February 2019 Newsletter
February 2019 Newsletter
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free — and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many”. (1st Corinthians 12:12-13)
Pastor’s Message
As we begin to make our way towards the season of Lent and the opportunity to grow deeper in our faith and connection to God may you think about joining us for the programs being put in place. There are a number of opportunities for spiritual renewal and growth going on beyond our Sunday worship time. Please take a look and join us:
During Wednesdays in Lent we invite you to join us for informal worship gatherings in the fellowship hall. We will again be doing worship in interactive ways that keep us moving and thinking in new and meaningful ways. Our theme is spiritual practices and some of the ideas and topics will be taken from the website, https://www.spiritualityandpractice.com. There are many ideas, books, quotes, and thoughts found on this website and we will weave much of what it has to offer into our time together, it is my hope that there will be many little take a ways from each experience.
Book Study
I am again looking to lead a book study for folks that are interested in joining me. This year I am suggesting we take a look at a book by Rob Bell called “Jesus Wants to Save Christians, A Manifesto for the Church in Exile.” Pastor Rob Bell is the creator of a video series called Nooma. Many of our youth and some adults have seen and conversed on those meaningful resources and this book is more of the same. The book is written in a very conversational style that looks through scripture to remind us why Jesus came and how His story connects with the story of the Old Testament all the way down to our story today. Please think about joining us, let Pastor Nate know if you are interested in participating. I have ordered a handful of books and can share them with folks who are interested. This book has been out for a few years now; but is still very current and helpful.
I also encourage you to join us for the All Church Retreat (Mar. 1-3) and for the ministry opportunities that are occurring all around the church. Please join us in stretching and growing ourselves and serving God through loving our neighbors.
Blessings and Prayers for all God’s People,
Pastor Nate
Worship Schedule this month:
February 3rd -- (Theme of Worship: Prophet on the Edge) Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1st Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30. We will celebrate Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday during worship. Join us for first Sunday Fellowship, Intergenerational Choir will rehearse.
February 10th - (ToW: A surprising Catch). 1st Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11. Mission Moments presented by Gideon’s Bible Institue and Love Inc. in worship. Normal Sunday School to follow worship.
February 17th – (ToW: Surprising Teaching) Jeremiah 17: 5-10; 1st Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26. Praise Group in Worship. Sunday School following worship.
February 24th - (ToW: Love Your Enemies) Genesis 45:3-11, 15; 1st Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38. Normal Sunday School to follow worship.
Look Further Ahead
March 3rd – (ToW: Astounding Glory) Transfiguration Sunday. Exodus 34:29-35; 2nd Corinthians 3:12- 4:2; Luke 9:28-43a. All Church Retreat, no first Sunday fellowship.
March 6th – (ToW: From Dust We Have Come, To Dust We Shall Return) Ash Wednesday Service 7pm. Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion Shared.
Music Anthems
We are trying to build the music catalog that the church has on hand at Dreisbach for the choirs that share their gifts in worship. We need your help, music can be expensive, but it is necessary for sharing the good news through song. In order to help with this need we are inviting our members to help us purchase new music. If you would give a gift to the music ministries we will in turn purchase an anthem for the choir. The average anthem costs about $50 for enough copies for our choir. After you give your donation the anthem that is purchased can be given a label of personalization by you. Which means, every time it is shared in worship in the bulletin it will say given by (fill in the blank) in memory of …. Or given in honor of….. or how ever you would like to present it. If you have any questions about this or would like to help the church out in this endeavor please connect with Glen on how to begin this process. Your help is greatly appreciated; and it helps to build our library of anthems.
Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday
is a ministry that has come out of the festive event of the Super Bowl football event (Feb. 3rd). The ministry is an active way that we remember that there are hungry people in our communities far and near. The Super Bowl is the 2nd biggest day of food consumption by Americans during the year. So in order to think about and act on food needs of our neighbors we will be inviting you to bring food items to church this Sunday in support of those who struggle to have enough to eat. The food items will be taken to Haven Ministries. If you want to learn more about the Souper Bowl of Caring program please take a look at the website, www.souperbowl.org.
Mifflinburg Backpack Project
We will again be collecting food items for filling backpacks for school children in the Mifflinburg elementary and intermediate schools. We are in charge of the month of March again this year. There will be 5 weeks that we will fill backpacks for the young people. We look forward to your generosity and support for this ministry that helps young people to have some of the healthy food items they need when they are not in school over the weekend. Items can be brought to the church and placed in the big green box in the back of the church at any time starting at the end of January and running through March. The number of backpacks filled has again increased this year. So we will need a record number of both financial donations and item donations to meet the needs. Below is a list of items needed for each backpack, each week.
# Mini macaroni & cheese (microwaveable) # Granola bars
# Mini Chef Boyardee or similar microwaveable food products # Fruit Snacks
# Snack-pack puddings # Mini Cereal Boxes
# Drink boxes/pouches # Pop Tarts
# Individual packs of Crackers # Fruit Cups
**Please take note March 1st falls on a Friday, so our first gathering to fill the backpacks will take place on the last Wednesday of February, the 27th. There are 162 students receiving food each week!
Consistory voted on officers for 2019. Jeff Baker will serve as President, Sue Leitzel as Vice President and Julie Rockey as Secretary. We thank them all for their service to Dreisbach.
Small group Ensembles
Have you thought about singing in the choir? A choir is one of the strongest small groups in a congregation. Do you play a musical instrument? Please consider sharing your talents with Dreisbach. New members in any of our musical groups (Chancel Choir, Hand Bell Choir, Praise Team, Intergenerational Choir) are always welcome! I will be offering small group and/or individual instruction on how to read the musical staff or how to use your God given speaking voice to make a beautiful sound for the Lord. Beginners and accomplished musicians are all welcome to participate in one or more the musical groups. Please see me after church or call me and let me know which group(s) you would like to join.
Glen Van Dyke, Music Director
Youth Pasta Dinner
The youth will be having a pasta fundraiser dinner on Sunday, February 17th from 5:30-7 pm! Please see an individual in the youth group to purchase your tickets. Tickets cost $10.00 and include salad, pasta, garlic bread, cake, coffee, and tea. There will be dine-in or take-out
options. There will also be live music. If anyone is willing to donate needed items, please sign-up on the sheets located in the back.
Save the Date for VBS 2019!
ROAR - Life is Wild - God is Good!
June 10 - 14 (6 - 8pm)
June 16 (9:15am) Closing Program
We're going on an African adventure as kids explore God's goodness by celebrating a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life! Zion, Hooper, Marge, Savannah and Mack will be the Bible Memory Buddies waiting for kids to arrive!
Many helping hands are needed to make VBS a memorable experience for the kids once again! Volunteers needed to help make and place decorations, teach, assist with crafts, games, and serve as class leaders each evening.
Contact Judy Willow or Pam Pfirman for more details. Registration forms will be made available later this spring.
Mllennials of Dreisbach (20s - 40s Crowd)
Goodies & Games Event
Friday, February 8 @ 6PM
Clint & Julie Rockey's House
Our February gathering will be similar to January...same location, same agenda, same time...BUT different date, more friends, and a whole new level of board game competition (serious but friendly) is for sure upon us! We will have potluck supper (aka the goodies), play board games, and continue our early thoughts on how we can possibly help give Dreisbach's nursery a facelift! Spaghetti bake, garlic bread, and beverages will be provided. Feel free to bring your favorite dish to add to the buffet. RSVP on Facebook or to Julie Rockey or Pastor Nate.
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group is Monday, February 25th at 6:30 at the church. All are welcome.
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timer’s will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday, February 21st at 12:30 p.m. Come an enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group. A signup sheet is located on the table in the back of the church.
Spring Rummage Sale
Due to the late Easter season this year our annual Spring Rummage Sale will take place a week later than usual. The dates for the sale are May 9th, 10th & 11th.
Thank You
Dear Member of Dreisbach United Church of Christ:
Thank you ever so much for the beautiful prayer shawl that was given to me by one of the choir members.
It is truly a work of love and compassion for the healing of my body from cancer. The shawl really helps keep my legs warm while I am going through my treatment at home.
Again thank you for love and concern.
Glen Van Dyke
We wish to express our sincere gratitude for all your prayers and cards following the loss of my father, Clair Wise. We appreciate all of the thoughtfulness you have shown our family during this difficult time.
Karen Mensch and family
Thank you to our loving congregation for your prayers, calls & cards during the illness and passing of our Mother, Ruth Stump. Thank you Pastor Nate for your continued concern during this difficult time. We love our church family.
Very Sincerely,
Wayne & Sharon Stump & Family
Dreisbach Diner
The Dreisbach Diner concept was mentioned in Fall 2018 but never took off due to the amount of activities already had going on over the Fall and Christmas seasons. The idea is to foster and build upon the existing ties among our church family by experiencing a dining experience outside of the church social hall. The way we are thinking this shall work is that 6 people or families would volunteer to host a “dining experience” event every other month for the first year. The dining experience can be whatever the host person(s) want it to be. It may mean a potluck dinner at someone’s house, it may mean organizing a day and time everyone meets at a local restaurant (like Prime Timers but open to ages 0 -???). Maybe you have always wanted to try out that new restaurant that just opened in town but haven’t had a reason to go yet. Or a backyard picnic with your favorite Dreisbachers is what works best for you at your house in the summer months?
If you are interested in being a “Dreisbach Diner” host, please reply indicating this. Once we have the hosts determined, we will announce what the first “dining experience” will be together and the invitation will certainly be extended to everyone!
All Church Retreat
The 2019 All Church Retreat will take place March 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the Crystal Springs Retreat Center. Kevin Gillen will be our speaker and a Children's Program will be offered for the weekend. If you haven't attended in the past, I highly recommend joining us for a fun filled, spiritually uplifting weekend!!! Please fill out a Registration Slip, found on the table in the back of the sanctuary and turn it into Tammy Pierce. Overnight accommodations are available on a first come first serve basis.
A list of grocery items for the All Church Retreat can be found in the back of the sanctuary. Please signup to donate if you are able. Your donations help to keep the cost of the retreat down for more to enjoy!
Let’s meet Beatrice Dorsainvile
who is our church sponsored child who lives in Haiti. Beatrice is one of over 5,000 children who are cared for by a mission called New Missions. Why a title like “New”? Good question. More than 30 years ago a family of four from Massachusetts felt led by God to purchase a tract of land on the Leogone Plain in Haiti. It was available land because myth said the land was under a spell of voodoo, and nothing would grow on it anyway. O once barren land is green today.
Upon arrival in Haiti the DeTellis family walked 3 ½ miles in from a dirt road and pitched five tents before dark. Over a wood fire, they cooked their first meal. No electricity, no clean water, a toilet over a hole, a barrel of water. Three times the U.S. Embassy asked the DeTellis family to leave because of danger. They didn’t… because of their belief that God had called them to a “new” mission.
Today Beatrice has a future in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. She is receiving health care, food, clothing, and a Christian education. She also receives the opportunity to become a self-supporting adult in her impoverished world.
Each February we remit $360.00 from our church family for the support of Beatrice. Please help Beatrice by using the brown envelopes in the pew racks to contribute to her support.