April 2021 News

April 2021 Newsletter


Pastor’s Message

God’s Hand by: Pat Hough


It’s never too late to feel God’s hand in the solace that we seek.

He’s always there to comfort us when helpless, poor, or weak.

His promise in the rainbow, the words he had to say

through Jesus Christ, his only Son, can guide us through each day.

Have faith he said when only doubts try to destroy our goals.

Let my light shine on each of you and penetrate your souls.

For I am with you every day, no matter where you go.

Feel my love within your heart, then peace, fullness you’ll know!


            The above poem is from a past partitioner of mine from Schuylkill County. Pat was an elementary school teacher, but that was her second career, she didn’t go to college until after she had her children and while she worked full time in one of the clothing factories in the area. Certainly not the easy path to become a teacher, more like the extreme hardworking, dedicated, and totally committed path. She always had a positive-go get them attitude about life and about what needed to be done. This poem speaks to the voice within her that gave her the strength she needed during many of those long days and long nights. May you find some strength and Spirit lead support in its message.  


We are welcoming folks back to in person worship. We know that some folks will come back now, and we know that some folks will wait for a later time to return, but please know that we are here for everyone. We are here to drop something off to you, we are here to talk to, we are here to be supportive and a blessing to one another in ways that are needed. Simply reach out and let us know your needs.


            We are planning a number of fellowship and welcome back events for the next few months. It won’t be easy for many of us to get back into the routine of church again, but we are hoping you will and we hope you find a meaningful way to reconnect yourself to the good news and good work of the gospel message that the church is undertaking in this time. You are an important part and you have gifts to share in the efforts we make. Find your niche, take your place; God will bless you and others will be blessed through your generosity of giving and sharing.


Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                                    Pastor Nate

Worship Schedule this month:

April 1st – Maundy Thursday Service has been canceled due to the inability to be around tables and share food and fellowship in the ways that we normally do each year. Elements of this service have been added to Palm Sunday and Good Friday. Sorry for any inconvenience, we hope to try again next year. Exodus 12: 1-14; 1st Corinthians 11: 23-26; John 13: 1-17, 31b-35.

April 2nd – (Theme of Week: Good Friday) Isaiah 52: 13- 53: 12; Hebrews 10: 16-25, John 18: 1-19, 42. Service will begin at 7pm. Dave Beckley will offer the special music.

April 4th - (ToW: Now What?)  Easter Sunday. Acts 10: 34-43; 1st Corinthians 15: 1-11; Jon 20: 1-18. Our service will begin at the regular time of 9:15am. This service will take place in the sanctuary. You may attend in person (following the guidelines of our task force) or worship through FM transmitter in your car, in our parking lot, call in through our phone line connection or with a virtual option of facebook too.


April 11th – (ToW: Marks of Faith) 2nd Sunday of Easter. Acts 4:32-35; 1st John 1:1- 2:2; John 20:19-31.

April 18th - (ToW: Christ Among Us) 3rd Sunday of Easter. Acts 3: 12-19; 1st John 3: 1-7; Luke 24: 36b-48.

April 25th - (ToW: Enfolded by Love) 4th Sunday of Easter. Acts 4: 5-12; 1st John 3: 16-24; John 10: 11-18.


Look Further Ahead

May 2nd- (ToW: Abiding in Love) 5th Sunday of Easter. Acts 8: 26-40; 1st John 4: 7-21; John 15: 1-8. First Sunday Zoom Fellowship Time




We are happy to let you know that VBS will take place the week of June 21-25, starting at 6:30 and ending at 8:30 for children age 3 thru 6th grade with the theme that is “Just the Ticket” (Rocky Railway).  Registration forms are available at the back of the sanctuary or email/text Pam to have them emailed to you

We need helpers of all ages to make this event successful. It can be a special time to have fellowship with families outside of our own church family.  If you are interested in helping, please contact Judy Willow (570-412-2814) or Pam Pfirman (pam_adminsect@dreisbachucc.org/570-898-9774 ).



We are excited to announce a new and exciting event for Dreisbach!  Join us for BINGO night held via Zoom on April 30th at 7:00! This event is open to members of ALL ages and is not just a children’s event! There will be themed baskets as prizes for our BINGO game winners.  Pre-registration is required by April 16th to allow plenty of time for event preparations.  If you would like to make a donation toward our themed baskets to help make our BINGO event a success, please contact Chelsea Mensch at 814-335-0291 or clallegr@gmail.com.  We are hoping to have a wonderful turnout for our first event of this kind!!


Adopt A Highway

On April 25th, following the worship service, Dreisbach's commitment to helping keep the Buffalo Valley beautiful continues with our Spring "Adopt A Highway" day! Volunteers are needed to pick-up roadside garbage on Dreisbach Church Road between Route 45 and Turkey Run Road.  Penn DOT, via Don Bowman will supply all garbage bags, gloves, road signs, etc. Your help is needed. Please see the signup sheet at the back of the sanctuary or contact Don Bowman at 570-966-0785/donbowman@windstream.net if you can help to keep our valley beautiful.

We will meet in the church parking lot at 10:30 on the 25th(weather permitting).  I will have gloves, bags for the litter and orange vests to wear for your safety.


Thank You

Scott & Pam Eberhart & family would like to thank everyone for the cards, prayers, flowers & phone calls after the passing of Scott’s father. 

We are very blessed to have such a wonderful & caring church family.  

Thank you and God Bless


Nursery Helpers

With our return to in-person worship we will once again be opening the nursery for our little ones.  We are seeking helpers to staff the nursery during the worship service.  If you are willing to help out in this way please contact Sharon Magyar (570-412-6310) or signup on the list located on the bulletin board outside of the office.  Thank you


Maurer Public Sale

An auction is scheduled to take place at the home of Bob & Doloras Maurer on April 9th & 10th. Amy Jo is in need of volunteer manpower and help on Friday (April 9th) starting at 8AM to get set up and then some runners from 3- until whenever. On Saturday (April 10th ) from 7ish to late afternoon again.  If you are willing and able to help Amy Jo is creating a schedule of folks. Please call or text her at 570-428-3022.  Thank you!




Live Your Best Life with Diabetes:  Virtual Program Begins April 15


The Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc. and Geisinger health and wellness will be offering Live Your Best Life with Diabetes online.  Live Your Best Life with Diabetes is a free program that has been proven to be effective in helping people to manage their diabetes.  It is supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging.   Educational materials will be provided.  The program will be held virtually on your computer or smart device on Thursdays, 9:30 am – 12:00 Noon; April 15 – May 20.

Live Your Best Life with Diabetes is open to adults age 18 or older who want to learn how to improve their quality of life while coping with diabetes.  Caregivers, friends and family members of someone who has diabetes are also welcome to attend.  Topics that will be covered during the program include: managing pain and fatigue; improving psychological well-being; nutrition and exercise; and communicating with family, friends and health professionals. 

This free, interactive group program is open to residents of any county.   To register or for more information, call Geisinger health and wellness at 866-415-7138 or visit events.geisinger.org. Program is offered online.  Upon registration, you’ll receive instructions and the information necessary for this virtual program.


A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls

Virtual Program Begins April 14


Have you turned down a chance to go out with family or friends because you were concerned about falling?  Have you cut down on a favorite activity because you might fall?  If so, A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls is a program for you.

Fear of falling can be just as dangerous as falling itself.  People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in severe physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater.  Many older adults also experience increased isolation and depression when they limit their interactions with family and friends.  A Matter of Balance can help people improve their quality of life and remain independent. 

A Matter of Balance is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. Participants learn to set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, and learn simple exercises to increase strength and balance.

Geisinger health and wellness in association with the Union-Snyder Agency on Aging, Inc. is offering A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls starting on April 14 on Wednesdays, 10 am – 12 Noon through June 9 (Dates are subject to change).  A workbook is provided.  This program will be held virtually on your smart phone, tablet or computer.

This free, interactive group program is open to residents of any county.   Registration is required.  To register or for more information call the Geisinger health and wellness team at 866-415-7138


or visit events.geisinger.org. Upon registration, you’ll receive instructions and the information necessary for this virtual program.


A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls

This program is based on Fear of Falling: A Matter of Balance. Copyright ©1995 Trustees of Boston University. All rights reserved. Used and adapted by permission of Boston University.

A Matter of Balance Lay Leader Model

Recognized for Innovation and Quality in Healthcare and Aging, 2006, American Society on Aging.

A Matter of Balance Lay Leader Model was developed by a grant from the Administration on Aging (#90AM2780).

Pamela Pfirman