April 2024 News
April 2024 Newsletter
Worship Schedule this Month
April 7th – 2nd Sunday of Eater - “The Love of God Has Reached Perfection: Take That Sin!”,
Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1-2:6; John 20:19-31. 1st Sunday Fellowship
April 14th – 3rd Sunday of Easter - “We Will Be Like Him: Take That, Devil!”, Psalm 4;1 John 3:1-
10; Luke 24:36b-48
April 21st – 4th Sunday of Easter – “The Spirit of Truth in Sacrificial Love: Take That,
Antichrists!”, Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-4:6; John 10:11-18
April 28th – 5th Sunday of Easter – “Love Has Been Perfected in Our Walk with Jesus: Take That,
Worldly Fear!”, Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study, 6:30 – 8:00 PM
April 3- Luke 10:25-37
Parable of the Good Samaritan
April 10- Luke 18:9-14
Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
April 17- Luke 16:19-31
Parable of a Rich Man and Lazarus
April 24- Luke 15:11-32
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Upcoming Meetings
Prime timers for April will be on the 25th at Eastside Diner at 12:30 p.m.
· The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group is Thursday, April 4 at 6:30 at the church. All are welcome. If you know anyone who would appreciate a prayer shawl, please talk to Diane Hackenberg or Tammy Pierce.
United in Song (a U.C.C. music festival)
First Reformed U.C.C. of Sunbury and Central Association invite you to be part of a festival of sacred music on Sunday afternoon May 5th, 2024, at 3 p.m. We hope many of you will consider taking part. For more information see the flyer at the back of the sanctuary or speak with Dave Beckley.
Spring Rummage Sale
The Rummage Sale is coming! Please mark your calendars for the week April 28-May 4. There are many ways that you can help. Donate items in good condition to sell. We will begin taking donations on Sunday afternoon, April 28. Bring food for the workers. We have many helpers who work hard all week long. Volunteer to be one of the workers! It is a great time of fellowship and we need your time and muscles for setting up, selling, and cleaning up at the end of the week. Set up begins Sunday morning after church. Sorting and setting out goods continues from Sunday afternoon through Wednesday. Stop in any time to help out. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are the sale and we need checkers, baggers, and runners during that time. Saturday at noon clean-up begins and the more hands the better. We appreciate your help wherever and whenever you can offer it.
Remember that all proceeds from the rummage contribute to Dreisbach’s outreach and care for the community near and far. Thank you for all the ways you support this outreach. If you have any questions, see Judy Willow, Holly Snyder, or Diane Hackenberg.
Consistory – March 21st
Holy Week is approaching so many activities are going on at the church.
· March 23 - Egg Hunt - Rain or Shine. Packing eggs 6:00 Friday.
· March 24 - Palm Sunday - Brunch
· March 28 - Maundy Thursday - Pam Eberhart is making meal. 5:30pm
· March 29 - Good Friday
· March 31 Easter (Sunrise, breakfast, worship) 7:30 service 8:15 breakfast
· April 7 - Snacks - Sharon and Sue are taking care of that.
The keypad code will be changed on April 15. Please see a consistory member of Pam for the new code.
The white flag out front is to mark the location of the new pole placement when the lines are repositioned. Date of completion will coincide with the closing of the 'bridge' north of the church.
Scott Sanders and Dave Beckley will be Dreisbach's representatives to the Penn Central Conference meeting in June that will be held in State College.
The regular inspection of the elevator took place this past week and all is good.
FANA Clothing Collection
Hello church family! I am writing to promote a clothing drive project to support FANA, an institution close to my heart, from which I was blessed to be adopted from. Located in Bogotá, Colombia, FANA is an orphanage and sanctuary for many children who have faced hardship and need love and care for the past 52 years.
We will be accepting new or gently used items that fit the climate in the area, akin to our late fall weather, necessitating warm clothing for the children in any of the following categories:
PJs (sizes newborn to 16 years old)
Clothing (no shorts or summer clothing as the climate is usually like our late fall weather)
Underwear (ages 2-16)
Any monetary donations received will be utilized to cover shipping expenses and luggage fees or purchase additional clothing items in Colombia.
Donations can be dropped off in the tote at the top of the stairs in the vestibule I will collect the donations on April 28th as I leave on May 1st.
My modest goal is to fill a large suitcase with the collected items to personally deliver them to FANA during my volunteer trip scheduled for three weeks in May. This ensures that the donations reach the children directly but also allows me to convey our congregation's love and support firsthand. If you have any questions you can contact me by phone (570) 939-7068 or ryliamabile@gmail.com
I appreciate your support as I am passionate about giving back to what has given me so much including my family, as well as this congregation that I've been blessed to be a part of and who's helped support me since my parents decided to begin a family. By organizing this clothing drive, I aim to provide the children at FANA with essential items and, a sense of support and love from our church community.
Childcare Volunteers
Volunteers are available to care for your child in the nursery every Sunday after the Children’s Time until the end of the service. Parents and caretakers are welcome to send their children to the nursery during that time. All volunteers have appropriate clearances. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Diane Hackenberg. Volunteers for April are: April 7 - Diane Hackenberg; April 14 – Bonnie Dodge; April 21 – Pam Eberhart; April 28 – Sharon Rein.
Backpack Wrap-up
Throughout the month of March each week Dreisbach filled 189 bags of food to provide weekend food for students in the Mifflinburg School District. This totaled more than $3000 in food and dollar contributions. This would not be possible without the money we raise each year at the Soup and Bake Sales during the Rummage Sale each spring and fall! We hope you’ll continue your support in the coming months so we can keep on helping kids in need in our local community.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions and help in filling the bags and a special thank you to Nancy & Don Bowman for delivering all these bags of food to the Mifflinburg schools!
Thank You
The King Family would like to thank everyone at Dreisbach Church for all your cards, prayers of concern & comfort with the loss of Barry’s brother. A special thank you to Pastor Yost for the heartfelt service and Scott and Debbie Sanders for operating the audio system. It was very much appreciated!
Thank you so much for all the prayers, cards, phone calls, delicious meals and desserts that were provided for us after my shoulder replacement surgery. Everything was greatly appreciated. You made “nurse” Mike’s job so much easier. I am so grateful to be part of this caring, wonderful church family. You all mean so much to me. Thank you again for everything.
Love, Ruth Romig
Summer VBS
Our VBS Program - "Camp Firelight" will take place June 10-14 from 6:30-8:30 P.M. We need help in the following areas - Snacks, Decorations, Crafts and Games. Children - ages 3-6th grade are eligible. Please note that if you can help one night or a couple hours of your time would be greatly appreciated! Any questions, please contact Judy Willow at 570-412-2814.