June 2020 Newsletter
Pastor’s Message
Friends in Christ,
I really wanted to Thank you for your cards, prayers, and messages to me and my family in the recent passing of my grandmother, Josephine Druckenmiller. Grandma was 93 and had been living at Phoebe Allentown for the last few years. We were only able to have limited folks at the viewing and committal service of close family. So it was difficult not to be with her extended family and her friends and neighbors. Hopefully we will be able to gather at a later time so that her whole circle of family and friends can join in celebrating her life.
There has been a task force put together to evaluate the situations as they change. This group will guide us in ways to keep our church community safe now and when we return to physical worship together. Our goal in this is to keep folks safe and minimize the risk that we take in gathering. We understand that some folks are ready and willing to return now, but may we respect each other in the choices that are made. There are some guidelines in place for entering the church currently and we ask that you follow them. There is a parking lot worship service being planned for the 3rd week in June. The plan is to gather in the lower lot and stay in cars to worship. The audio of the service will be sent through FM radio signal for all to hear. I and the other leaders of the worship service will be located at an elevated place for the worship time. The most important thing is that everyone stays put in their cars. Bathrooms will not be available at that time. Hopes are to try this and evaluate how it goes for other occasional times.
If you are unable to listen or connect with the current worship services that are being offered remotely we would like you to contact us so that we can aid you in having the opportunity to be a part of them in a creative way. We are working on creative solutions to the situations that some of our folks find themselves in and we are happy to meet your needs if we know about them.
I want to make sure that we continue to thank those that are making the worship changes possible. Thank to leadership who is still seeking to meet needs and make decisions on the behalf of all of us. It has been a team effort to make all of this go and successful. The service is reaching a great deal of people in the ways that it is being shared and we are grateful for that. Continue to lift each other up in meaningful and helpful ways. Our connections are strong and essential always, but especially in this time.
Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
June 7th - (Theme of Week: This is Good) Genesis 1:1-2:4a; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; Matthew 28: 16-20.
June 14th - (ToW: Sarah Laughed) Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7; Romans 5:1-8; Matthew 9:35-10:8-23.
June 21st - (ToW: Daring Discipleship) Father’s Day. PARKING LOT CHURCH. Genesis 21:8-21; 6:1b-11; Matthew 10:24-39.
June 28th – (ToW: Holy Welcome) Genesis 22:1-14; Romans 6:12-23; Matthew 10:40-42.
Look Further Ahead
July 5th - (ToW: Chosen Journeys) Genesis 24: 34-67; Romans 7:15-25a; Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30.
COVID-19 Task Force
Upon recommendation from Penn Central Conference, Consistory has formed a Covid 19 Task Force Committee for reopening the church. The committee members are Tammy Pierce, Scott Sanders, Sharon Magyar, Detra Dodge and Tim Sones. The committee will meet weekly to discuss health risks for our members, cleaning protocol for the church and when to reopen safely. Penn Central Conference had a zoom meeting to address these issues as we move through the phases of opening in the State and will continue to keep us updated. They are recommending that any church over 25 people stay closed until we enter the Green Phase. What the Green Phase will look like is still unknown. Decisions regarding in-person services will be based on the recommendations from Penn Central Conference, the Task Force Committee and be approved by Consistory.
To start, the committee has addressed what we can do right now at the church to keep those safe that are going in and out. A sign has been posted on the combination door with some basic procedures to follow when entering and conducting business in the church. Please only enter using the combination door, wear a mask, sign the book on the podium inside the door, sanitize hands and wipe any surfaces touch when in the church. Your cooperation in keeping our church family safe and healthy is greatly appreciated.
*In respect to your church community, if you or a family member have tested positive for COVID-19 please contact Pastor Nate. This would not be made public and would only be for purposes of determining if any others in our church family may have contracted the virus.
Thank You
A big thank you to Rich Schenck and Leroy Gable for the repairs they made to the floor in the closet at the front of the sanctuary. Thank you for your help in averting a disaster.
Are you able to connect with the Sunday morning worship service?
There are three ways to experience the service. You can call in at 570-518-0013. Call early and stay on the line. You can connect through Facebook. To watch live, go to the Dreisbach Facebook page on your device and click on video. You do not have to have a Facebook account
to use this method. You can watch later either on Facebook or on YouTube. An email with a link is sent out later on Sunday, or you can search YouTube to find the service. If you cannot connect, we want to know! Please contact Pam Pfirman at the church or Diane Hackenberg. We want to find a way to keep everyone connected during this time.
The next meeting of the Music and Worship Committee is set for Wednesday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m.
Special Music Talent Needed
Are you willing to share your musical gifts with the congregation during the worship service? We are looking for recorded music to include as the special music for upcoming services. You can record at home, or Theo is willing to meet you at the church and collaborate on a piece. Please contact Theo, Pastor Nate, or Diane Hackenberg if you are would like to participate.
Dreisbach’s Music Box
We all miss our church family and the joy we share. One remedy for the current distance is Dreisbach’s Music Box of home-grown inspirational music selections recorded and stored online. The Music Box can be accessed from the Dreisbach church website and on it you will find audio and video recordings of some of your favorite hymns and choruses performed by your fellow Dreisbachians, available to watch or for sing-alongs any time the need arises. If you don’t find a recording of your favorite music in the Music Box, guess what? YOU have the opportunity to perform, record, and upload a musical piece that inspires you or that you think might lift another up. We hope to have the site available in early June and will be busy adding your musical messages of hope as they come in.
These are times of historical uncertainty and the need is now to be brave and be strong. Neither be bashful, nor miss the moment while trying to make a perfect performance and recording. Grab your smart phone (landscape orientation works best) or other digital recording device and give us a song to share. Contact Sarah Hackenberg, Hackenberg819@gmail.com for instructions on how to post your recording.