February 2025 News
February 2025 Newsletter
Worship Schedule this Month
February 2nd – 4th Sunday after Epiphany - “Love Is, Love Does”, Psalm 71:1-6; 1 Corinthians
13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30. Holy Communion & 1st Sunday Fellowship
February 9th – 5th Sunday after Epiphany - “If You Say So, Jesus”, Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians
15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11. Souper Bowl Sunday
February 16th – 6th Sunday after Epiphany - “Blessings and Woes, Jesus Style”, Jeremiah 17:5-
10; Psalm 1; Luke 6:17-26
February 23rd - 7th Sunday after Epiphany - “Love That Reforms”, Psalm 37:1-11; 1 Corinthians
15:12-26; Luke 6:27-38
Looking Ahead
February 28th – March 2nd - All Church Retreat
March 5th - Ash Wednesday Service @ 7:00pm
March 9th – Communion & Fellowship Time
Wednesday Evening Bible Study, 6:30-8:00 PM
February 5- John 4:43-5:47
The Son, the Father, the Works
February 12- John 6:1-27
Food, Water, and the Thirst for Life
February 19- John 6:28-60
Flesh, Blood, and the Bread from Heaven
February 26- John 6:61-7:52
Jesus: Messiah or Not?
Souper Bowl of Caring
Our Souper Bowl of Caring event will be on February 12th. We welcome the donation of all non-perishable food items, monetary/gift cards are also welcome and may be mailed or dropped in the soup kettle at the church. All donations will benefit Hope’s Haven as they provide for those in need in our local area. Thank you for your generosity.
Wednesday Evening Lenten Meals and Worship
6:00 – 7:30 - A light meal followed by a time of worship downstairs in the social room. We will be sharing this experience with Saint Paul’s @ the Farm. We will be alternating weeks at Dreisbach and at St. Paul’s location at Brookpark Farm in Lewisburg. Our first gathering will be at Dreisbach on March 12th.
Consistory Highlights from January Meeting
The Consistory Officers for 2025 are as follows: President Robert Pierce, Vice President Sharon Magyar, Secretary Dave Beckley.
The Consistory Members Terms
Elders: Robert Pierce 2024-2026
Dave Beckley 2020-2022, 2023-2025
Sharon Magyar 2025-2027
Deacons: Detra Dodge 2021-2023, 2024-2026
Sandy Catherman 2020-2022, 2023-2025
Sue Leitzel 2024-2026
Jerry Amabile 2022-2024, 2025-2027
Bonnie Dodge 2023-2025
Trustees: Leroy Gabel 2020-2022, 2023-2025
Scott Eberhart 2021-2023, 2024-2026
Chad Willow 2022-2024, 2025-2027
· Throughout the Lenten season we will alternate weeks with St. Paul’s @ the Farm to host simple meals and worship on Wednesday evenings.
· Tammy Pierce shared plans for the Parlor Project.
· Plans for celebrations in June are being formed to commemorate the formation of the Keystone Conference. We will share them as we learn more.
· A Music Festival will take place on March 2nd @ 3:00pm at First Reformed UCC in Sunbury.
· Dreisbach contributed 167 baby items that were donated to Expectations Women’s Center in Lewisburg.
· Bonnie Dodge is continuing the work to establish a “Blessings Box” sponsored by Dreisbach in Mifflinburg.
Weekend Food Program
March is Backpack Food month at Dreisbach! However, this year comes with a few changes. Firstly, the name of the program has changed. They have discontinued the use of the backpacks and therefore have changed the name of the program to “The Weekend Food Program”. The second change is that they will only be distributing food to the students twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Also due to some issues with breakage and leakage they have changed some of the items they wish to have included in the bags.
At this time, we are not requesting donations from the congregation. The money earned at the Soup & Bake sales has been designated to benefit this program and we believe it is enough to cover the reduced needs for this year.
We do still need help to fill the bags for the 190 students who take part in the Weekend Food program. We will fill the bags on Tuesday, March 4th and March 18th at 6:30 pm. We hope you’ll come out to help!
Upcoming Meetings
· Prime timers for February will be at OIP in Mifflinburg on the 27th at 12:30 pm.
· The Prayer Shawl will not be meeting in February but will meet again on March 11th.
· Lattes & Laughs meets downstairs on Thursday morning at 10:00. Come and join in the fun!
Childcare/Youth Sunday School
Volunteers are available to care for your infant to three-year old child in the nursery every Sunday after the Children’s Time until the end of the service. Parents and caretakers are welcome to send their children to the nursery during that time. Older children ages 3-10 are invited to join Bonnie Dodge downstairs for Sunday School at this time. All volunteers have appropriate clearances. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Diane Hackenberg.
The volunteers for February are: February 2 – Diane Amabile; February 9 – Diane Hackenberg; February 16 – Kathleen Swartzlander; February 23 – Michelle Owens.