August 2020 News
August 2020 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
What an odd and uncertain summer we are experiencing this year. For the last 5 years of ministry, I and others have used the idea of the year 2020 to be a long and short term goalsetting benchmark. The idea of 20/20 being a reference to clear vision was a great idea for the ministry we set out to undertake this year, BUT this year has laughed at us and shown us again that our best laid plans as humanity can be spoiled quickly. There is no way to see clearly during the first half of the year 2020, we aren’t even sure if schools will be reopening or when community gatherings and events of more than 250 people will be able to occur once more.
I thank you for your patience and continued support in these times of many difficult and tough decisions being made. It is heart wrenching to cancel ministry events that are important to so many members of our community, like the rummage sale. As well as, fun and fellowship sharing events like the fall festival not occurring this year. It is important that we all continue to take the precautions that we are asked to in order to show our concern and care for one another. Especially showing concern for those who are at greater risk than ourselves.
At this time, you should have received a mailing that lays out the plan and guidelines for our in-person return to worship on August 9th. These guidelines have been worked on by a dedicated group of our leaders who understand our deep desire to gather together for worship and community, but who also understand our need to be safe and careful with the health of the greatest at risk among us.
There is a zoom book study group gathering and preparing to meet starting in August. We are inviting everyone to read: Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation
by Latasha Morrison. This is important work for us all to be undertaking as we stretch and grow in the reality of God’s world. May we seek to understand and learn the perspectives and reality that some of our siblings of different races and cultures live with. I am looking to host a Wednesday morning at 9am group and also I am looking to host an evening group on Thursday evenings too. Please contact me or the church office to notify us of your interest in participating with us. We can order a book for you or you can obtain your own copy.
While I am taking some time away in early August, know that Pastor Tim Hogan-Palazzo is on call for any emergency needs that may occur. He can be reached at (570) 975-9536. You may reach out to him if need be. I will not be far away from the area during this time, but hoping to rejuvenate and rest.
I invite you to continue to lift each other up in prayer and offer support where and when you can in this time. I invite you to also read the UCC daily devotion that is made available in this newsletter. May it help you to strengthen and renew your spirit and soul. We hope to honor our graduates and dedicate new prayer shawls during particular Sundays in August, as we do our best to offer our normal events and ministries during the year.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
August 2nd – (Theme of Week: Face to Face) Genesis 22:1-14; Romans 6:12-23; Matthew 10:40-42.
August 9th – (ToW: When All Seems Lost) Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28; Romans 10: 5-15; Matthew 14: 22-33. Date of Return to in person worship with continued online presence. Please make a choice that you are comfortable with. We will honor our graduates in Worship.
August 16th - (ToW: Bold Moves) Genesis 45:1-15; Romans 11: 1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15: 10-28.
August 23rd - (ToW: Be Transformed) Exodus 1: 8 – 2: 10; Romans 12: 1-8; Matthew 16: 13-20. Blessing of Prayer Shawls in Worship.
August 30th - (ToW: Spirit-Led Living) Exodus 3: 1-15; Romans 12: 9-21; Matthew 16: 21-28.
Look Further Ahead
September 6th – (ToW: Remember, Restore, Renew) Exodus 12: 1-14; Romans 13: 8-14; Matthew 18: 15-20. Labor Day Weekend.
Still, Still, Still
Written by Rachel Hackenberg
July 07, 2020 UCC Daily Devotional
O Lord, my heart is not lifted up, my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things to great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother. - Psalm 131:1-2a (NRSV)
Maybe you’ve been feeling this psalm. I have. Tired. Heart low. Eyes downcast. Overwhelmed. Too discouraged to place much hope in goodness.
To manage, I’ve been moderating my energy – lowering my gears like a car climbing a mountain in fourth, down to third, then to second, then to first. Just expend enough energy to cross this mountain. Just make a plan for the next month. Just make a plan for the next week. Just try a plan for the next day. Just get through the next breath.
Keep anxiety from clogging the catalytic converter.
Keep anger from burning out the engine.
Keep overstimulation from misfiring across the spark plugs.
A low-energy spirit is not a quieted spirit. It’s an injured spirit, rather than an imaginative spirit. A burned-out spirit, rather than a burning spirit. A despairing spirit, rather than a determined one. It’s a spirit that needs to crawl into the lap of a mothering God, close its eyes for a spell, and feel the holy heartbeat quieting its chaos.
From the safety of God’s lap, the now-quieted heart can notice great change and welcome hope. Hush, be still. From the solace of God’s lap, the stilled spirit can delight in beauty more marvelous than it could imagine. Hush, be still.
Breathe in the beauty of life. Breathe out the assurance of love.
Be still. Be still. Be still.
Mothering God, even a weaned child needs a parent’s comfort. Even a reliable car needs a tune-up. Even a faithful disciple needs quiet. Let my rest be marvelous in your sight.
About the Author
Rachel Hackenberg serves on the national staff for the United Church of Christ. She is the author of Writing to God and the co-author of Denial Is My Spiritual Practice, among other titles. Her blog is Faith and Water. A daughter of Dreisbach UCC, Lewisburg, PA.
In-Person Worship
We will resume in-person worship at the church on August 9th at 9:15. We ask that you please follow the guidelines set forth in the letter that was sent out last week. Masks are required to enter the church and must remain in place throughout the service. For those not comfortable attending in person we will continue to make the service available on Facebook and Youtube as well as the dial in option.
We will be recognizing our graduates on August 9th when we return to the church to once again worship together. Please let them know how proud we are of them and their accomplishments during this difficult time!
Investment Committee Meeting
The Investment Committee will meet on August 6th at 1:30pm at the church downstairs in the social room. Please remember to wear a mask and properly social distance.
Food Stand
Dreisbach will be providing a food stand at the Berger Public Auction on Wednesday, September 16th.
Rummage Sale & Fall Festival Canceled
Due to our concern for our members and our community and the limitations currently imposed on the size of gatherings consistory has made the decision to cancel both the Fall Rummage Sale and Fall Festival for this year.
VBS Supplies
Thank you to everyone who has continued to collect our recyclables for our VBS crafts. We have plenty of egg cartons and toilet tissue rolls at this time so you can stop collecting those. We are still in need of bottle caps, both water/soda bottle size and milk jug size. If you can continue collecting and drop them at the church at your convenience it would be greatly appreciated.