this service: Adam/Eve
February 18th – (ToW: By My Hand, For My Sake: Nicodemus) Isaiah 41:8-13; Romans 3:19-26. Normal Sunday School to follow worship.
Wed. February 21st – Messy Church Worship. Begin at 6pm in Fellowship Hall with Soup, Sandwich and Dessert. Worship Experience to follow (about 6:45 start). Theme: Meeting God with our Senses: Sight.
February 25th – (ToW: By My Hand, For My Sake: Judas) Isaiah 24:17-25:1; Romans 1:16-25. Normal Sunday School to follow worship.
Wed. February 28th – Messy Church Worship. Begin at 6pm in Fellowship Hall with Soup, Sandwich and Dessert. Worship Experience to follow (about 6:45 start). Theme: Meeting God with our Senses: Touch.
Looking Ahead a Little Further:
March 4th - (ToW: By My Hand, For My Sake: Barabbas) Isaiah 12-16; Romans 5:6-11, 18-19. Retreat Weekend, No Fellowship Time.
Wed. March 7th – Messy Church Worship. Begin at 6pm in Fellowship Hall with Soup, Sandwich and Dessert. Worship Experience to follow (about 6:45 start). Theme: Meeting God with our Senses: Smell.
March 25th – Palm Sunday. March 29th – Maundy Thursday. March 30th – Good Friday.
Lenten Breakfast Schedule
2/18 William Swinehart – attorney w/Wiest, Swinehart & Muolo Pam Eberhart & Friends
2/25 No Ringer – VP- Market Manager w/West Milton State Bank Dreisbach Youth
3/4 All-Church Retreat
3/11 Rev. Tammy Gessner – Pastor at Richfield UCC Singing Ding-a-lings
3/18 Darin Koss – Financial Advisor w/Koss Financial Group Friends-N-Faith
3/25 Rev. Joseph Lingenfelter – Retired Pastor UCC Mifflinburg Disciples
30 Hour Famine
On Friday, Feb. 23rd & Saturday Feb. 24th the youth of Dreisbach and a number of youth from other congregations will come to Dreisbach to participate in the 30 hour famine that is sponsored by World Vision. We will go without food for 30 hours in order to think about others who don’t willingly go without, but their life situation makes it a reality for them. We will learn about places in our world where this happens often, especially to children. We will have conversations, see videos, play interactive games, and learn more about these realities. We will participate in a mission project on Saturday and then close with a worship time and meal together to break the fast. If you are interested in participating let Pastor Nate and the youth leaders know so we can plan accordingly. There are a number of folks who did it last year and really found it meaningful and fun.
Messy Church Events of Wednesday Evenings
On Wednesday evenings in Lent everyone and anyone is invited to join us as we worship using an activity that is called Messy Church. What this means is that we will be taking part in worshiping God with our whole selves. We will have food as part of our time together, we will share in crafts and hands on activities, we will share in conversations, and we will have a time of prayer. Each week we will be experiencing our connection to God with a different sense that we possess. So join us as we look at the 5 senses.
We invite you to join us at 6pm for a meal together. You are invited to bring your own sandwich while the church will provide soup, drink, and dessert for all to share. Each week this will occur. Then, at about 6:45 we will move into our worship time together and be done by 8:00. This will be fun and relaxed. It may be something that you would want to bring a friend to too. We will also pack the backpacks with food for the weekends after many of the times together.
Collage Picture Board
We hope you will help the church in replenishing a portion of the dollars that were utilized to make the visual technology system possible in the church Sanctuary. It is the leadership’s hope to have generous contributions from you help to replace half of the funds used. So we are hoping to collect $12,000 and put it back into the investment account. To this point we have collected $4,450 of the $12,000 we are setting as our goal. As a way of keeping you up to date on our progress there is a tv board in the church that is pixilated and needs your help to make the pictures come into focus. For every $25 that is donated, a little 2 in square will be removed; revealing the picture that is behind it that shows someone hard at work with Dreisbach.
Backpack Program
Dreisbach will be sponsoring the month of March for the Mifflinburg School District. Children in the elementary and intermediate schools who meet the criteria are given a backpack with food items for the weekend. We will be in charge of gathering the items, packing the backpacks, and returning them to the school for distribution on Friday. March has 5 weekends in it this year, so we will do this 5 times for the 110 kids in the district who receive these backpacks. Your help will be needed to donate items or funds to purchase items and we will need help to pack the bags during the week each week. We will fill the first week’s backpacks following “Messy Church” on February 28th. This is a very helpful program and Dreisbach has a great opportunity to help those in need. Items needed are:
# Mini macaroni & cheese (microwaveable) # Granola bars
# Mini chef Boyardee or similar microwaveable food products # Fruit Snacks
# Snack-pack puddings # Mini Cereal Boxes
# Pop Tarts # Drink boxes/pouches
Consistory Update
The re-organization of the officers took place and the officers for 2018 are:
Robert Pierce, President
Sue Leitzel, Vice President
Jeff Baker, Secretary
Pastor Nate provided an update on the NGLI training he attended in early January which he will be sharing with the congregation in future services.
An orientation packet for new members to Consistory is being worked on to help provide the new members with an overview of the expectations and responsibilities of being a Consistory member.
The two artificial Christmas trees that had been used for decorating the church are being replaced. Any member who would like to have a tree should contact Robert Pierce. If there is no interest, they will be sold at the next Rummage sale. Two new pre-lit Christmas trees have been ordered for 2018.
The committee that has been formed to work on an emergency response plan for the church has been formed and consists of Don Bowman, Bob Hoffman and Don Girton. This response plan will encompass numerous issues including fire evacuation and active shooter response initiatives.
Approval was requested to have a Kitchen Shower to help update items in the kitchen. Additional details on this will be shared in the future.
Sharon Houseknecht agreed to oversee the Backpack Project that Dreisbach will take care of for the month of March.
All-Church Retreat
Do you need a Winter Get-A-Way?? The All-Church Retreat will be March 2-4 at the Crystals Springs Retreat Center. Kevin Gillen will be back as our speaker as well as Amy Bastian and Johanna Klinger for our Children's Program. Please fill out a registration slip found in the back of the sanctuary and turn it into Tammy Pierce with payment. Overnight accommodations are available on a first come first serve basis. A signup sheet for grocery items for the weekend is located at the back of the sanctuary.
Youth Mental Health & Wellness Workshop
A training on mental health crises and substance abuse for community volunteers working with youth organizations will be held from 7:30 am to noon on Saturday, February 24, at Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit (CSIU), 90 Lawton Lane, Milton.
Participants will learn to identify the signs of mental health crises and substance abuse in youth as well as tips on how to offer support and place referrals. Participants will be introduced to the Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) method.
The training is a joint venture by Leadership Susquehanna Valley, the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way, and the Northumberland County Opioid Coalition.
There is a $5 fee to cover the cost of materials. Refreshments will be provided. Registration is limited to 40. To register, please visit www.gsvuw.org/youthtraining.
Prayer Shawl Group
The Prayer Shawl group will meet Wednesday, February 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the church. All are welcome. Even if you do not knit or crochet, you can help this ministry. We give prayer shawls away in gift bags. If you have more bags than you can use stashed at your house, consider donating them to the Prayer Shawl ministry. The size we need is roughly 10" x 12". Thanks for your help.
Prime Timers
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday February 15th at 12:30 PM. Come an enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. A signup sheet is located on the table in the back of the church.
Membership Committee
The next meeting of the Membership Committee will take place on Monday, February 26th at 7:00pm.
February Birthdays & Anniversaries
Remember the following people in your prayers as they celebrate special days this month.
If you know of any additions or corrections to the birthday and anniversary list, please give or email them to Pam Pfirman.
1 Sylvester Catherman
3 Cris Metzger
4 Ryli Amabile
5 Marjorie Foresman
6 Matthew Willow
Jim Gold
Galen & Nancy Fetzer
7 Gerald Lloyd III
8 Patricia Cass
11 Gabrielle Humphrey
12 Kaitlyne Barber
Alyssa Moyer
13 James Boyer, Sr.
Ashley Fridline
14 Amy Moyer
15 David & Lori Fridline
16 Steve & Deb Williams
Madison Young
20 Robert Pierce
22 Elaine Young
23 Cassandra Lloyd
24 Samantha Kratzer
Jeff Baker
25 Jared Moyer
27 Zachary Fridline