June 2021 News
June 2021 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
“June is the time for being in the world in new ways,
for throwing off the cold and dark spots of life.”
– Joan D. Chittister
Can you think of where you were this time last year? A very different place than we had ever been before. June will be a time, as Joan Chittister says; of new ways and a time to shake off the cold and darks spots. We threw off the grayness of winter for the sunshine and warmth of the summer light. We reunite with family and friends that we have been distant from because of the threat of illness from a pandemic. Nothing will brighten our days more than our ability to see a whole face with a smile. One of the greatest difficulties when meeting someone over these months has been recognizing each other and wondering what facial expressions we were being given (some saw this as a gift that kept them out of trouble). But now, we have a chance to remove that mask and maybe when we remove our mask this time we will allow our true selves to be visible.
This time of separation, this time of loss has shown me that focusing and living as our true selves can not wait for a later time or a distant tomorrow. We must live each day as a gift and as an opportunity for growth and life. I hit a milestone birthday this year in April. I am now 40 years old, and with this achievement there is often a need to reflect on where one is at. Questions like: Is this where you thought you would be at this age when you were young? Is my life heading where I thought it would? And many others that seek to assess and evaluate on life’s results.
This has also been a time when the church has been forced to stop or at least pause and take a time of honest and serious audit of our actions and inactions as a community of God’s people. Much of this time we at Dreisbach have shown to be creative and adaptable to this time. In other ways it has been difficult to be taken out of our routine and typical structures. But, I have seen this as an opportunity for the church to refocus and refuel for this June time and the other seasons that will follow.
The vision committee and other leaders have been working prayerfully to discern a future that allows us to throw off the cold and dark spots that we have been carrying. As we reengage and recommit ourselves in our personal lives and in our faith lives, may you seek healthy patterns and habits, may you focus on the important people in your life, and may you be willing to be open to the warmth and light that is returning to us in many ways.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
June 6th - (Theme of Week: God Will) Celebrate Communion. 1st Samuel 8:4-20; 2nd Corinthians 4:13- 5:1; Mark 3:20-35.
June 13th – (ToW: Flourishing) Celebrating our Graduates. 1st Samuel 15:34 - 16:13; 2nd Corinthians 5:6-17; Mark 4: 26-34.
June 20th – (ToW: Pushing the Boat out) Father’s Day. 1st Samuel 17: 1a, 4-11, 19-23, 32-49; 2nd Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41.
June 27th - (ToW: Healing Powers) 2nd Samuel 1:1, 17- 27; 2nd Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43.
Look Further Ahead
July 4th - (ToW: Sent with Power) 2nd Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; 2nd Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13.
July 11th - (ToW: God-inspired Joy) 2nd Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29.
Congratulations to Our Graduates
We would like to offer our congratulations to these members of Dreisbach as they graduate this year! This past year has been a year like no other but these young people pushed through every challenge that was thrown at them. Our graduates this year are:
Cami Finerghty – Mifflinburg Area High School
Jewels Hepner – Lewisburg Area High School
Delaney Humphrey – Lewisburg Area High School
Gabrielle Humphrey – Ithaca College
Olivia Humphrey – Lewisburg Area High School
Cooper White – Mifflinburg Area High School & SUN Career & Technology Center
Please join us on June 13th as we honor them during the worship service.
Prime Timers
Prime Timers will begin meeting for lunch at The Old Turnpike Restaurant in June. Our June luncheon will be Thursday June 24th at 12:30pm. There will be a sign-up sheet at the rear on the church. As an alternative you may use my email, robert.e.hoffman2791@gmail.com or call or text to 570-768-2936. The restaurant is eagerly awaiting our return. Any questions please let me know.
Fall Rummage Sale & Fall Festival
The fall rummage sale will take place and is scheduled for September 23, 24 & 25. We will be having a 2021 Fall Festival on October 9th! More information will be provided for both of these events as they approach.
VBS & Silent Auction
VBS will take place the week of June 21-25, starting at 6:30 and ending at 8:30 for children age 3 thru 6th grade with the theme that is “Just The Ticket” (Rocky Railway).
This year’s VBS will be a little different from past years. In order to avoid packing the church at this time we will not have the traditional closing and silent auction on Sunday morning. However, we are planning to have our Silent Auction fundraiser in September to raise funds for next year’s VBS. We are looking forward to all of the handcrafted items, gift cards, gift baskets and of course baked goods (that we have all missed over the last year) that you so generously contribute each year. We’ll fill you in on the details closer to the fall. It’s not too late to sign-up for bible school, registration forms are available at the back of the sanctuary. We also welcome helpers of all ages to make this event successful and it can be a special time to have fellowship with families outside of the church. If you are interested in helping, please contact Pam (570-898-9774) or Judy Willow (570-412-2814).
An update on the recycled items we have been collected for VBS. You all have been so helpful! We have enough egg cartons and toilet rolls that we’ll have to look for more craft ideas to use them up next year! We are good on the larger milk jug caps but if you can keep collecting the smaller water/soda bottle caps we will put them to good use. Thank you everyone for helping us out!
Expense Vouchers
A new procedure has been put into place for anyone making purchases for the church for which they wish to be reimbursed. Expense vouchers, available in the church office, must be submitted for reimbursement. For any larger purchases please check with Scott, Lori or Pam ahead of time. Thank You
Mission Committee
Thank you to everyone for your support of our foster child in Haiti. He was sent a shoe box of items in the name of our church at Christmas. We have now sent a few items for his birthday on June 8th. He will be twelve. You can find his thank you and picture on the bulletin board in the overflow area.
Covid-19 Protocols Updated
The task force in conjunction with consistory have updated our covid safety protocols. Social distancing limits will no longer be required and there are no longer any restrictions on congregating in and around the church. At this time we are still strongly encouraging the use of masks while in the church. The task force will continue to monitor the situation and update their recommendations monthly.