September 2019 Newsletter

Pastor’s Message


Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” – Matthew 11:28-29


            As the fall season gets into full swing there is much to look forward to and great ways to actively be a part of the ministry life of Dreisbach, I hope you get involved. We continue to pray for guidance in the direction of leadership for our music ministry position, as well as, all that we undertake together in the name of God. It is my hope to offer a time of anointing and prayer in worship on the 5th Sundays of the month in the coming year. So this opportunity will occur 3 or 4 times a year. If you have attended the Blue Christmas Service you will have seen or been a part of this opportunity.

            During the service I will invite folks in need of prayers for healing of their body, mind, or spirit. These prayers can be offered for you personally or also on someone else’s behalf. But this is a time of going to God and placing ourselves in His loving care and healing presence. The anointing and prayers take about a minute for each person. There will be music playing during this time and those that are present in the congregation during this time are invited to be in a time of personal prayer and reflection as others come forward.

            As we begin another busy year together, may we all be guided by our collective work as faithful followers in Christ’s name.  


Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                              Pastor Nate




Words of Carrie Call Transitional Conf Minister:

The start of my time as your Transitional Conference Minister was marked by excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to serve you. But I confess that I also felt sadness and frustration at the news from El Paso and Dayton. I know that I am not alone in feeling heart-broken or angry or hopeless. In the face of such senseless violence our call remains the same: to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to live into the gospel's message of healing, reconciliation, and transformation. That call is neither easy nor always straight-forward. Following the call requires prayer, practice, patience (with self and others) and humility. More than ever we are called to be instruments of peace. In our own communities that may include reaching out to people who are isolated while also paying attention to signs of brokenness and impending violence. We are to be instruments of reconciliation and speakers of love - and now more than ever it is important for us to practice our discipleship together here in Pennsylvania.



Worship Schedule this month:

September 1st  -  (Theme of Worship: Open Table) Jeremiah 2:4-13; Hebrews 13:1-8,15-16; Luke 14:1,7-14. Labor Day Weekend.

September 8th – (ToW: A New Identity) Jeremiah 18:1-11; Philemon 1:1-21; Luke 14:25-33. Congregational Meeting for Vision Proposal. Return to regular Sunday School Schedule.

Sept. 15th - (ToW: Growing in God’s Love) Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28; 1st Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-10. Praise Group will share songs. Sunday School.

Sept. 22nd - (ToW: Prayerful Living) Jeremiah 8:18-9:1; 1st Timothy 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13. Sunday School.

Sept. 29th - (ToW: Surprising Investment) Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15; 1st Timothy 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31.  Healing and Anointing Prayers in Worship. Adopt-a-highway Clean up and Rummage Sale Setup.


Look Further Ahead

October 6th – (Theme of Worship: Free to Grieve) 2nd Timothy 1:1-14; Luke 17:5-10. Worldwide Communion Sunday. First Sunday Fellowship.


We hope you have taken advantage of the information sessions that the Vision Committee is offering following worship services in order to share with everyone the proposal and reasons for desiring to partner with the Samaritan Counseling Center in the months to come. The information sessions are meant to prepare all members for a Congregational Meeting we will have on September 8, 2019

Please mark your calendars for the vote. 

CAT (Congregation Assessment Tool): This is a customizable and validated assessment instrument, in use for over 25 years, that enables congregations to make evidence-based decisions based on congregation-wide input.  Implementation and use of the CAT has four primary steps:


Orientation to the CAT including implementation and customization (1 to 1.5 hour session)

Data gathering process (3 to 6 weeks)

Interpretation session (2.5 to 3 hour session)

Discernment session, drawing out the learning from the assessment (2 to 3 hour session)


Timeline Activity: This is a facilitated activity in which participants (open to all) would create a timeline of the history of the congregation (emphasis on more recent history) in order to more clearly identify congregational patterns, strengths and aspects of congregational life that may require attention.


Proposal Financial Breakdown:


CAT Process, Church Assessment Tool  (includes 3 face-to-face visits with church)             $3,500.00 Timeline Activity-includes 2 hour facilitated process and report                                     $   968.00

                                                                                                                                    $ 4,468.00


To highlight some of the most frequent questions we are hearing:

            Why is the visioning committee proposing us to do this? we would like to embark on this opportunity to be proactive to the needs and potential ministry of Dreisbach in the near and far future. The information gathered is to be used as important data that can help to guide and inform our leaders of the needs and desires of those who are invested in this community of faith.

Why do we need to pay someone from the outside to come in and do this work? We feel that a third party is needed to gather this info because of the experience and expertise that Samaritan has in doing this work with thousands of congregations of all sizes and situations. It is documented that church participants are more likely to be open and honest with those outside of the local church, which will help to make our data unbiased and trustworthy. Those leading us in this process are not coming to tell us what to do, they are joining us on the journey of our own discernment and conversations. We are the active followers and shapers of our own future in the life of the church, the support and gifts of the staff doing this work will only make our undertakings better directed and more meaningful.

Which areas of church life are covered in this project? The questions and topics covered in this undertaking will span all areas of church life. That means it is much broader than just worship or music in the life of the church. So your input is essential in preparing our conversations and evaluating in a broad sense.

How will we use this data and experience moving forward? We are not sure where this process will lead us next. We are allowing the Holy Spirit to be active in this process. We believe that the best use of the data is in a discerning process; the report is intended to start or continue conversation/discernment in the congregation. Such conversation would then lead to planning (making any necessary changes; determining mission) and implementation. The church will better define ministry efforts, priorities, and outreach, while meeting the needs of those that participate in church life.

We want to thank you for your time, questions, and energy to be a part of Dreisbach Church and we look forward to being what and who God wants us to be at this time and in this place. We all have an important role in this process and in the life of this church. Blessings and Prayers.

Music and Worship Committee

The committee began advertising for a director of music ministries in the beginning of August. We are looking for someone who can both accompany worship and direct the choirs. The job description is posted on our website and our Facebook page. Please check it out and pass it on to anyone you know who may be interested. In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy a variety of music during worship. We are blessed to have many talented musicians within our congregation who are willing to help out during this time. If you would like to participate, please talk to Diane Hackenberg. We ask for your continued prayers and patience as we seek to discover where God is leading us.  


In other committee news, we have been discussing the importance of making people (visitors and members alike) feel welcome when they come to worship on Sunday mornings. We are planning to schedule greeters and ushers for every week. Greeters stand at the doors in the back of the church, welcome people, and hand out bulletins. Ushers collect the offering.  Although these tasks are fairly simple, they are an essential part of Dreisbach’s image and outreach. Please consider either volunteering (talk to Tammy Pierce or Sharon Houseknecht) or say “yes” when someone calls and asks you to help out.

Fall Rummage Sale

Vacation is gone and school buses roll.  With homework, football games, and fall colors comes the annual fall Rummage, Soup and Bake Sale.  The sale will be held October 3, 4 and 5. An addition will be a Yard Sale during the same time; run on the church lawn by our “super-men”!

Help is needed for all phases of the sale:  donations; unpacking, sorting and placing items on tables; clerks; baggers; cleanup crew on Saturday; and poster distribution.  Your willingness to help adds to the success of the sale.  Racks and tables will be set up on Sunday, September 29th after worship.  Doors will open at 9:00 AM Monday for workers to begin sorting.  Each following day someone will be at the church with doors open so volunteers can come and go at their convenience.   Please call Carol Willow, project leader 966-2682, or Connie Bastian 523-9781.  Contact Judy Willow 966-0721 to volunteer.

Past experience makes it necessary to make rules for donations.  We are no longer able to sell children’s car seats.  No worn out furniture or clothing.  Please check before dropping off large items of furniture.  All donations should be usable.  Appliances need to be in working order.

Rummage may be brought to the church following Sunday school on September 29th.  Please try to have rummage to the church no later than Tuesday evening.  .  Sale hours will be Thursday and Friday 9:00 am – 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00 am – 12:00 noon.  Cleanup starts at noon on Saturday.

Our “reruns” benefit people in our community, provide money for missions and model good stewardship of resources.


“Adopt A Highway”

On September 28th following the worship service, Dreisbach's commitment to helping keep the Buffalo Valley beautiful continues with our Fall "Adopt A Highway" day! Volunteers are needed to pick-up roadside garbage on Dreisbach Church Road between Route 45 and Turkey Run Road. Yellow sign-up sheet is now in the rear of the sanctuary. Penn DOT will supply all garbage bags, gloves, road signs, etc. All participants must sign a waiver. Pizza and drinks will be provided.  Questions should be directed to Julie Rockey or Don Bowman.


Thank You

To the Congregation:

Thank you ever so much for your prayers, cards, phone calls, and meals.

I am done with my 2 weeks of radiation on my spine, but I am still in a lot of pain

which keeps me rather inactive. I am hoping for some improvement in the next

week with your continued prayers.

God Bless you all!


Glen Van Dyke


Dreisbach Youth

There will be a fall kickoff event on Sunday, September 22nd at 6 pm for Dreisbach and MACY youth! Games and food will be held at the church. Let Tim or Kristy know if you’ll be coming.


Dreisbach Fall Festival

Entertainment Schedule



11:00AM – 12:30 PM

Heart to Hand Ministries - Woody Wolfe


Woody will “roam” through the crowd playing the same feel good,

spiritual, and mainstream music selections he uses to play for kids of

all ages at children’s hospitals and beyond.


12:45PM – 2:45PM

Alex Cooke – Y’All Need Country Music


Originally from North Carolina, for the 2nd year Alex brings us a little

bit of everything to our stage playing Country, Rock, Southern Rock,

 Contemporary Christian, & Praise Music.


3:00PM – 5:00PM



This year we welcome this Williamsport based 5-member band

featuring guitar, harmonica, bass, and drums playing their Christian

Rock & Blues version of favorite hymns like Do Lord, Power in the

Blood, and more!




Prime Timers

The Prime Timers will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday, September 19th at 12:30 pm.  Come and enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship.  Lunch will be dutch treat.  Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.

2019Pamela Pfirman