Dreisbach "Live"

If you find yourself unable to come to church any given Sunday, you no longer have to miss out on the worship service.  Just call 570-518-0013, at the time of the church service, from any telephone or cell phone to listen to the service's "Live Broadcast".  

Out of the area toll charges could be made if you do not have an "unlimited free toll service plan.  Cell phone providers do not charge for long distance service. You can listen to a portion or the entire service.  To discontinue your connection, just hang your phone up.  If using a speaker phone, just end the option. 


Please see, Jess Hackenberg, Marlin Lepley, Clyde Chappell, Alex Chappell, Sylvester Catherman, Scott Sanders or Don Girton if you wish to use the elevator.  One of these individuals will be present on Sunday mornings to assist you on and off the elevator.