June 2022 News

June 2022 Newsletter

Worship Schedule this month:


June 5th   – (ToW: Gathered and Scattered) Rev. John Yost – Acts 2:1-21; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17. Strengthen the Church offering

June 6th–10th VBS – Food Truck Party

June 12th - (ToW: Wisdom Calls) Rev. Sally Dries – Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15.

June 19th – (ToW: In God’s Presence) Rev. John Yost – 1 Kings 19:1-4, 8-15; Galatians 3:23-29; Luke 8:26-39

June 26th Graduate Sunday (ToW: Pick Up the Mantle) Rev. Mike Price – 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14; Galatians 5:1, 13-25; Luke 9:51-62


Highlights from May 19, 2022 Consistory Meeting

Graduation Sunday will be June 26, 2022, congratulations to Alec Chappell, Brett King and Gabriel Gabel.

There was an area of the Bell Tower that leaked during the last rain storm.  That area has been re-caulked and the vestibule area is being worked on.

Citizen’s Electric notified us that the electricity bill for the church will be increasing 2.8% starting June 28, 2022.

The current Safety Policy is being updated by Chad Willow and Charlie Mensch.

The Security Camera project has been put on hold until the current roof/vestibule project is completed.  There are also concerns with the internet speed to support the cameras.

The Consistory has split up the current Shut-in list and plans to visit once a month. We are also asking for help with this Pastoral Care Ministry.  If you are interested, please contact Sharon Magyar, Tammy Pierce or Dave Beckley.

The Consistory met via zoom with Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, Ph.D, from Penn Central Conference to discuss an Interim Pastor and Search and Call for a settled Pastor.

The Consistory asks for your patience, prayers and support as we move forward through this transition period.  If you know of anyone who needs Pastoral Care please contact a Consistory Member.

Search Committee

Consistory is beginning the process of forming a search committee for our next pastor.  If you have a desire to serve on this committee please contact Sharon Magyar (570-412-6310).

Congratulations to Our Graduates

We would like to offer our congratulations to these members of Dreisbach as they graduate this year! These last several years have seen challenges like never before in reaching this goal. Our graduates in 2022 are:

Alec Chappell – Messiah University

Gabriel Gabel – Lewisburg High School

Brett King – Bloomsburg University

Please join us on June 26th as we honor them during the worship service. A time of fellowship and refreshments will follow the service.

Rummage Sale Wrap-up

Diane Hackenberg, Holly Snyder and Judy Willow want to thank everybody who helped with our Spring Rummage Sale.  Credit goes to those people who helped set up, sale gals, baggers, those men who sold items from the garage and what would we do without our devoted men who greeted our guests and sold from the outside of the front of the church and the vestibule.  A person can learn alot uptstairs in a week but all good.  It was a great week of fellowship and fun.  We had one of the best clean up crews for Saturday.  Carol was watching over us to make sure we didn't make any mistakes.  Bake sale ($391.50), soup sale ($432.25), cookbooks ($15.00) and the rummage sale ($6,168.31).  The next sale will be on Sept. 22,23 & 24.  Please start saving your rummage!

Upcoming Meetings

·       Next prime timers luncheon will be at OIP on June 23rd at 12:30 pm.

·       The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group will be Thursday, June 23, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.

Women’s Bible Study

A big thank you to Bonnie Dodge and Tammy Pierce in leading the ladies of Dreisbach in our Bible Study over the last several months. It was very inciteful and enjoyable for all of us.


The church has a new YouTube channel - Dreisbach United Church of Christ - Lewisburg, PA, please subscribe! Recordings will be posted following the worship service each Sunday.

Pamela Pfirman