April 2018 Newsletter
God’s Surprising Choices
"For the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7
These words below come to us from Pastor Tony Robinson, a UCC minister and author: “A friend of mine did a sermon series she called "The Ten Essentials." Her subtitle was, "The Ten Bible Stories You Have to Have." She would tell her congregation, "It's too dangerous for you to go out there without these stories tucked in your hearts." This one, the story of the prophet Samuel's visit to Jesse to anoint one of his sons to be king of Israel, would make my top ten, if for no other reason than the line quoted above. "God does not look on outward appearances, but upon the heart."
“Jesse had a passel of sons. He paraded seven of them before Samuel, beginning with Eliab, who was not only the eldest but big and tall and studly. Looked like excellent king material, as did the others. But one after another God gave a thumbs down to an increasingly exasperated Samuel. Finally, Samuel—desperation in his voice—asked Jesse if he had seen all of his sons. "Well, there is one more, the youngest. He's out tending the sheep." Samuel said, "Bring him." God said, "This is the one." He was the youngest, the smallest, the least likely, a mere boy. David”.
“But he was the one God wanted. Why? Well, God seems to like surprising us. God gets a kick out of messing with our expectations. God seems to like choosing people that conventional wisdom would not consider in a million years. Like Moses, who had a public speaking problem. Like Jeremiah who was a raw youth. Like Mary who was unwed and poor. Like Paul who was known as an enemy of the church. God, as a friend likes to say, has, "a preferential option for the unlikely."
“There's both bad news and goods news here. The bad news is that our choices and evaluations are often made on a superficial basis. The good news is that in our heart of hearts many of us harbor a sense of deep inadequacy. We think we're not enough. Not smart enough. Not good enough. Not faithful enough. We feel we are very unlikely candidates for God's love, for doing God's work in the world. But good news: God can and does have a preferential option for the unlikely, which includes me and maybe you, too” (Tony Robinson, UCC Devotional 3/22/18).
Prayer: Holy One, when the voices thrum that repeat "not enough," ring in my ears; help me to hear your surprising word and to know that, by your grace, I am enough. Amen.
Blessings and Prayers,
Pastor Nate
April 29th Conversations
Following worship on the 5th Sunday of the month you are invited, no, you are urged, no, we need your presence at this event. We need every one who values, participates, enjoys, and is a part of Dreisbach to join us for a time of conversation and sharing of how we work together as the body of Christ in this local church. It is the hope of the consistory that we share in this time of planning and preparation for how we organize and do the work of the church together. It is our goal to create structure around the life of the church that helps to continue the dreaming, the sharing, the energy, and the living out of our purposeful work together.
The consistory has been attempting to shape and define the needs of the many parts of our church. We are in need of creating and naming committees or teams that carry out the purposeful work and business of the church. This is essential for an active and growing church. In order for Dreisbach to continue in its movement forward in mission and increase of active participants we need to organize and share the workload across the active and committed membership of the church. "Many hands make light work" (John Heywood), and that is extremely true as we work together in using our gifts, and fulfilling our call as Christ’s disciples to a world in need.
Join us as we roll out some ideas of what we feel the needs are at this time. We invite your feedback and thoughts; as we invite you to dream along with us in this process of what God is calling us to do now and into the future. "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success" (Henry Ford). We will gather for no more than an hour. After this gathering is when we will begin set up for the rummage sale and participate in our adopt-a-highway activities. Your help is essential to our success and ability to do the Gospel work of Christ’s church in this place and time.
The Shack
There is a group forming in order to read and reflect on the book by William Paul Young entitled “The Shack, Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity.” The book came out in 2007 and has been widely read in the last 10 years. Most recently the book has been made into a movie. We invite you to join us in sharing together in a small group setting as we read the book and see how it affects our connection with God and our understandings of God’s interactions with us. If you are interested in joining with this book group opportunity please let Pastor Nate know as soon as possible; as we will attempt to shape the gathering time around those who are interested in taking part.
Worship Schedule this month:
April 1st – (Theme of Worship: By My Hand, For My Sake: Mary Magdalene). Acts 10:34-43; 1st Corinthians 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8. Happy Easter, No Fellowship Time or Sunday School.
April 8th – (ToW: Marks of Faith) Acts 4:32-35; 1st John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-31. Normal Sundayor School following worship.
April 15th – (ToW: Christ Among Us) Acts 3: 12-19; 1st John 3:1-7; Luke 24: 36b-48. Normal Sunday School to follow worship.
April 22nd – (ToW: Enfolded By Love) Acts 4:5-12; 1st John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18. Normal Sunday School to follow worship.
April 29th – (ToW: Abiding in Love) Acts 8:26-40; 1st John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8. Regular children Sunday School, Large Group Gathering in Fellowship Hall for Sr. High Youth and above.
Looking Ahead a Little Further
May 6th - (ToW: Friends Together) Acts 10:44-48; 1st John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17. First Sunday Fellowship, No Sunday School.
Marianna’s Pizza & Subs
Pick-up for Marianna’s Pizza & Subs will take place on Saturday, April 7th from 11:00-12:00. If you are unable to pickup at that time please contact Judy Willow or Pam Pfirman to make other arrangements.
Movie Night
Join us for Movie Night on Saturday, April 14th. Disney’s “CoCo” will be showing on the big screen. Bring some friends and enjoy the popcorn!
Consistory Summary - March 18, 2018 meeting
Consistory is working on creating an organizational chart that will help create a clearer picture of the various activities, events and projects that take place at Dreisbach.
Improved COMMUNICATION would be one benefit from doing this.
Many things get done over the year such as funeral luncheons, meal deliveries, phone calls with prayer concerns, church retreat and grounds cleanup outside the church to name a few things. Some members may know who to contact but others may not.
The goal of this is to have the various working committees/individuals who are doing work for the church listed in a document that all members will be able to use as a reference.
We would like to have each of these committees categorized into one of eight “Pillars” that will have a Consistory member assigned to as a liaison to update the Consistory of what is going on. The fifth Sunday in April will be used to share this idea in more detail prior to Rummage Sale set up that Sunday morning.
Mother Daughter Banquet
The annual Mother Daughter Banquet will take place on May 12th at 6:00pm. Tickets are $11.00 for adults and $5.50 for children ages 4-10. They are available to purchase from Sue Leitzel, Samantha Kratzer or Joy Catherman.
Vacation Bible School
Warmer temperatures are on the way and so is Vacation Bible School. This year we invite you to get Shipwrecked with us June 11th thru the 15th. Closing will take place Sunday, June 17th during worship. Registration forms are available in the back of the sanctuary. As always lots of help is needed to make the week run smoothly. We will be planning some decorating parties a few evenings during April. Please contact Judy Willow or Pam Pfirman to see how you can help.
Children’s Day
Susan Klein, ventriloquist, will be bringing her family of friends to Dreisbach during our morning worship service on Children’s Day, May 20, which is the kickoff for our VBS program. Her love of ventriloquism started 24 years ago. She has touched the hearts of young and old alike through music, learning, laughter and fun. She puts her abilities to work in her puppets to teach life’s lessons.
Upcoming Meetings
The Investment Committee will be having a meeting on April 6th at 9:00am.
The Membership Committee will be meeting Monday, April 9th at 7:00pm.
The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group will meet on Monday, April 23rd at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.
The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timer’s will be meeting at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday, April 19th at 12:30 PM. Come an enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.
Church Treasurer
A big thank you to Melissa Stup for the great job she has done as treasurer over the last few years! With their upcoming move to New York quickly approaching she has stepped down from the role of treasurer. Lori Leitzel has assumed these duties and she may be contacted at treasurer@dreisbachucc.org.
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Free Livestream Seminars
Please join us in the sanctuary for these free livestream seminars presented by Dave Ramsey and his team at Financial Peace University. The first one will take place on Wednesday, April 18th from 6:45-9:30 pm entitled, “Money & Marriage”. The second one will be the following week, April 25th from 6:45-9:30 is called “Smart Money”. Please share this information with your family and friends!
Spring Rummage Sale
Dates for the annual spring rummage sale are May 3rd, 4th and 5th and you are needed! Help is needed for all phases of the sale; donations, unpacking, sorting and placing items on the tables, clerks, baggers, cleanup crew, and poster distribution. Your willingness to help is important. Racks and tables will be set up on Sunday, April 29th after Sunday School. Doors will open at 9:00am Monday for workers to begin sorting. Each following day doors will be open so volunteers can come and go at their convenience
Please call Judy Willow, 570-966-0721, to volunteer. Carol Willow, 570-966-2682, is project coordinator, and Connie Bastian, 570-523-9781, assists with publicity.
Past experience makes it necessary to make rules for donations. We are no longer able to sell children’s car seats. No worn out furniture or clothing. Please check before dropping off large items of furniture. All donations should be usable. Appliances need to be in working order.
Rummage may be brought to the church following Sunday school on April 29th. Sale hours will be Thursday and Friday 9:00 am – 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. Cleanup starts at noon on Saturday.
Our “reruns” benefit people in our community, provide money for missions and model good stewardship of resources.
Adopt A Highway
Our Spring Adopt A Highway clean-up on Dreisbach Church Road is scheduled for April 29th after we assist with the initial Rummage Sale setup. Pizza, drinks, trash bags, gloves, and safety vests will be provided. Please sign the sheet on the back table if you can help. Contact Julie Rockey with any questions.
Card Shower
With so many families and individuals in our community facing challenges at this time let’s remember to share our love and concern with them. One individual who can use that love at this time is Beverly Brouse. If you could drop a card in the mail it would be greatly appreciated.
Beverly Brouse
3445 St. Rt. 642
Milton, PA 17847
Thank You
Thanks to the many who contributed to the Mifflinburg Backpack program throughout the month of March. Thank you to Sharon Houseknecht for taking the lead with this endeavor. We had a great many people step up to fill the backpacks each week which made the work go quickly. Over the course of the month more than 5000 items were donated to this worthy cause!
April Birthdays & Anniversaries
Remember the following people in your prayers as they celebrate special days this month.
2 Sharon Stump 11 Charles & Karen Mensch 20 Keith & Gayle Pletcher
3 Bob & Joyce Hoffman 12 Graham Spangler 22 Bill & Annette Metzger
Derek Wiand Renee Ault 24 Nate Druckenmiller
Johnson Miller 15 Pamela Pfirman Barry King
Elizabeth Metzger Mary Lou Miller Donna Chappell
4 Dean & Betty Paul 16 Diane Amabile Merrill Kratzer
5 Tim Sones 17 Clyde Chappell, Sr. 27 Brian & Cindy Barber
7 Bill Smith Clinton Robenolt, Jr. 29 Collin Snydr
Eric Solomon 18 Galen Fetzer 30 Connor Pierce
Bill Smith 19 Don Bowman Shane Moyer
8 Brandon Barber Sharon Houseknecht
George Young
If you know of any additions or corrections to the birthday and anniversary list, please give or email them to Pam Pfirman.