June 2018 Newsletter

“The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."  (John 3:9)


My recent trip to San Francisco was an experience that was geared towards meeting and being in places where many who may consider themselves Spiritual but not Religious find themselves. These types of people are majority young adults who have beliefs about God and maybe even practices that have to do with a higher power, but they are not finding themselves in church buildings as generations in the past have. So we were able to be in places where many live out their passions and interests in ways that are meaningful to them.  We encountered many folks who are artists, in one form or another, and we interacted with them and learned from them. There is a lot that is similar to those finding themselves in the church, but a big point of division is the vocabulary that is used when we or those who are Spiritual but not religious folks speak about how they live out their connection to a Divine presence and their connection to their community around them. Words like meditation are used instead of prayer, meaningful experiences can occur in many different settings or places, not just a sanctuary or church.

We met with an artist by the name of George Zisiadis, please google him if you would like to see his work. He has done many public art projects in big cities across the country and is now in San Francisco doing more. Our time with George showed us his deep connection to something greater than himself, as well as, his desire to connect and build community around him. The good work he is about is separate from the church, but it is life giving and life fulfilling. How can the church be in partnership with those that are experiencing the Divine or God in different ways than ourselves?  

Some of our other experiences allowed us to interact with folks who create and innovate using their passions, gifts, and interests. One of the things we did was to visit Wood Thumb (www.woodthumb.com); here we got to use our hands and be creative and see how many folks experience community and learning. Many are embarking upon activities like wine and paint classes, or any number of other activities that bring people together to do something fun and meaningful together. What activities could we offer that would be fun and utilize the gifts and interests of our members?

            During our times of debriefing and reflecting on our experiences we studied a little bit of what is called Human Centered Design (ideo.org), which is a problem solving plan for many of the innovative world. This process is being used to solve big problems in 3rd world countries, it’s being used to innovate our devises and items we use all the time, and this work is being done to focus on people and offering what they need and want. So we looked at how the church’s planning and programing and worship could be more focused on the people we are here to connect to God. What would be different? What would shift?, How would our approach be different? And many ideas were shared and that is a key to Human Centered Design: all voices are valued and needed in the process in order to search out the best solution for the group; so get ready because Dreisbach is in need of your voice and your gifts and your passions to serve and grow in Christ’s name. I look forward to sharing more thoughts and experiences with you from my time in CA.


                                                                                    Blessings and Prayers to All,                                      

                                                                                    Pastor Nate




            There is a group forming in order to read and reflect on the book by William Paul Young entitled “The Shack, Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity.” The book came out in 2007 and has been widely read in the last 10 years. Most recently the book has been made into a movie. We invite you to join us in sharing together in a small group setting as we read the book and see how it affects our connection with God and our understandings of God’s interactions with us.

            We will be starting to gather and discuss the book on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 AM at the church. It is my hope that we will share in guided conversation and discussion about the book and its insights for about an hour. The plan is to read about 2 chapters a week and have the topics and sharing come from those 2 chapters for that week, thus building upon the conversations of previous weeks. There are books available. We invite you to join us if you can, or if you can not we invite you take a book and read it on your own and I am sure there will be discussions occurring at other points of our life together. I am looking forward to sharing in this opportunity of reading together.

Worship Schedule this month:


June 3rd  -  (Theme of Worship: Stretch out your Hand) 1st Samuel 3:1-20; 2nd Corinthians 4:5-12; Mark 2:23-3:6. First Sunday Fellowship.

June 10th  – (ToW:The Will of God) Graduate Sunday,1st Samuel 8:4-15; 2nd Corinthians 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-35.

June 17th  – (ToW:Flourishing) VBS Closing,1st Samuel 15:34-16:13; 2nd Corinthians 5:6-10, 11-17; Mark 4:26-34

June 24th  – (ToW: In The Boat Together) 1st Samuel 17:1a, 4-11,19-23, 32-49; 2nd Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41.

July 29th (5th Sunday Conversation)


July 29th is the next 5th Sunday Conversation and I am going to lead a discussion on how we read our Bibles. There are many ways to look at, read, and understand scripture and I feel we need to look into some of these in order to begin to have other, deeper, conversations about our faith and Holy Scriptures. This will occur following worship, during the normal Sunday School Time. Please join us, it is open to all.


Vacation Bible School


“Rescued by Jesus”

Venture onto an unchartered island where kids survive and thrive.  Anchor kids in the truth that Jesus carries them through life’s storms.

Summer is nearly upon us and so is VBS!

June 11th – 15th 6:30 -8:30pm

Silent Auction


VBS closing will take place during the morning worship service on June 17th followed by our auctions which make this fun and inspirational week possible for our children. Donations are needed. Your support is necessary to make these auctions a success. Bidding will take place immediately following the worship service.  Suggestions for donations include new or hand-crafted items and furniture, baked goods, gift baskets and gift cards. Please have all donations except baked goods to the church by Friday evening.  Baked goods may be brought in Sunday morning before the service.  Please see Diane Amabile, Bev Chamra or Holly Snyder with questions or if you are able to help out. Your help is greatly appreciated!


Recognition of Graduates


On Sunday, June 10th we will recognize those members of our congregation who have or will be graduating in 2018.  Our graduates this year are:

            Adam Leitzel – Mifflinburg High School/SUN Area Technical Institute, Diesel & Truck Technology

            Brett King – Mifflinburg High School

            Alec Chappell – Mifflinburg High School

            Ryli Amabile – Mifflinburg High School

            Andrew Leitzel – Susquehanna University, B.S. in Accounting

            Connor & Hannah Pierce – Lebanon Valley College, Doctorates of Physical Therapy

            Liz Metzger – Juniata College

            Caitlin Dodge – Harrisburg ACC, Nursing (December 2018)

Congratulations to all of them on these wonderful accomplishments!


Where in the World is Dreisbach?


Let’s SHARE the special things we do and places we go this year to help celebrate our 230th Birthday.  Snap a photo with the “Where in the World is Dreisbach Flyer”--- note “who and where” and drop a photo copy in the box at the back of the church or email to pam_adminsec@dreisbachucc.org and we’ll post it on the Dreisbach Facebook page.  Join in the Fun!  Take the Flyer and start snapping!  And, be sure to follow everyone on Facebook.

Thank You


Thanks to the people who donated food items, work crew, and cleanup crew for the Tristan food stand held on May 5th. We were able to make $488.76 which will be geared toward special events here at Dreisbach.  Thanks again, Food Stand Committee.


Bob and I would like to thank Pastor Nate and all of our church family and friends for all the prayers cards and thoughtfulness in our time of need.  Prayers are powerful and God is an answer to all.  We hope you will continue praying for Bob as we aren’t sure yet if the cancer is gone

Thanks again,

Kay and Bob Reedy



Dear Dreisbach Church family,

I wanted to send a note to say thank you for your wonderful welcoming and hospitality that you showed me when I came to speak at your Lenten breakfast’s series.  I was truly blessed by all of you and served a wonderful breakfast besides!

I wanted to say thank you for your gift that was given.  I wanted to let you all know that I took your gift and provided a breakfast at our homeless shelter in Lewistown.  The joy of providing the food and helping to serve their breakfast continued your wonderful welcoming and hospitality to all I met that day!

My prayers continue to be with you as you minister together and welcome anyone who is on their life journey.

Peace and in Our Lord’s Service,

Rev. Tammy Gessner


The family of Beverly Brouse would like to thank everyone who thought of her and sent cards prior to her passing. 

Love ya all – “family”

June Birthdays & Anniversaries

Remember the following people in your prayers as they celebrate special days this month.


3              Rodney & Sonya Hepner                                               17           Douglas Dodge

4              Debra Baker                                                                       18           David Fridline

5              Robert W Magyar                                                                            Leah Mensch

6              Syl & Joy Catherman                                                      22           Robert J Magyar

                Mabel June Walter                                                          24           Bonnie Dodge

7              Ed Miller, Jr.                                                                       25           Don & Kathleen Shemory

9              Jim & Eleanor Gold                                                          26           Dale Berger

                Maverick Rockey                                                                              Gayle Pletcher

11           Lori Fridline                                                                                         Bob & Doloras Maurer

13           Kathryn Herman                                                               27           Rob Enders

15           Marlene & Larry Gotshall                                                             Brenda Reynolds

16           Robert & Tammy Pierce                                                 28           Dale & Linda Ruhl                                             Ryan & Ashley Mensch                                                                  Declan White    

17           Robert & Elaine Rockey                                                  30           Seth Pletcher



If you know of any additions or corrections to the birthday and anniversary list, please give or email them to Pam Pfirman.              

2018Julie Rockey